Huanzhu Gege (special edition)

My notes: Hey! This is my first time creating some stories.. and I am certainly goin to start something I like and something which is interesting. Don’t you think so?? If I don’t get the story lines u like then I am apologizing here ok?? So do bear with me and also any ideas or commands please feel free to email me at:

I am a big fan of Vicki you see.. hehe.. =)

Chapter 1

A few months after all the weddings…

"Yongqi!! Look over there!! I wonder what’s happening..why don’t we just take a little look?? That won’t kill rite??" shouted Xiaoyanzi excitedly

"Oh no.. I don’t think you should really go as I really don’t know what will happen next.." said Yongqi reasonably.

"I promise there won’t be any troubles.. ok?" said Xiaoyanzi.. giving him a very impatient look.

"Alright, just awhile don’t you??" Yongqi said finally.. hoping that someday he will just win.

Actually, there is just that Xiaoyanzi is always complaining about the boredom in the palace and she is always the one who always wanted to go out of the palace to play. So Qian Long always got somehow pestered to let her out so this day he decided to give Xiaoyanzi a short holiday with Yongqi , Erkang, and Ziwei .. This time including a newborn member, Qing Er.

Actually, all the crowded people over there are just seeing a little girl crying, the little didn’t age more than 12. Is that a male at about over his twenties wanting the girl to go to somewhere with him. The male seemed to be a hooligan in one-way or another.

Just then, Xiaoyanzi squeezed into the crowd and shouted, "How dare you!! Fancy bullying a little kid??"

"Who is this young lady here, do you want me to bring you to the brothel too??" shouted the man back.

Just then, Erkang and Yongqi reached and each gave the male a slap. "Bringing a little girl to the brothel?? You must be crazy and where are her parents??" shouted Erkang.

Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei went to comfort the little girl as she was crying as if she was dying and asked her who is the man that wanted her to go to the brothel.

The little girl replied softly "He is my father, he only knows how to gamble and nothing else. He also snatched away all my mother’s money causing my mother to die as she thought the world has ended and my mother committed sucide not long ago.. He still want to gamble time and time again. How that he is so poor that he wanted me to be sold to the brothel to get the money to return and to gamble." By that time the girl is crying so loudly that all of the people felt so sorry for her.

By this time, Qing Er arrived with the magistrate. The magistrate greeted all of them respectively but not my their real identities and greeted them as "Shaoye and Shaonainai" (Young Master and Young Mistress) Yongqi told the magistrate to take care of the matter and later on go on with their journey again.

In the carriage, Xiaoyanzi said "Yes!! I’ve done another good thing again!!" Ziwei said "You and your mind-others-business personality will never change. I wonder when will you change." Xiaoyanzi said "No choice, I must "lu jian bu ping, ba dao xiang zu" (help the ppl when they are in trouble)" Yongqi added "And also this three days trip remember not to cause any other trouble again ok??" Xiaoyanzi was furious already "What?? I create trouble?? I am helping ok??" Yongqi knew that he will certainly lose and gave up saying "Yes, my wife. I am the one creating trouble." Everyone in the carriage laughed and shook their heads and they knew about Xiaoyanzi’s character. She haven’t even change even that she is married.

Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi is watching at the scenery and where they seldom have the chance to see the beautiful scenery as they were always locked in the palace. These makes Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi to remember those wonderful times when they have not entered the palace and all the freedom they used to have. Both of them chance their happy expressions to a very sad and bored expression. Upon seeing their wives turned moody in a sudden, Erkang and Yongqi got to guess what’s on their mind and when on comforting their own wives, "Xiaoyanzi, you really help me a lot and sacrificed your freedom to me, but you will certainly still have the chance to see these scenaries right??" comforted Yongqi. Xiaoyanzi did not really said anything but just smiled. Erkang went comforting Ziwei "Ziwei don’t worry, you are not really locked in the palace, you are at Xue Shi Fu (The Fu’s House) that you can somehow easily go out." Ziwei too, just keep quiet and smiled however, inside Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei, they really missed those carefree lives for themselves. Qing Er somehow knew what’s on their mind and change the subject "Don’t you have your loving husbands now?? And also, don’t you get the chance to visit the country sides?? In this way maybe you will get to miss these wonderful scenery and countryside more often and you will cherish them more."

Both of them knew Qing Er and their own husbands are cheering them up and therefore Ziwei said cheerfully "Yes Qing Er’s always right, I have got my loving husband which is more important than anything else. Don’t you agree?? Xiaoyanzi. I actually cherish the sceneries now." Touched and shocked by Qing Er’s understanding and also the way she speaks, Xiaoyanzi cheered up too "Yes, as long as I am with Yongqi, anything worths."

Touched by Xiaoyanzi’s saying, Yongqi hugged her and said "I don’t know how I can do without you Xiaoyanzi, I really love you."

Xiaoyanzi hugged him back and said "Well me too, loved you too much and I myself wondered how I can do without all of your supports and understandings."

All of them were happy that the two princess got so good relations and also had the king’s dote. Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei therefore had back their cheerfulness and also smiled to tell that they are ok now. Upon seeing this, Yongqi and Erkang felt so fortunate to have such loving wives and everlasting love from them and too, smiled happily. Only for Qing Er, who is by herself and seemed to be thinking of something, she seemed to be so moody these days that she seldom talks much. She tried to act normal infront of Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei , but, she could not lie in Erkang’s eyes as he knew her since she was born and knew her very well, even a slight change in her mood he will certainly notice. Therefore he asked, "Qing Er? Are you alright?? You looked so pale."

Just then Xiaoyanzi interrupt "Yes, you do look pale, are you ok?"

"I am ok," Qing Er replied, "I am just excited for this trip maybe." She smiled reassuringly at all of them.

"We are stopping here for a break as this scenery by the mountains looks very beautiful, you want to stay in the carriage or what?" ask Yongqi concerned.

"No, I am really ok, of course we will get down, me too want to watch the scenery ok, you on purpose lefting me out and watch it by yourself?" Qing Er said joking trying to give a genuine smile at them, however, everyone noticed that she really have something in her mind.

"Then let’s go!" shouted Xiaoyanzi with excitement, climbing out to the carriage as the first one. Everyone shook their heads as they saw the energetic Xiaoyanzi jumping out as that she seems forever so immatured.

Ziwei too, noticed the mood of Qing Er’s, since Erkang knew her so well, she gave an eye signal to Erkang wanting him to talk to her, upon seeing that, Erkang noticed and knew what Ziwei meant and gave her a nod.

Xiaoyanzi jumped around the whole area happily and breathing those fresh airs and held Ziwei’s hands saying, "Ziwei, we haven’t enjoyed this type of freedom for a very very long time, don’t you think so?? I must cherish every second here."

"Yes," Ziwei replied softly, "This is soo beautiful."

Upon seeing that look from Erkang’s signaling that he wanted to talk to Qing Er alone, Yongqi understood and said to Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei "Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei the scenery looks fabulous over there, why not we go there and take a look and then we come back?"

Knowing that Yongqi wanted to keep Erkang’s and Qing Er’s private conversation from Xiaoyanzi, she agreed brightly "Yes, it really look nice, Xiaoyanzi let’s go." Pulling Xiaoyanzi in one hand while Xiaoyanzi pulled Yongqi with the other hand.

In the area, they’re only left with Qing Er and Erkang. There seemed silence among both of them. Erkang chose to break the silence "Qing Er, you do have something in your mind don’t you?? You know, we knew each other since young and you will talk non-stop if you see this type of scenery don’t you? You loved beautiful sceneries, but why are you so quiet today?" Qing Er seemed to be deep in thought and did not reply Erkang.

"Qing Er, Qing Er, are you alright?" Erkang asked worrily

"I ermm.. yes I am ok.. Just a bit tired," Qing Er replied quickly, not even want to look at Erkang.

Erkang sensed that there is something really wrong and if Qing Er decides to keep quiet about that, she will not even breathe a word as she won’t want to, not even you kill her, so, Erkang decided not to pursue the matter and let Qing Er to tell all of them by herself. He decided to cheer her up instead.

"Oh, dun worry we will look for somewhere go rest later on," Erkang said, " Why don’t we go and look to Ziwei, Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi? I heard that the scenery there seemed to be really nice, maybe you will feel better."

"Oh, ok, sounds nice," Qing Er said quietly and softly.

Both of them walked towards the direction in slience looking for Xiaoyanzi, Yongqi and Ziwei.

"Wow!" exclaimed Xiaoyanzi, "Yongqi, Ziwei! Come take a look at these flowers, they are so beautiful!" As she said, she began to sniff one of the beautiful flowers.

Ziwei and Yongqi joined her, "Oh, they are beautiful," said Ziwei. Seeing Xiaoyanzi sniffing at the flowers, Yongqi was afraid that it was some poisonous flowers and warned her sternly "Xiaoyanzi, don’t sniff, they might be poisonous."

"I am sure it’s not." Xiaoyanzi said confidently, "Both come and sniff it, they really smells nice so sweet and I wonder where I can find them."

Both Yongqi and Ziwei took a small sniff at first, true indeed, they really smelled nice and fragrant. The flower is an ancient flower that is not available now in the present days. The really looked very pretty with the mixture of the color pink and purple. They smell just at great, the smelled is so nice and sweet that will make you sniff more. However, no one knows what’s the real inside of the flower, they have the most poisonous liquid inside and most people will not live when they got connected to the tongs of the flower. Those sharp tongs of the flower will cause all the poisonous liquid of the flower and the person will get poisoned, those sharp tongs are to sharp that I will be in a terror of pain if you touch it.

Just then, Erkang and Qing Er appeared. Qing Er seemed to be cheering up abit, as she saw those beautiful flowers, she smiled and went to take a look, she too, took a quick sniff.

"They are too beautiful, and smells so nice," said Xiaoyanzi, "Reminds me of the smell of Hanxiang’s"

Seeing that his dearest wife loved the flowers so much, Yongqi decided to surprise her by plucking some of them for his dearest wife.

"Shall we go?" asked Erkang, "It’s getting dark, we should get an inn to spend the night."

"Yes, you all go ahead first," Yongqi said, "Wait for me in the carriage, I will be there soon." As he knew that that was his only chance to pluck the flowers for Xiaoyanzi.

Before Xiaoyanzi was out of sight, Yongqi plucked to flowers as he don’t think that he should really wait any long before things got suspicious. Not knowing of the tongs, he has accidently touched the tongs and was in pain both from the sharpness of the tongs and from the poison.

"Ouch!" Yongqi screamed.

Xiaoyanzi and the rest of them heard the screams of Yongqi and immediately rush back and attend to Yongqi. Xiaoyanzi saw that Yongqi is in great pained and it pained her heart too. She immediately went to Yongqi’s rescue.

"Yongqi," Xiaoyanzi panicked, "What had happened? Why are you shouting?"

As she saw Yongqi was in great pain that he can’t even speaks, she noticed that he kept holding his left palm and she quickly hold his palm and saw blood of blue turning out and his hands started to change colour. Xiaoyanzi’s face immediately turn white, as white as a sheet.

"Oh no," Ziwei said, "He’s poisoned!"

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyanzi paniked even worst "How??" as she hugged Yongqi in her arms and say, "Yongqi, bare with it, we will certainly cure the pain."

Too pain to say anything, Yongqi kept nodding and layed in Xiaoyanzi’s embrace.

As Qing Er felt something that Yongqi’s poisoned she had been encounted, she remember when she was young, before her parents death, her older brother had actually been poisoned as the same way and said "I’ve got it, this flower is Zi Fen Tu Hua (purple-pink poisoned flower) I remember once my older brother had also been poisoned while he picked it for me. How could I possibly let it slip of my mind just like that?"

Everyone brighten. "So which means you know the way of cure," replied Ziwei happily.

"Yes, I do," Qing Er replied as she tries hard to remember the incident and smiled at Xiaoyanzi "The cure of it is by using Huang Lan Tu Hua (yellow-blue poisoned flower) ‘Yi Tu Gong Tu’ (using a particular poison to fight against another poison.) And Yongqi will be alright in a flash."

"Then where can we find the flower?" asked Erkang.

Qing Er seaches around the place and saw Huang Lan Tu Hua in distance and shouted "Yes! That is Huang Lan Tu Hua, I am very sure of it! However we could not go there and touch the tongs of it as we are not poisoned, we can only bring Yongqi to touch the flowers and to eat up the flower, only one for the tongs and three petals is to be eaten." As Qing Er warned.

"But how?" said Xiaoyanzi worrily, "He is so weak that I don’t think that he can walk."

"Don’t worry," Erkang smiled at her, "I will carry him." He volunteered.

Luckily, Yongqi had the strength to eat and touch the tongs of Huang Lan Tu Hua.

"Yongqi," Xiaoyanzi asked, "Are you alright? Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, I am" he said, surprised that the strength he is recovering at such a fast rate and he could hardly feel any pain now and gave a quick kiss at Xiaoyanzi’s cheek.

Seeing that her husband is so much better, she thank Qing Er "Thank you, Qing Er. Without you I won’t know what will happen."

Qing Er replied, "We are a family right? Why are you saying thanks?"

"The sky is really dark, we really should go to the inn for a rest and we must go back to the palace tomorrow," Erkang said.

"Yongqi," asked Xiaoyanzi, "Can you walk? Lean on me for support."

"Don’t worry my wife," Yongqi said smiling, "Am I that weak?"

At the inn while Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi tucked in, Xiaoyanzi burst into tears. "Hey why are you crying, my dear?" ask Yongqi eyes full of concern.

Seeing those concerned eyes, Xiaoyanzi cried even louder, "I am sorry Yongqi, I brought you all these troubles again," she said in between sobs.

"It’s my own fault," Yongqi comforted, "It’s me who wanted to pick those flowers for you, you didn’t force me to. I am also healthily standing infront of you right? Wipe of your tears my dear wife, seeing you like that will make me feel bad do you know?" he reached for his handkerchief wiping away Xiaoyanzi’s tears and hugged and kiss her passionately on her lips.

Xiaoyanzi giggled and smiled "Next time do let me know when you are plucking flowers," she joked.

"Yes my wife," Yongqi said in between laughs, relieved that she is back smiling and said, "It’s getting real late, we will turn into pandas if we still don’t turn in."

Both of them turned in and had a peaceful sleep.

However in Qing Er’s room, she didn’t even sleep a wink, she is always deep in thoughts.

In Erkang’s and Ziwei’s room, "I am so scared that something happen to Yongqi." Ziwei said remembering the incident. "Well, there’s no danger now," Erkang comforted. "And the credit certainly belongs to Qing Er," Ziwei said. Upon hearing Qing Er’s name, Erkang gave a sigh as he could not know what is troubling Qing Er. As physic as they always are, Ziwei said, "Qing Er just refuse to tell you anything?"

Erkang nodded. Hugging him from behind, Ziwei comforted "Don’t worry, everything will be fine, she is my good sister too, she will tell us what’s bothering her." Erkang nodded once again and gave her a kiss on her cheek and said, "In this world only you understands me. Now let’s sleep, we have to return back to the palace tomorrow.

Ziwei nodded and drifted to sleep with Erkang.

The next morning, everyone woke up and hurry back to the palace to see Yongqi’s poisoned condition.


-continued on chapter 2-


Don’t be surprise of all these shocking things, more and more fun, interesting things to tell you.. so remember to wait for chapter 2’s arrival!

Created on 4th Aug 2000 - - 6.27PM


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