Huanzhu GeGe (Special Edition)

Chapter 2

In the carriage, everyone seemed to be smiling away, but, Qing Er is the only girl who is not smiling. Everyone noticed, only for Xiaoyanzi, who is chatting away, looking here, pointing there as if nothing has happened. Not even the big change of mood with Qing Er this two days.

In the palace, when Qian Long heard about Yongqi being poison and was extremely worried. He decided to wait for Yongqi and the others at the palace gate together with Ling Fei, Empress Dowager, and also the Queen. The queen is also very worried about all them and when she heard Yongqi had been poison by Zi Fen Hua she was even more worried.

The queen is now treating Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Yongqi and Erkang as her own sons and daughters and was really touched for what they did for them, she cared for all of them too. Now, she was a totally different person from what she did causing all the trouble for Xiaoyanzi. However, all of them were happy together.

"Why isn’t them back," asked the Queen worried.

"Huang Hou niang niang, don’t worry, they will be fine," said Ling Fei.

"I am also very worried about Yongqi," said Tai Hou.

Even the Tai Hou is also treating Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Yongqi and Erkang very well, she liked all of them so much too. They were all known as the Tai Hou’s favorite children.

"There they are," said Qian Long.

All of them rushed immediately to the carriage.

Erkang led Ziwei, Qing Er and Xiaoyanzi out, while Xiaoyanzi led Yongqi out.

"Yongqi are you alright," said the Queen.

"Thank you for your concern, Huang Hou niang niang," Xiaoyanzi said, "Yongqi is better now as he ate some of the Huang Lan Hua."

Yongqi smiled and he said normally, "Huang Ah Ma, Lao Fu Ye, Huang Hou niang niang, Ling Fei niang niang, sorry to trouble and to let you people worry, but I am really fine."

"I’ve already summonded the Tai Yi to Jing Yang Gong, Yongqi and Xiaoyanzi go in and take a rest, Tai Yi will take a look at Yongqi," Qian Long said, relieved to find out that Yongqi was fine and alright.

Ling Fei was glad and said, "It’s good that’s fine."

Lao Fu Ye add a sentence, "You all must be tired, Ziwei and Erkang, don’t bother to greet the people in the palace, you both take a rest back in Xue Shi Fu. We will take care of Yongqi here. Qing Er come with me, all of you go back to where you are supposed to." She smiled to all of them and looked at Yongqi, "So careless of you, lucky you are alright, go and let the Tai Yi take a look." And told Xiaoyanzi, "You will take care of my grandson would you?" she joked and took Xiaoyanzi’s hand.

"Of course, Lao Fu Ye nai nai, you looked down on me?" Xiaoyanzi asked.

"We are only afraid that you will feed him with the wrong medicine," Qian Long added.

"Huang Ah Ma, you looked down on me too?" Xiaoyanzi said, angry.

"Ha ha ha," laughed Qian Long, "Now go back to Jing Yang Gong, I will visit you all later on.

Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi go back to Jing Yang Gong with the accompany of Meifeng, Meili, (her maid in Jing Yang Gong) Xiaoyizi, Xiaohezi (her eunuchs in Jing Yang Gong.)

The imperial physician is already in Jing Yang Gong waiting for Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi.

"Huanzhu Gege jixiang, Wu Ah Ge jixiang," said the Tai Yi respectfully, "Chen (I) knew that Wu Ah Ge is poisoned and will Wu Ah Ge please take a seat and let ‘chen’ take a look."

Yongqi sat down while the Tai Yi tested the pulse beat of Yongqi’s. By that time, Qian Long came with Ling Fei, Queen and Tai Hou.

"Tai Yi is anything wrong?" asks Qian Long, concerned.

"Hui(reply) Huang Shang, there is still some poison in Wu Ah Ge’s body in his stomach and a bit in his lungs," said the imperial physician.

"Huh? What do you mean by that," Xiaoyanzi said, her voice getting louder as she was somewhat angry, "I thought that after consuming Huang Lan Hua the poison will go?"

"Gege please cool down," said the imperial physician, "Even though Wu Ah Ge ate the Huang Lan Hua there is certainly leaving some poison in his body, ‘chen’ have some medicine and herbs here to make all the poison leave."

"Then what are you waiting for?" said Tai Hou, also mad at the imperial physician, "Go and get the herbs."

"Shi, Lao Fu Ye," said the imperial physician.

After 2 hours, the imperial physician arrived with the right medicine and herbs but he warned Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi saying that when the medicine is killing the poison in the stomach, there might be great pains as it is hard to kill the poison in the stomach.

After finishing the dinner, Xiaoyanzi feed Yongqi with the medicine and they both slept early that night as to let Yongqi rest more and make him better the faster.

In the middle of the night, "Ah… ah!!" Yongqi shouted as he groan in pain.

Xiaoyanzi was immediately waked up. "What happened Yongqi? Is the pain the in stomach hurting you?"

Yongqi gasped for breath, "Yes, oh my god, I am in great pain."

Xiaoyanzi panicked. She did not know what to do. She hugged Yongqi, "I am so sorry Yongqi, and are you in very great pain? I caused you this." As tears began to roll down.

Seeing that his wife is crying for him for his pain, his heart softened and felt the pain going off, he touched Xiaoyanzi’s face and said, "Don’t worry, it is not so painful anymore. Now let’s get some sleep."

Both had a peaceful night after the pain. Now that he is feeling so much better and there is no more poison left in his body.

The next morning, everyone came a visited him, Ziwei, Erkang, Qing Er, Tai Hou and also Xiaojian as he heard the news. Everyone was glad that he was fine now and headed off except for Ziwei and Erkang. They stayed with them the whole day.

"Guess what we have got," Ziwei said smiling.

"I hate guessing and I don’t have any idea," said Xiaoyanzi impatiently.

"Ertai sent us a letter!" exclaimed Erkang.

"Oh is it?" Yongqi said, "What is that about?"

"He is coming back with Saiya and going to stay permanent here in Beijing," said Ziwei.

"Hurray! Then I will be able to meet all of them and also his little baby boy!" said Xiaoyanzi as she jumped up.

"Whose baby boy is that you are going to meet," asked a voice behind them.

All of them turned around, surprised to see that it is Qian Long.

"Huang Ah Ma jixiang," said all of them in unison.

"Whose baby boy?" asked Qian Long.

"Hui Huang Ah Ma, is Ertai and Saiya with their baby boy," said Ziwei smiling.

"That will be really great," said Qian Long, "When will that be?"

"In 2 weeks time, Huang Ah Ma," said Erkang.

"2 weeks?" said Qian Long, "I actually just received a message from the King of Mongolia, that’s what I really want to tell you people about…"

"What? Huang Ah Ma," asked Xiaoyanzi.

"Xiaoyanzi, would you let Huang Ah Ma finish?" said Yongqi jokingly.

Xiaoyanzi stuck a tongue at him. All of them laughed and had in mind that Xiaoyanzi forever is so childish.

"Well," Qian Long began, " The King of Mongolia is paying a visit at us again and also with his youngest daughter Princess Yingying."

"Not again," said Xiaoyanzi bored.

"Maybe Yongqi should also change a wife," said Qian Long between laughs, "Princess Yingying is very famous around the world. She is a real beauty."

"Huang Ah Ma, you always bully me!" complained Xiaoyanzi.

"Xiaoyanzi," Yongqi started, "I won’t take a look at other girls, and I’ve said before that even that the most beautiful fairies cannot be compared with you. Didn’t I say that before?"

Xiaoyanzi was very touched by Yongqi’s words.

"Huang Ah Ma," Erkang began, "Don’t tell me that this Princess Yingying is looking for husband in Beijing?"

"Hey," Qian Long began, "She is not, she is a very nice girl, everyone wants to marry her, but she still kept single. She is not that type of person you think."

2 weeks has passed…

Ertai and Saiya are back before the Mongolia King. Everyone were so impressed by their baby, Qiangsheng, he is a cute chubby little baby.

The Mongolia King arrived 2 days later with all those clashing and bangings of the Mongolia’s band through the streets of Beijing. Every male of the palace waited outside the palace for the Mongolia King’s arrival and Princess Yingying.

-continued on Chapter 3-

All these are to be continued in Chapter 3… remember to read it too. Are it shocking or what? E-mail me all of your ideas and your feelings on my story ok?? At =)

I am actually enjoying this you know?? So you must continue reading, I am sure mine is much more different and you will never expect what you see in Chapter 3.

Completed on 5th Aug 2000 1.40PM


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