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Hayden in Demand

E-mail the magazines.

E-mail Seventeen Magazine
E-mail PopStar Magazine
Teen People Suggestions Form
E-mail Rollingstone Magazine
Vote for Hayden here!

Well all would love to see Hayden on a magazine cover wouldn't we?? well maybe we can do something about it! Put Hayden in Demand! e-mail these magazines and tell them that to see hayden in their magazine would be great! Maybe once we have this nailed, we can get him in a TV talk sow or something like OPRAH or ROSIE! After all he is going to be the leading role in probably one of the biggest series of movies this century..right? well lets get him up there! Thanks alot!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM POPSTAR MAGAZINE: GREAT MINDS think alike. Hayden is pictured and briefly profiled in POPSTAR! (JULY 2000). This "Disney"-themed issue has 98° on the cover and goes on sale officially May 23, but has started showing up in stores already. Thanks!!!!