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~*AsTrO ArTiCLe*~

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Birthdate: April 19

Best Aries qualities: One of the qualities that shines through in an Aries is the ability to try new things without looking back. This boldness is apparent in Hayden - how else could he tackle the coveted role of Anakin Skywalker in the next "Star Wars" installment? Other benefits to being an Aries are courageousness, tons of energy and fearlessness.

Worst qualities according to his sign: Aries are very competitive. But if you're an actor like Hayden, competitive is the only way to be!

Best Love matches: Hayden does best when paired with a Gemini or Sagittarius. The Aries and Gemini make a terrific twosome who will never be accused of having a boring relationship. These two love life and each other! A Sagittarian will also complement the Aries. Hayden's Sagittarian match will have a great sense of humor, just like he does.

Worst love matches: The super-shy Virgo isn't the right one for Hayden, though. His boldness is too much for the Virgo and the Virgo's fussiness will annoy Hayden. The Cancer is another relationship no-no for Hayden. Cancer's cautious nature is the opposite of the Aries' carefree lifestyle.

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