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Soap Opera Digest Nov.28,2000 Issue

It's Only My Opnion
Carolyn Hinsey

Bianca's coming out on ALL MY CHILDREN was excellent. Start with the girly anthems "Freedom" and "I Kissed A Girl" that were playing in the bar. The uncertain Bianca, sporting an alien mask, took a seat and was immediately hit on by a woman. That gave Bianca the confidence to remove the mask - ne need to hide in that safe environment or fear being the "alien" in Erica's world. Bianca then flirted with a woman (playing with her straw, exchanging coy glances, laughing, blushing) who was suprisingly feminine no stereotypical lesbian garb or baggy clothes or braids; no poetry reading. After getting busted by Leo and Greenlee, Bianca had a heartfelt conversation with Leo where she finally told somebody the truth: "I didn't choose to be gay anymore than you chose to be straight," she explained. The scenes were sweet and went a long way toward explainng why Binky has been so, well, crabby. But here's a question: How is it possible that the savvy Greenlee - who grew up in Pine Valley - had never heard of the local lesbian bar in her small town?

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