Huanzhu Gege (Special Edition)

Chapter 3

"Long live to Qian Long Huang Shan," said the Mongolia King, MengWang(Meng Gu Wan Di – King of Mongolia) kneeling down with Princess Yingying beside her, and all the servants behind both of them.

MengWang led Princess Yingying infront and shook his hands with Qian Long. "Huang Shan jixiang, this is my youngest daughter, Yingying known as Princess Yingying.

As what heard, "Yingying gongzhu (princess Yingying) you are really a big beauty," commented Qian Long.

"Huang Shan gou jiang le," Yingying said, smiling.

This day, Princess Yingying, wearing a beautiful Mongolian dress standing there. She is a ravishing beauty, compared to Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Qing Er and Hanxiang, she is the most prettiest, Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Qing Er and Hanxiang cannot be compared to her as she is really that beautiful. She a so beautiful that she don’t look like a maiden in earth, but like the fairies in the heaven. She so beautiful that not even Qian Long have seen, all of the people stared at her as they never met such a beautiful maiden before.

"MengWang," Qian Long broke the starings at Yingying, "Hearing from others that your daughter is really beautiful that we have never seen before, I did not believe it, now seeing it with my own eyes, she is too beautiful to believe in."

"Ha ha ha," started MengWang, "Please don’t say this, each one has each good point."

"Yes you are right," agreed Qian Long. "Yingying gongzhu, come and meet my sons," as Qian Long gestured to Yingying, introducing each of his sons. And when he introduced Yongqi and Erkang, Yingying thought ‘I wonder who is this handsome guy’ as he took a small glance at Yongqi, he smiled, he too, could not believe that besides his dearest wife, there wasn’t anymore pretty girls, and also finally believe that what his father told him was right. He stole a quick glance at Princess Yingying too, ‘Such a ravishing beauty,’ he thought.

This time, Qian Long did not left out Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Qing Er out as remembering the incident of Saiya’s visit as Xiaoyanzi falls out. Qian Long introduced the 3 geges lastly he said, "Yingying gongzhu, this is my daughter-in-law, she is known as Huanzhu Gege," pointing at Xiaoyanzi. Xiaoyanzi shook Yingying’s hand and said, "You are really very beautiful, Princess Yingying."

"Please don’t say that," Yingying replied smiling, "I am not as pretty as you think, so you are Huanzhu Gege, and this must be Mingzhu Gege," Yingying said smiling, pointing at Ziwei.

"Yes," Ziwei said, "Princess Yingying, you really are a ravishing beauty."

"Please don’t say that," Yingying said again, "To me, three of you are very very pretty, how can I be compared to you? I have heard the story of Huanzhu gege and Mingzhu gege I am so touched by all of your stories and the things both of you have done."

"He he," Xiaoyanzi giggled, "Nothing much, that’s my character."

"I am just like you too a few years back," Yingying admitted, "I am always a spoiled brat and always talk non stop and I always do the things I like, not thinking of anything, but ever since the punishment my father gave me, I am no more like this."

Everyone was stunned by Yingying, not only she is beautiful on the outside, she is also very beautiful on the inside. And also she is very humble, instead of admitting that she is very beautiful, she instead praise Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi is much more beautiful. She is also very honest, knowing that she was once a ‘Xiaoyanzi’ with this scene like this, everyone knew that she was more of a ‘Ziwei’. She is pretty and has a very very sweet voice. No one left their eyes off her, they seen the prettiness of Yingying’s, the sweetness of Yingying’s, the humbleness of Yingying’s, the honesty of Yingying’s. Yongqi and Erkang exchanged glances.

"Oh," Erkang said amused, "I never thought that there is someone better than Ziwei and nicer than Ziwei, but there is just one right in front of me."

"Yes, me too," Yongqi whispered back, "What a ravishing beauty."

Just then, Yingying walked to Yongqi and Erkang, "Wu Ah Ge, Erkang ‘xian sheng’ (Mr.) I just want to tell you that you two have amazing wives and you must really cherish them," she said, giving them a sweet grin.

Both of their glances did not leave Yingying, stunned of her, and both of their hearts are thumping really loud, like they first met their wives. "Thank you," Erkang said, "I will."

"Yes," Yongqi added in and went to join Xiaoyanzi.

"All my best wishes for all you," Yingying said sincerely.

All those Ah-ges and others were stunned by Yingying looks and behavior, they always thought that all princess are spoilt, if they are pretty, they must have a bad temper, and are mostly dishonest. If not, the princesses are really ugly. But, this Princess Yingying have the both of Inner beauty and external beauty.

The Queen broke the slience of staring. "Princess Yingying and MengWang must be really hungry and tired, you people give them a break won’t you? Staring at her as if she is an alien."

Yingying let out a soft laugh and finally noticed that everyone was watching her., "Is there anything wrong with me?" she asked and looked at herself.

"Oh nothing," Qian Long managed to say, "Yingying gongzhu, MengWang, this way please," he said gesturing them to the grand dinner room.

All of them had a nice lunch and was to let Yingying and MengWang to rest at the guest room while they prepare the dinner and the nightshow. Qing Er however didn’t seemed to get cheering up after the days of holidaying, because of that, Yingying too noticed that while, not even Erkang noticed that. Yingying asked Qing Er, "Qing Gege, are you alright, you seemed to look pale."

"Oh, I am alright," Qing Er said smiling at Yingying, surprise of Yingying’s noticing, not even Tai Hou or Erkang noticed, finding out that Yingying is also a very smart lady. Yongqi and Erkang too, get so surprised at Yingying’s smartness. Everyone noticed.

After the lunch, "I think that MengWang and Yingying gongzhu must be very tired after this long trip," Qian Long started, "MengWang, Yingying gongzhu, please go to the guest room to take a rest, I will inform someone to pick you up for dinner and after the show, we will just take a look around at the palace."

"Sure," Mengwang replied, "Yingying, you too should take a rest and you go back to your room."

"Yes father," Yingying replied politely.

Both of them proceeded to their rooms with the company of some palace maids.

All of them left the dinning room and when all of the people were discussing about Yingying’s intelligence and beautiness.

While Yongqi, Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei and Erkang get to go back to Jing Yang Gong as Ziwei and Erkang don’t want to waste time traveling in and out of the palace as for the dinner. So they stayed at Jing Yang Gong.

While they are walking around the Yu Hua Yuan as going to Jing Yang Gong, they too, talked about Yingying.

"Wow!" Xiaoyanzi exclaimed, " This Princess Yingying is such a smart and wise lady, she even noticed Qing Er’s change in mood while the others don’t even know that she is a bit of moody."

"Plus that she is really a beautiful lady," added Ziwei.

"And honest," begun Xiaoyanzi.

"And sweet," said Ziwei.

"Yes," replied Yongqi and Erkang.

"Now then I can trust what Huang Ah Ma says," said Xiaoyanzi, "She’s too beautiful."

"This famous princess is amazing," Ziwei said.

"I still cannot believe my eyes till now," Yongqi said.

"Me too, she is so pretty and also her stunning character," continued Erkang.

"She is the only Princess with such humble character and most surprising that even that she is a stunning beauty," added Yongqi.

"Yes, I must agree," said Erkang.

"But only my wife," Erkang said.

"Yes, only my wife," agreed Yongqi. However, somehow in his heart, that Princess Yingying somehow made his heart thump loudly, this princess is a heart throb somehow had a place in his heart, he cleared the idea of thinking it "Only Xiaoyanzi" he told himself. And he walked to Xiaoyanzi, held her hands as they happily walk back to Jing Yang Gong, his mind is full of Yingying, her smiles, her beauty, her everything. "Am I going to fall for her?" he asked him. "No," a voice told him, "You already have a wife, and what you promised that you will only love Xiaoyanzi." "Yes," he told himself once again, "Only Xiaoyanzi, no others, keep a distance from this Princess Yingying."

Erkang on the other side also seemed to be showing interest in this Princess Yingying. He told himself, "Are you crazy, Fu Erkang? You now have what you dreamed of; your dearest wife Ziwei and you loved her. How can you ever show interest in this Princess as you only met her for awhile?"

However, Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi did not noticed that the interested for Princess Yingying by their husbands. They trusted them that they will not fall in love for the others.

In Ci Ning Gong…

"Qing Er," Tai Hou asked, "The Princess Yingying is so smart, and she saw that instant change in you mood. You mind telling me?"

"Yes," Qing Er started, "Princess Yingying is so smart and beautiful. But Lao Fu Ye there’s actually nothing much because these few days I’ve been really tired as I am pratising my ‘qin’ (an ancient musical instrument) as I’ve been lagging on my ‘qin’," she lied.

"Oh I see," Tai Hou understood, "Don’t tire yourself, Qing Er. And I don’t want to hear any word from Princess Yingying that you changed mood ok? In this way, I will be able notice even the slightest change of your mood," she smiled at Qing Er.

"Shi, Lao Fu Ye," she smiled brightly at Lao Fu Ye, this time making sure that the smile she wanted to fake is real.

"That’s my Qing Er," Tai Hou joked.

Dinner started, MengWang and Yingying reached there on time. All of the imperial family were enjoying the dinner and are happily chatting away.

As Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei wanted to know this Princess Yingying more, they joined Yingying, with her father, Qian Long, Queen, Ling Fei, Tai Hou and Qing Er.

All of them seated there, smiling away, talking about a lot of things while also watching the show that Erkang and Ertai had prepare. All the males in the imperial family kept staring at Yingying, till now, they still could not believe their eyes as what Yingying really is. Everyone kept their eyes on her; as she a such a heart throb a lot of them are falling for her, while some watched in envy as how smart and intelligence is she.

Suddenly, Yingying appeared on the stage. She was dancing among with the people on stage. She is the most outstanding; she danced every step of the dance gracefully and elegantly. All of the people, once again, explored another side of this famous princess. Everyone was saying well, while MengWang explained that Yingying wanted to dance and entertain the people. After she finished dancing, she knelt down said, "Yingying xian cou le. (finished performing)"

"Wow!" Xiaoyanzi jumped out of her seat, "Princess Yingying, you danced very well."

This time, Yongqi could not escape. He must admit that he really started to fall for her but he kept cooling himself down, "This musn’t be," he said to himself.

Everyone clapped for Yingying, surprised for her great dance moves and therefore found one more talent in her. Yingying took out a roll of portrait and gave it to Qian Long.

Yingying said, "Coming here to disturbing Qian Long Huang Shan is is certainly irritating for Qian Long Huang Shan. So Yingying should not come here empty-handed, here is portrait Yingying drew just now in the guesthouse, hope Huang Shan will like it, both the dance and the drawing."

"Yingying gongzhu shouldn’t say that," Qian Long said receiving the drawing, "It’s a pleasure, can I open it and see?"

"Oh, yes please," Yingying said, giving him a smile.

The drawing was a beautiful one, everyone found out that not only that Yingying is beautiful, not only that she is kind, not only that she is honest, not only that she could talk well, not only that she is intelligent, not only she could dance well, not only that she is really polite and nice, her drawings were splendid, and her calligraphy was indeed very nice. She draws very well and wrote a neat hand-written word.

In the drawing was an Emperor, which looked excalty like Qian Long, with a lot of villagers and were happily smiling away and with beautiful scenery as background. In the hand-written words, it wrote " ‘zu Qian Long Huang Shan Guo Jia Ping An, Gou Yun Chang Sheng’ (Wishes for King Qian Long having a peaceful country and perfect/lucky country)"

Everyone came to see what had Yingying drawn and was stunned by the praises and the beautiful drawing that she had drawn.

"Yingying gongzhu, thank you for this gift, I treasured it very much," Qian Long said.

"You are indeed a perfect lady, Princess Yingying," commented one of the Ah-ges.

"Please don’t say that, I am not perfect," Yingying said giving everyone a sweet smile.

Just then, a Gege stepped out, she is Siyu Gege. She is Ling Fei’s daughter, once known as qi gege (7th princess) as she is older than 13 years, according to Manchurian rules, a Gege or Ah-ge who is older than 13 years was to have their own house, to take good care of themselves as the nanny was not to follow any prince or princess older than 13, and to officially have a name, when Qi Gege reached 13, she was renamed as Siyu Gege.

Siyu Gege said, "Princess Yingying, you danced so well."

Yingying smiled as a response, "This Gege you have praise me far too much, I am just nothing."

Siyu Gege turned to Qian Long and said, "Huang Ah Ma, today seeing Princess Yingying dance really make me know what is dancing, Siyu had also secretly learnt how to dance, will all of you spend a small while watching me dance unprepared and see who can dance better?"

"Of course," Qian Long agreed.

As the music starts, Siyu started to dance, certainly, her dancing was not as graceful as what Yingying has, but she did quite well. As the music stops, Siyu knelt down and said "Siyu xian cou le."

Yingying came infront and said, "Siyu gege, you danced very well, maybe one day we should actually combine a dance."

"Sure," Siyu said, she was smiling, but, nobody knows what is behind the smiles.

Every others knew that even if Siyu wanted to conbine dance with Yingying she really must train hard, if not she will not be able to combine dance with Yingying.

"I think that dance has finished, show was finished and show has ended," Qian Long said, "Why don’t all of us show Yingying gongzhu and MengWang around?"

"Yes!" Xiaoyanzi said, "Good idea, Huang Ah Ma." Turning to Yingying, she said, "I will lead the way, Princess Yingying, hold my hand and come along."

"Yes," Yingying said.

As they walked, Xiaoyanzi, Yingying, Ziwei, Qing Er and Saiya walked at the back as 5 girls chit-chat all along, starting to fall in love with Yingying, Yongqi walked a step in front of them, wanting to eavesdrop the topic that they are talking.

After they finished walking around in the palace, as Yingying and her father got to know the palace and it’s easier for them to travel around the palace. Qian Long knew that all of them are tired and called for the day. He also wanted Yongqi, Xiaoyanzi, Erkang, Ziwei, Ertai and Saiya to show Yingying around the streets of Beijing tomorrow while he himself discuss things together with MengWang.

"Hurray!" Xiaoyanzi shouted, "Huang Ah Ma long live! Tomorrow I can leave the palace!"



-continued on chapter 4-

So many things to find out, how could you possibly leave out chapter 4?

I added all these characters and you will find fun? E-mail me all your commands and ideas ok?? =)

Done On: 5th Aug 2000 -- 3.47PM


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