Huanzhu Gege (Special Edition)

Chapter 10

Xiaoyanzi again tried to open up her eyelids with all her might. "Yongqi! Ziwei!" Xiaoyanzi screamed for help inside her, "I could not open up my eyelids, my mind is woke up but not my body! Yongqi! Ziwei! Help!" Fresh tears begin to pour madly out of her eyes.

Yongqi just entered the room and saw Xiaoyanzi is full with tears but Ziwei was too tired to notice, as she did not even sleep a wink, as she was deadly worried of Xiaoyanzi. Yongqi immediately went to Xiaoyanzi’s bedside and said, "Xiaoyanzi! What happened why are you crying like this?"

Upon hearing that, Ziwei stared at Xiaoyanzi, but she can only see hot fresh tears streaming down her cheeks and was very shocked. "Xiaoyanzi! Can you hear us? What is that you want? Xiaoyanzi!"

The response was only Xiaoyanzi’s tears.

Xiaoyanzi then again force herself to open her eyes but she couldn’t she did not have that enough strength to do that. "Yongqi! Ziwei, I couldn’t open my eyes? Am I going to die? I am not leaving you, but my body is not awake at all, how can I possibly wake up? I don’t want to leave any of you! Wake me up!" More and more tears begin to flow; she also couldn’t make herself response or talk to Yongqi or Ziwei as she felt her body being "locked".

"Look! Wu Ah Ge," Ziwei said anxiously, "I can’t believe it! She is crying so hard! She certainly is feeling something not good!"

"Smart Ziwei! You always find out what’s in my mind, and this time you don’t fail to! Wake me up, Ziwei!" Xiaoyanzi nearly screamed. Tears fall of more and more furiously.

"Oh Gosh! My wife you are crying so hard? What is happening?" Yongqi was shocked.

"Tai Yi! Erkang! Ertai! Saiya! Princess Yingying!" Ziwei yelled loudly.

This time everyone rushed into the room and thought it was bad news.

"What happened? What happened," everyone questioned as they rushed in.

"Look!" Ziwei said, "Xiaoyanzi and I are very physic, we are always so physic and I am sure that she is hearing me and I know that for a particular reason."

Tai Yi explained Xiaoyanzi’s crying reaction once more to Erkang, Ertai, Saiya and Yingying, they all finally understood and gives a "Oh I see" comment and let out a relaxed breath.

"But the main problem is that we don’t know when will Xiaoyanzi wake up from her coma, so what if she is out of danger? That makes no sense if she don’t wake up," Yongqi said anxiously.

Yingying immediately rushed back to the room that she has been and took out the medical box back to the room.

Yingying ran all the way to the bedside and chases all of the people away from her and said, "Let go for a while and I may do something perhaps."

She turned to Xiaoyanzi and said, "Huanzhu gege, I am Yingying here and I am going to wake you up, do you hear me? Huanzhu gege, you must live for your husband and Mingzhu Gege, so you must be strong."

"Yingying!" Xiaoyanzi screamed, "I’ve heard you and got your message, how precious your message is! I am keeping that in mind! But I couldn’t open my eyelids; they are too heavy for me! My whole body seemed to me numb and locked what could I do?" Tears poured out once again.

"Great!" Yingying cheered as she turned to the gang, "She’s got my response." Turning back to Xiaoyanzi, she said, "Huanzhu gege, I think I’ve got your tear message over here! Don’t worry I am here to wake you up, keep your mind strong okay? Here we go!"

"Yes," Xiaoyanzi responded, "I think I got your message too! I will keep strong and you will cure me right?"

Yingying are some sort of physic with Xiaoyanzi, "I will cure you," she assured. Just then, she took out another shiny black pill; it somehow seemed to be trustable.

"Princess Yingying! What are you doing?" asked Yongqi puzzled and anxious.

"Wu Ah Ge, don’t worry, this pill is what I’ve made myself, I had actually learn medical skills and they are trustable, in this pill, it contained a 1000-year ginseng and some precious herbs by some flowers, they are used to wake people from coma, these pill wake a lot of people up from coma," Yingying told them, "I understood Huanzhu gege’s mind, her mind is working well and she is talking and responding to every word we told her, just wake her up with this pill and she will have her body "unlocked" and she surely wake up."

Everyone looked at her stunned.

"Hey, I’ve actually met the same situation in Mongolia with one of my father’s army’s general, and this pill waked him up," Yingying grinned and give them a "Xiaoyanzi will certainly wake up" look.

"You shouldn’t," Ertai said, "This is far too precious."

"Don’t worry," Yingying assured them, "I am the one who invented this pill as I read a lot on medical stuffs and I mixed those herbs to wake people up, so do trust me, this pill had cure a lot of people suffering from coma."

"You really shouldn’t" Yongqi said.

"Yes, you should keep it for other uses," Ziwei added.

"I am the one who invented this pill and I have all the herbs of this pill at home, I can make them whenever I need or want it. Don’t allow me to let her consume this pill means you look down on me," Yingying joked.

All of them had no choice but to agree reluctantly.

They saw Yingying push the pill into Xiaoyanzi’s mouth, "Huanzhu gege, as what I had promise, I already let you consume this pill and you will wake up soon won’t you? I knew that you will so don’t disappoint me, but this pill takes quite some time to unlock your numbness, so you must wait for quite sometime to let the medicine take it’s job," she encouraged.

"Yingying! Thank you so much, I hope I won’t disappoint you," Xiaoyanzi wished as tears begin to fall again.

Yingying turned to the gang and said, "Now, we must wait for quite sometime, all of you must at least wait for 4 to 5 hours before the pill unlock all numbness and another 2 or 3 hours for Huanzhu gege to adapt before she open her eyes," she smiled reassuringly to all of them, "Don’t worry, at least, trust me."

Just then, Qian Long, Empress, Ling Fei and MengWang walked in and saw half of what happened. They knew that Yingying gave Xiaoyanzi that pill to consume.

"Yingying, you mean that you actually give her the black pill?" MengWang asked.

"Yes father," Yingying said.

"But you need it yourself and there’s no way to find the herbs anymore, there’s no more left at our home too," MengWang said.

Yongqi was stunned and shocked, "I thought Princess Yingying said that she has lots of it and home?"

"No, we don’t have anymore," MengWang said, "And she may need it."

"What? She may need it?" asked Ziwei in curiosity.

"Yes, that is what the fortune teller said," MengWang said.

"Father, I don’t believe in fortune telling, I only made 3 in my whole life, one has been given to General Tong (Mongolia’s army’s general), the other to Sister (Princess Chingching; Yingying’s elder sister.) And the last one to Huanzhu gege, they need it more than I do, father," Yingying told her.

MengWang gave it a thought and remembered that curing people is what Yingying will be happy doing and nodded and said, "Yingying, I know that you will be contented when you are able to cure anyone as they are dying, I must at least respect that," he said.

"Thank you father for understanding," Yingying said politely.

"Alright, Huanzhu gege won’t be waking up after a few hours and I guarantee that she will wake up, so all of you go and do your things and we will meet later, fair?" Yingying said.

Qian Long. MengWang, Empress and Ling Fei agreed and were to visit Xiaoyanzi later on.

"Mingzhu Gege," Yingying said turning to her, "You should turn in now, it’s bad for the baby as you strain your health, I am very sure that Huanzhu gege is very safe, take a rest, I will keep you updated, don’t worry,"

Ziwei nodded reluctantly and went to rest with the company of Erkang and Saiya.

Ertai found himself very tired and excused himself for a rest.

In the room left Yongqi and Yingying. Yingying told him, "Wu Ah Ge, go and take a rest, I will take care of her, to and regain the lost energy, at least I know best about the condition of Huanzhu Gege."

Yongqi nodded his head and said, "Alright then, I will take a look every half hour, my room is over the corner there, shout for us."

"I will," Yingying said.

Yongqi turned around and headed to the door, upon seeing that Yingying is taking such good care of Xiaoyanzi, he turned his head and looks at the two again, sigh at him, and walk towards his room.

"Huanzhu gege," Yingying cried and was in tears by now, "Please wake up, you say that you wanted to learn martial arts from me, you say that you wanted me to be your shifu, but you in this case how can you do so?"

Even that Yingying did not know Xiaoyanzi for so long, she cried for her, she cared for her, but to me, she isn’t crying for Xiaoyanzi, she is crying for herself, and what excalty she is crying for?

Xiaoyanzi did not have any response.

"Yingying, I have heard you, promise me that ok? Be my shifu," Xiaoyanzi screamed in her, "Now I can’t even cry for response, I can only hear all of your voice but not even cry for response."

"Aw, Huanzhu gege, I know, for 2 hours you can’t even cry in tears as a response as the medicine is fighting the war, I understand and you can hear me don’t you?" Yingying questioned.

"Yingying I can hear you, you are right I cannot cry as response you are so smart, keep on talking to me," Xiaoyanzi said. And she wondered herself why is Yingying so physic to her? Maybe she knows the effects of the medicine.

"I simply just knew that you can hear me," Yingying said in between sobs, "You are so fortunate, yes, you are, so you wake up for this fortunate life ok?"

"Yingying, you are always so right, why are you crying?" Xiaoyanzi asked.

Yingying held Xiaoyanzi’s hands, "Huanzhu gege, how fortunate of you, how colorful your life is you are making me jealous, but what can I do? Huanzhu gege you must wake up ok? Do you feel some numbness going away?"

"Yingying I heard every word you said, I don’t know yet, I am so tired I want to take a little nap while the effects of the medicine takes place can I?" Xiaoyanzi asked.

"Huanzhu gege! You are in coma, your mind is working but your body is half dead! You cannot go on dying! No way! Huanzhu gege, I will take to you and keep you alert! If you feel tired, just keep on thinking the happy times you have together with Wu Ah Ge and Mingzhu Gege! Don’t sleep! Response to my talk! Huanzhu Gege!" Yingying shouted to her in between sobs.

"I’ve got that!" Xiaoyanzi exclaimed, "I won’t fall asleep, I will just think of happy times and listen to you." As she thought about the first time, she was with Qian Long on the wei fu chu shun trip. She happily thought about that and was weak and extremely tired, "I couldn’t fall asleep," she told herself, "If I ever want to see Yongqi and Ziwei’s baby again."

Yingying is very expert at seeing whether a coma person is drifting of to death, and when she saw that Xiaoyanzi’s face is slowing turning white and her expressions of face was drifting away soon, she saw that Xiaoyanzi is going to turn into her coma sleep, she will never allow that!

"Huanzhu Gege," Yingying said, "Don’t fall asleep! Keep on thinking and I will talk to you!"

Just before Xiaoyanzi’s mind is completely asleep, she heard upon Yingying’s pained screams at her, she immediately woke up and said, "Why am I so tired, I cannot sleep!"

"Huanzhu gege, I know that drug is making you drowsy, but, no way! That is the only way that you can get rid of the numbness and you must not fall asleep."

"Got that message!" Xiaoyanzi said in her mind, "I will continue thinking about that wei fu chu shun trip with Huang Ah Ma." As she think about the time that she go on helping the helpless Cai Lian and as she got jealous of Cai Lian, she thought, "How silly I am, Of course Yongqi loves me." She smiled at her own happy love life with Yongqi…By then, she is getting asleep once again, this is worst than before and she is going to be harder to wake up.

Yingying saw that drifting face of Xiaoyanzi and know that she is dying; she could not cope with any of that anymore, she maybe dying soon!

"Huanzhu Gege!" Yingying said, "Don’t tell me your condition is worsen! Wake up don’t sleep! Huanzhu Gege! Gosh Huanzhu Gege, stay strong!" she panicked and shook Xiaoyanzi vigorously.

This time, Xiaoyanzi could not hear Yingying anymore and found her drifting off to sleep.

Yingying yelled for help, "Wu Ah Ge! Mingzhu Gege! Saiya Gongzhu! Erkang Sian Sheng! Ertai Sian Sheng! Please! Come now!"

Everyone immediately rushed to Yingying’s shouts,

"What happened? What happened?" everyone asked.

"Huanzhu gege! She could not take it anymore! If she doesn’t keep her mind awake during the effects of the drug she will die! But she seemed to be drifting off to that sleep! All of you got to find something to wake her up! We’ve got no time now!" Yingying panicked.

The eunuchs went to their respective places and reported that bad news.

Everyone rushed to Jing Yang Gong.

"Xiaoyanzi, I thought you wanted to live for me? You said we would die together? Xiaoyanzi why are you sleeping now, WAKE UP AND TALK TO ME!" Yongqi could not take it and screamed loudly at her.

Xiaoyanzi could not response to anything, time is getting tight, she must wake her mind up if not, she will never be able to in her whole life.

"Let, me try," Ziwei said, pushing Yongqi away.

Ziwei tried to said it cheerfully but couldn’t, her tears rolled down uncontrollably. "Xiaoyanzi, do you remember the first time we met? The time when we became sworn sisters? What do you say? Don’t you remember I thought that we are sisters? Closest sisters? Then you must wake up, don’t you want to take a look at my child? So many things that you promised and haven’t done, so how could you die so fast? Xiaoyanzi hear that?"

Ziwei too, could not get any response.

Yongqi took over as hot tears begin to roll, "Xiaoyanzi? Remember the first time we met; you got shoot with my arrow? You managed to pull through, but why this little cut you could not pulled through?" His voice turned coarse, "Don’t you remember? How could you possibly forget, remember Cai Lian? You got jealous over her, how silly." He faked a little laugh coarsely. "Remember how you tricked Lao Fu Ye as she wants you to be closed in the dark room? Don’t you remember? How could you die after so many sufferings? Even Ziwei can pull through so many happenings why couldn’t you? Xiaoyanzi, wake up, please!" Yongqi yelled.

By that time, everyone including Qian Long and all of them came in, saw that devoted Yongqi and the lifeless Xiaoyanzi, overheard the conversation, all of them were in tears now. How could the lively and cheerful Xiaoyanzi die?

She brought so much happiness to everyone in the palace and she is dying just like that?

Xiaoyanzi did not response as she was drifting to a deeper sleep…

-continued on Chapter 11-

My words: Oh my god? Am I sure letting Xiaoyanzi to die and let the story end? Eh... I myself also don’t know! Haha, =P all to let you find out in the next chapter. Teehee, I am getting so many complaints on Yongqi falling for Yingying! Haha… !laughing wickedly! Do email me with complaints and ideas and thoughts to me at ok? Waiting for all of it impatiently! =)

Completed on: 20th Aug 2000 1:21PM

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