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About me

My name is Nikole, and I'm 19 years old. I became interested in Hayden
after I watched the show "Higher Ground" on Fox the night it pemiered.
The show sparked my interest because there is an actual school called
"Higher Ground" on which the show is based. I've wanted to work there as a
volunteer for sometime, because I want to help people my age, cope with the
issues of our generation. Including such problems as alchoholism, drug abuse,
bulimia, anorexia...etc. My main ambition is to be a singer. If this works out (or not),
I plan on starting my own foundation for teens with these very issues.
I believe that music stimulates creativity, emotion, and life. I want to open this
gift up to those who want it, in an effort to show them that there really
are beautiful things in this world.
