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Letters From Friends To Me

Louie, How I love the nice
things you do for me.
The time you spend sending the right card.
The love I feel for you and receive from you.
The faith the hopes the dreams.
Some day baby it will all be ours.
Walking the walk together.
You are magic in my heart. ----------
Love You
Forever ----Joanie

The boy who does not know I love him

They all call me "Rosie," because every time I see him,
I go bright red. But I also think he likes me,
because he goes red as well.
I hope he gets to see this.

From Rachel, to P.A.

by the way, i just wanted to remind you
of what a good friend you are.
i feel like i can spill all of my heart out to you,
and you won't judge me,
but that you totally understand me.
i can honestly tell you how i feel
about how things are going in my life
like this whole growing up deal and stressing...
thanks so much,
i'm so happy that i've found you.

*love* titi



Wish you the best in the world.
Because you really deserve it.
Thank you for being my friend, like are few.
Friends are also few, and
I know that I count with you at least,
in a spiritual way, that,
is what really counts in life,
and love and kindness, also friendship.

- Rosie

hi Louie i just want you to no that
i know we dont get a chance to talk alot but
i value you nice e-mails i reacieve and
i want to thank you for them i have been
going thru some rought times but
you always put a smile on my face with your
cards and messages thank you again

love Blanca

Hi Baby, how are you doing?
You make me feel so special.
You will even make a girl like me fall for a guy like you............
You have always been sweet to me
... baby you can always clutter up my email,
because I know it is from someone
..who always bring me Joy............Gotta Love you.
: o )

Love Always,


Hello Louie,
I just wanted to say thank you for always making me
smile. I love reading your emails.
You are a very special person and I hope we never lose contact.
I just wish you were closer so I could give you a big hug.
Thank you for being so sweet.


Hey Lou:

Site looks great. Like I told you before,
you are wasting your talents.
Wish I was in a better position to make you shine
but I will always try to help you out the best I can.,br> By the way I understand there is a lot of money
in creating Web Sites.
This is something that you could probably do on the side,
either on your own , or working for someone else.
Think about it.


Thank you so much for this link you sent....
that is alot of the things I tell my loved ones...
that is so important to tell the ones you loves
how much they mean to you before it's to late....
And you mean alot to me Louis
thanks for being my friend...(((((((((Hugs & kisses))))))))))
You get a chance im me when you are on I miss talking with you...
Take care and God bless
: )

I really surprised your work louie, You're great! You are my especial person to me.....Contenue your good work. Be a good always. REMEMBER. . . . Truly great friends are hard to find. Difficult to leave, and impossible to forget!!
Love always, christ

hello sweetie, it is your storm. how are you?
i hope things are good and yes we are and always be friends.
i think you are a great guy and
i hope that you have all the happiness in the world.
love ya,

u get to mushy that i find hard to believe
besides i always enjoy ur pages u send me
they r always very heartfelt and i love them all.
Yeah at times i might need them more than i admit
and cause those r the ones that i need the most when
i'm down and that brings me to tears at times
when i'm going through a rough times
but i still enjoy them all
thank you for being the great friend that you are too.

Your web page is so cute,
I really thinks so....
although one of the baby pictures looks
exactly like one of my mom's.
Keep smiling

mi estimado amigo,
continua con las paginas
que te auguro un exito completo,
me siento muy orgulloso que seas latino,
porque gente como tu,
necesita nuestra colonia,
ya que pones muy alto nuestra raza
Roberto I. Salame

Hi Louie,
me gusto mucho este website,
es hermoso tener fotos de nuestra niņez y
tener gratos recuerdos de ella,
todo lo que has creado esta muy bien hecho.
Que Dios te bendiga.

My Dear Louie:

You always have the nicest things to say. I printed out your picture and stare at it every night before I go to sleep. What a STUD you are. Playgirl is your way to stardom. Latin Lovers are in "Ricky Martin and now LOUIE!! Stay always the Sweet and Caring person you are. You are a beautiful person inside and out.

Yours forever

Oh yes! the working out lol...
I love laughing too..always.
It`s good for the soul.
I`ll never lose the little girl in my soul.
And I know what you mean. lol lol
I have never been so complimentary to any man..
but lol lol...I can`t help looking at you..
you are adorable..
you have to be spoil by a special significant other. ...
leaving my sweetness here again..
and I won`t stop lol lol..
bye to me soon.

You are deserving of the compliment,
believe me the men that your age online,
look like they need to be in a home.
It is pitiful.
I peeped your friendship page and
it is nice.
take care Papi

My Dear Louie:
You always have the nicest things to say.
I printed out your picture and stare at it every night before I go to sleep.
What a STUD you are.
Playgirl is your way to stardom.
Latin Lovers are in "Ricky Martin and now LOUIE!!
Stay always the Sweet and Caring person you are.
You are a beautiful person inside and out.
Yours forever

Hon, I LOVE it, sorry I took so long to reply
but I`m just sitting here inna state of shock.
No one has ever done anything that nice for me before.
I`m so grateful really grateful. I know it`s
just a webpage but it says alot about the
person you are.
If I was in the States i`d personally come over
and give you a big ole Aussie kiss :)
Thank you so much mwah

This was absolutely beautiful Louie.
Thank you.
I hope you had a very merry christmas and
I pray that you will have a Blessed New Year.
I know you will.
You're one of God's most precious messengers..
You always brighten my day :^)
Love Always,
Your Friend and Sister in Christ
Sheila Bonita Lee
(Brandy327 ;)

Thanx 4 the nice message and I wish U a Blessed,
safe and great weekend too! Tambien...
I just wanted 2 let u know that about 2 weeks
ago I saw the next 2 movies in the "Left Behind"
series ..."Revelation" Y "Judgement".
And lemme tell u Pa they were
soooooooooo powerful!!!!
Just like the 1st one "Left behind"-
those movies also had me up all nite.....
thinking,repenting, and praying to try to be
more like Jesus.
i know u said to me in a prior note
that u read all the books pero
the movies are soooo Real and really have woken
me up again cause I was really struggling
the last couple months or so.

Maria -

I just went to your chat page.... that is amazing...... I`m just sittting here shaking my head, It`s definately very cool what you have done and how you have touched people`s lives. hmmmmmm I understand your love for the internet now.