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Poems For You To Read

For My Friend
by Carol Miller
across the miles
you touched my life,
opened my eyes, and
filled my empty heart-

strangers, yet friends,
our spirits reach out,
always touching, never apart- -

you in the east,
me in the west,
never together,
never apart- -

What You Mean To Me
by Baby Bad

I never came here looking for a single soul.
But now that I found you I want you to know

I had forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to be me
I had forgotten the sweet pleasure of a heart filled with glee.

I was intoxicated with life... work and family
Never stopping for fun... it just wasn't there you see.

Since I have found you... it's been a complete turn around
I smile and laugh again... not much gets me down.

I get excited when I see you on ICQ
Wondering what it is today we will do...

Chatting, laughing and the games we play
You make my every day.

It seems so silly on just a machine
How someone can reach you... become your everything.

A True Friend
by LadyBrandi
We met upon
the internet,
My heart you did
not have yet.

I sit and wait each day,
for the song my
heart will soon play.

Of laughter, love and tears,
You have washed away
all my fears.

To be my friend
and see so deep,
I now know why
I don't get
much sleep.

I have waited
through all these
To find something
to hold so dear.

And now I know
I'll never be
For I have found
a true friend
in you.

Unseen Friend
by Iceman
Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,
unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,
perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

© Renee Franklin - Dec. 2, 1997

In my darkest hour...
In my deepest despair...
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

In my trials and my tribulations?
Through all doubts and frustrations?
In my violence...
And my turbulence?

Through my fear
And my confessions?
In my anguish...
And my pain?

Through my joy and sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I will never let you part
For you, are always in my heart.

© Sheila Cheasbro

You're my friend because you're always there,
If there's sadness around or in the air,
At night, in the morning or anytime of day,
You're there to cheer me up and chase the sadness

I just want to thank you for all you've done,
You've helped me through a lot, you're really number
Thanks for all the good times that we share,
It shows that you're one who really does care.

Thanks for being there when time got rough,
You make it easier when times get too tough
Thanks for being there each and every day,
Thanks for being you in that very special way.

© James Brinkworth

Will you be there when I'm down,
And catch me when I fall?
Will you hold me when I need
To feel the warmth of your touch?

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam?

Will you discuss those painful things,
That you'd rather not think about?
Like the times we've hurt each other,
And promised would never do so again?

Will you say the right thing,
When all I've heard is the wrong?
And tell me soothing words,
That make the pain I feel subside?

Will you understand me when I say,
"I can't see you now, go away"?
Will you come back when I call,
As if nothing happened at all?

If you'll do these things for me,
And keep smiling all the way.
If you'll be with me through the bad times,
As well as the good.

Then truly you are my friend,
My pal, my mate and my confidante.
And that means so much to me.
I thank you dearly, for being there,
You, My Friend.


Someone, somewhere is peacefully watching
two seeds haphazardly tossed by a strong wind,
Lightly landing side by side
on soft fertile soil,
growing separate together
in a vast, expanding landscape under the same sun,
under the same moon
clinging to their own roots....
deep, hard, determined,
still side by side,
intertwining, growing closer,
sharing the same air,
the same wind,
the same rain....
Learning to understand,
to comfort, to give, to receive, to love.


A good friend is someone
to do nothing much with
and find "nothing much" so much fun.
A good friend is talking and talking
about everything under the sun.
A good friend is someone who really is glad
when you've worked for and won a success.
Someone you don't have to be on your guard with
or be what you aren't to impress.
A good friend is so many wonderful someones
all mixed in a marvelous blend
Of memory making, of giving and taking,
a "now and forever" Good Friend.


We met upon the Internet,
A friendship electronic,
Expressed alone in words and thoughts,
Inevitably platonic.

We live too far apart for us
To mingle in the flesh,
But much more close than family,
Our hearts and feelings mesh.

Your dear, dear self reveals itself
Without a voice or face.
We have our own sweet home within
Our precious cyberspace.


One day a man was walking along the beach
when he noticed a figure in the distance.
As he got closer he realized the figure was that
of a boy
picking something up and gently throwing it into
the ocean.
Approaching the boy, he asked,
"What are you doing"?

The youth replied, "Throwing starfish in the ocean.
The sun is up and the tide is going out.
If I don't throw them in, they will die."

"Son", the man said,
"Don't you realize
There are miles and miles of beach
and hundreds of starfish?
You can't possibly make a difference!"

After listening politely, the boy bent down,
Picked up another starfish,
And threw it into the surf.

Then smiling at the man, he said,
"I made a difference for that one!"


When troubles come your soul to try
You love the friend who just stands by.
Perhaps there's nothing he or she can do
The thing is strictly up to you.
For there are troubles all your own
And paths the soul must tread alone.
Times when love can't smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavey load.
But just to feel you have a friend
Who will stand by until the end.
Whose sympathy through all endures
Whose warm hand clasp is always yours.
It helps somehow to pull you through
Although there's nothing he or she can do.
And so with fervent heart we cry.....
God Bless the friend who just stands by.

Somebody Cares

Though we can't be together
Somebody cares
if you're happy today,
If your heart
is cheerful and light.
Somebody cares
if you're feeling good
And everything's
going just right.
And somebody hopes
that this message will show,
In a warm little
heart-to-heart way..
You're thought of,
and happily wished
An especially wonderful day!

My Special Friend

You are a special part
of all that I hold
dear to heart.
And when the days
and miles divide us,
our friendship still
lives on inside us.
The dreams we've shared,
the laughter, too...
I love the friend
I Found In You!

Footprint In The Sand

One night a man
had a dream.
He dreamt he was
walking with the Lord.
Across the sky
flashed scenes of his life.
For each scene,
he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand;
one belonged to him,
and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of
his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the
footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times
along the path of his life there
was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it had
happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered the man and
he questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided
to follow you, you'd walk with me all
the way. But I have noticed that during
the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed
you most, you would leave me."

The Lord replied,
"My precious child, I love you
and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Friendship Rose

Just like a rose,
so precious and rare,
is the forever friendship
the two of us share.
Planted with kindness,
it's warmed by the sun
of caring and sharing,
laughter and fun.
It's grounded in trust
and nurtured by love,
with a sprinkling of grace
from God up above.
Tears of sadness and joy,
like dew, renew this friendship
I share with you.
And in the heart's garden,
we find the room to be ourselves,
to grow and bloom.
A blessing of beauty unsurpassed,
our friendship's a flower
that will always last.


As long as the sun does shine,
baby Together we'll walk through time,
As long as the wind does blow,
my darling ... Forever our love will grow.

No matter what bumps may block our way,
no matter the storms that appear to stay,
No matter the darkness that makes us blue,
Together My Love, with our Father,
we'll waltz right through.
I Love You Honey,
from the depths of this heart so true,
and as you are here for me,
know I am here for you,
regardless of life's sunshine
or rainy weather,
My Darling Forever...
we'll walk life's path together.

Somebody Loves You

Somebody loves you
Far more than you know
With a love that keeps growing
As days come and go...
Somebody needs you
To make life worthwhile
Needs your warm touch
and the joy of your smile.

When We Fell In Love

When we first fell in love,
all I wanted was to be with you,
and all I needed
was your smile and your love
to make me happy.
I thought it would always
stay that way...
But everything changes,
and I'm glad,
because when we first fell in love,
I couldn't have known that
the best was yet to come ~
that I could be even happier,
or love you even more ~
but I do.


There is only one person
I trust so completely,
Only one person
who treats me so sweetly,
Only one person
I'll love my life through
I know that because there is only one You!

A Wish

For a Happy Day
That is sent with lots of love
To someone really special
And who's thought
The whole world of!


Let's promise each other
to always take Good care of our Love

Let's nurture it, honor it,
have happy little times with it,
teach it all there is to know about us,
and always keep it just as misty eyed,
gentle, laughing and sweet as it is right now


I needed you
and found your arms around me,

Laughed with you
and seen clouds disappear,
Leaned on you
and felt your strength surround me,
Shared rough times with you
and felt no fear....
Believed in you
and seen my trust rewarded,
Dreamed with you
and seen my dreams come true...
Loved you
and seen every day grow sweeter...
Each day I've found more happiness with you.

Because of all the thoughts
and feelings
that only we can share,
because of all that you alone
bring to my world.
I know we have the kind of love
that really is unique...
and I know
that the most important person
in my life
is you.

All My Love

The Magic of Love

Love is like magic
And it always will be
For love still remains
life's sweet mystery
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace
Love is unselfish.
Understanding and kind
For it sees with it's heart
And not with its mind
Love gives and forgives
There is nothing too much
For Love to heal
With its magic touch
Love is the language
That every heart speaks
For love is the one thing
That every heart seeks


Somewhere, deep down inside me,
there is a place you have magically healed.
A place you have touched so gently, so sweetly, so
A place where you have,
one by one,
opened all the windows to let in the sunlight
That place is my heart.
That magic is love.
That sunlight is the joy of being with


I love you
Not for what I want you to be
But for what you are
I loved you then
For what you were
For what you have become.


As long as forever
I will stay by your side....
I'll be you companion,
Your friend, and your guide.

As long as I live
And as long as you care....
I'll do anything for you,
I'll go anywhere.

I'll bring you the sunshine,
I'll comfort your fears,
I'll gather up rainbows
To chase all your tears,
As long as forever,
My love will be true,
For as long as I live....
I'll love only you.


If there was a land
where wishes came true,
my first wish would be....
to share forever with you!


May our friendship last forever;
May I sail upon your sea.
May we go through life together;
May there always be a "we."

May I be your endless sky;
May you breathe my gentle air.
May you never wonder why
Each time you look for me, I'm there.

May we be for each a smile
Like the warm, life-giving sun;
Yet when we're in pain awhile,
May our suffering be one.

May we share our special days,
The happiness of one for two;
And if we must go separate ways,
Let my love remain with you.


This is the first time I have every loved;
Yours, the first face I cannot forget.
I think you are afraid, perhaps, and moved
To wonder whether you should do this yet.
I also am afraid, and yet I know
That wonder is a thing that needs a yes;
Shoud you step back and let this moment go,
Both you and I will have to live with less.
Please trust my love, as I must trust in yours.
It's strong as steel, as delicate as lace,
Immovable as battered granite shores:
I feel its power and unremitting grace.
So come, my love, and try this love with me;
Let your love speak, and then you will


I didn't get a chance to say I love you.
You were gone before we got that far.
All I know is now I really need you,
Yet when I look for you, you aren't there.

You said once that you never would forget me,
Yet how am I to know without you here?
Such emptiness! Like what I feel within me:
Neither flesh nor tears, just cold thin air.

Sometimes, alone, I feel your arms around me,
And all my need for you spills out in pain.
Jagged memories of you surround me.
I cannot think I won't see you again.


How wonderful to have you in my life!
All my feelings whirl about my heart!
Perhaps I can't contain that I'm yours;
Perhaps I don't know how or where to start.
You have my always, no matter what you do:
A gift I give my gift, joyously.
Northing means as much to me as you;
Nothing else so fully makes me, me.
If I had everything that God could grant,
Very little there would bring me peace.
Enwrapped in you is everything I want;
Rapture, warmth, affection, sweet release.
So strong my love! So happy, sure, and strong!
A thousand thousand years woul dnot seem long!
Reason tells me everything must end,
Yet you will always be my lover-friend.


Do not doubt how much I love you
Though my time with you is thin.
I am always thinking of you,
Always loving you within.

A full-time working mom and wife
Just doesn't have much time to give.
But I have given you my life,
And you still reign where I most live.

I do the best that I can do
And hope that you will understand
That everything belongs to you:
My eyes, my thoughts, my heart, my hand, my


Happiness is not a tended rose
Amid the prescient beauty of a garden:
Perhaps one senses soon some gate may close;
Perhaps one senses soon the earth will harden.
Years come and go like waves upon a shore,
Violent or peaceful with the wind.
After one has given up on more,
Love waits within the heart, its passion thinned.
Even in a passage void of light,
Nether windings black with rage and grief,
There are waters sweet with lost delight
In which one finds a strong, serene belief.
No happiness can overcome life's pain
Except one love, and love give life again.


As I watch the rising sun it reminds me
that our love has to travel a long, long way,
I think of the end of the rainbow
we could reach someday.
Your smile whispers through my mind,
hoping that someday it will be our time.
As for now I can only dream of holding you tight.
Until then I must send you a kiss


When we first fell in love,
All I wanted was to be with you,
and all I needed was your smile
and your love to make me happy.
I thought it would always stay that way...

But everything changes,
and I'm glad,
because when we first fell in love,
I couldn't have known that
the best was yet to come ~
that I could be very happier,
or love you even more ~
but I do.


We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.

With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we sit in a

We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.

We wait for somebody, to type out our name
We want recognition, but it is always the same.

We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes flirt
In Palace we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.

We do form friendships - but - why we don't know
But some of these friendships, will flourish and

Why is it on screen, we can be so bold
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.

Why is it we share, the thoughts in our mind
With those we can't see, as though we were blind.

The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell.
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.

We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must
So we turn to the 'puter, and to those we can

Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains
They are Friends Without Faces, and odd little


Cupid's arrow struck my heart,
with you a never ending love I want to start.
Cupid's arrow struck me hard,
with my life your love I'll guard.
Cupid's arrow made me see,
what I feel for you is larger than the sea.
I love you with all my heart,
Cupid's arrow I thank for playing it's


A day for hearts and flowers
The time to say you care
A chance to tell your loved ones
You're glad that they are there.

But wonder why we wait
Until this certain day
To do those "special" things
And say those things we say?

Why not tell mate or lover
Each day the whole year through,
"Valentine, I'm glad you're mine,
And I surely do love you."


My love, you are a dream come true,
For without you I would be blue.
You have loved me more and more each day,
And always helping me to find my way.
You are so gentle and so dear,
That is why I want you near.
And though life has its ups and downs,
Let there never be any frowns.
For in my arms you find some rest,
For my darling you are the best.

~Images Of Oneself~
When I look in the mirror
The reflections that I see,
Are not of anyone famous
They are only of me.
No matter what I do
No matter where I go,
I cannot lie to this image
Or hide from its glow.

When other people see me
They see a room dimly lit,
To see it though and though
One must come in and sit.

There's a room in my heart
That no one knows but God,
It's sealed to the public
Away from stares and nods.

But on that Great Judgment Day
Before Him I will stand,
The Levi Jeans I'm wearing
Will not be worth their brand.
The gold chain around my neck
Or the fur around my back,
Will not impress the Savior
For what my soul may lack.

So mirror when I look at you
I want to always see,
A person clean inside and out
And ready for Eternity.
by Ulga Cardin

My words that are written with my hands,
reach your heart.
The tender emotions I put
in my written words you feel,
and wont stop feeling it.
You read this over and over again,
because you want to.
You don`t know why,
but you feel it inside.
And each time it gets stronger,
by every word, every moment.
This I share with you,
because you know it`s true.
Yet I write few words,
but with them they say so many things.

I touch my skin,
and i feel you touching me.
I hear slow jams,
And invasion you and me together.
Can you see us,
dancing together in a room,
with only us?
No one, there to mess up our groove.
I see you kissing me on my skin,
with your soft touch that I like,
that only you know how to give.
I can see it as if I was a third
person watching us.
Seeing the passion of two people
unfolding into one unique love.
one by one each item coming off and
leaving them the way that God brought them
in to this world.
They melt as one,
And never making the other one feel unloved.
Do you see what I see?

I stay awake at night
and think of a man.
A man that knows how
To give love to a woman.
I stay awake and
Wonder what
He would look
Negrita 2/28/01

My love
my love, my sweet love,
Your love is my air that
I breath and your passion
Is the food that I need to live.
You are the sun, the moon, the stars,
you are my everything.
Your beautiful eyes, your beautiful skin,
And your beautiful touch is like
a perfect dream that
I Never want to wake up from.
Never do I want to stop kissing you,
Touching you,
holding you in my arms,
Listing to you,
and most of all just being with U.

Big Daddy 2/28/01

Miss You!
I can’t wait to see you again!
So I can have your arms that keep
Me warm when you hold me.
So, when I do see you,
You will have a
Big hug waiting to give me!
And in return,
You will have a BIG,
Waiting for you.

By: Negrita

I often find myself searching
for a time to be at peace
with myself
A moment for serenity
A feeling for enchantment
As I stand by the window and
look out at the beauty of life
I wonder what it would be like
to live in a world that was totally
black and white
A world with no confusion,
no animosity, and no lies
This would be my special world
My dream of beauty in all its entirity
In my eyes, colors create chaos
and destruction
With colors everything must be exact
An entity of preciseness
with black and white there is a difference
A difference of actualness
A difference of accepting things
the way they ought to be
At peace with itself
and an acceptance of its naturalness
This is the true beauty of life,
Acceptance -
leaving things to be the way they ought to be
Plain, simple, innocent, and free
The serenity of black and white


There goes that chill again
This time I was longer then I got a fever
I couldn't stop looking at your lips
I wanted to taste them
They look so tasty
I crave and hunger for them

My mouth watered,
I lick my lips again you saw me
You did the same
My body heated
I feel a tingle between my thighs
I was on and nothing was going to turn me off
I could feel you body heat against my skin
You bend over and our lips meet
They parted together

Lavishly devouring each others sweetness
We parted I looked at you
now with the same confidence you showed
It was then I realize this is for real
It was not the end but the beginning
You are an angel, my angel.


A touch, soft and tender.
A whisper, full of desire
A gasp of sweet surrender
As passion fuels the fire

No words spoken between them
No promises to be kept
No lies being told tonight
No looking back - no regrets

Longing to hold each other
Such precious little time
Both vowed to another
Being lonely their only crime

Tomorrow bringing sorrow
A brief moment of shame
With the memory of this one night
A release from passion's flames

You kiss my lips...
as your mouth slowly devours mine,
I realize that what began as an innocent
desire has now escalated into an
uncontrollable hunger.

Clothes drop to the floor and
you lower me to the ground.
Your eager hands explore my quivering,
yet desirous body.
As anxiety floods my veins,
I grab your hands and gently guide them...
over my breasts, then down my stomach
until they finally reach my thighs.
I casually open myself to you while
dripping with anticipation.

You kisses gradually leave my mouth and
venture their way down until they meet
my sweetness. As your fingers spread me,
you lick, suck and tease.

Soon I clamp my hands around your head
and with an arch of my back,
I bury you deeper into me.
Your tongue continues to flicker across my
swollen nub as your turn and flip me to your

As the throbbing intensifies,
I find myself aggressively moving my hips
along with your movements,
gliding my clit up and down your moist,
soft tongue.
Soon my breathing transforms into heavy
panting and deep moans.
Suddently a tickling sensation races through
my entire body.

I am released...

God’s Gift

One day when God felt generous,

He looked down at me and smiled,

"Since I feel so magnanimous,

I'd like to give you something, child."

He asked me what I wanted,

I said, "Oh, really nothing more,

You've done so much already."

He said, "That's what God is for."

"You have been pretty good," He said,

I know there's not much that you seek,

I will pick a little something,

Just to make your life complete."

With great anticipation,

I looked forward to my gift,

I wondered what God had in mind,

That would give me such a lift.
"This gift," God said, "You realize,

Bears some responsibility,

So, if you accept my present,

You must be willing to agree...

"To offer unconditionally,

A section or a part,

Of more than half of you,

The larger portion of your heart."

"Okay, God," I answered,

"Since in You, I always trust,

I'll meet your obligation,

In the manner that I must."

To myself, I thought, wow, what a gift,

For so much of me, God's asked,

Now what could be so valuable,

That my share was more than half?

With both hands I sought my gift,

I still did not have a clue,

Then God put your hand in mine,

And said His gift to me was YOU!


How lovely it is in the forest;
The wind softly blows through the leaves,

And it whispers to me, "This is God's land;
And here there are none that deceive.

"Here you'll find quiet and beauty, A squirrel
quickly scampering by,

How clearly God's wisdom is shown here,
You may see if you'll open your eyes.

"The babbling brook sings a new song;
The wind blows in sweet harmony.

If you've never considered God's wisdom,
Open your ears, they may help you to see.

"The crackling sound that your foot makes;
The mocking bird singing a tune,

The howl of the fox when the day is far past,
Baying a song at the moon.

"In the midst of all this there is quiet;
Not just the kind you can hear,

But the kind that sinks deep in the soul of
a man. You are closer to God than you were.

"Consider the filtering sunlight Through the
leaves of the trees just above.

If you open your heart it will tell you That
all this was created in love.

"You may drink from the stream; it's clear and
it's pure. It's cool, and the taste is so

God planned it that way. He knew you'd be here,
And your needs he was happy to meet.

"The air's cool and crisp, caressing you now,
And beckoning you to breathe deep.

If through all of these things God has spoken
to you, You may find it hard not to weep."

So I fell on my knees and gave praise to Him
there, "Lord, Thy ways are better than mine.

And when I return to the place man has built,
I'll remember this place, and I'll make my ways


The day I met you
I knew you were the one,
I had then realized we would have so much fun.
My life is complete now that I have you,
Can we live the life that we always wanted to?
You make me happy when I am with you,
I hope this poem gives you a clue.
You make me feel good inside and out,
Hoping our love will never turn about.
Rosa M Santiago
Copyright ©2002 Rosa Marie Santiago