Huanzhu Gege (Special Edition)

Chapter 4

The next day, Yingying as usual, woke up early, cleaned her room in the guest room and proceed to wake her father up. She herself prepared delicious breakfast for her father in her own hands. Yingying is not only a humble princess, she is also very filial and also un-materialistic, her father and mother are always very proud of her.

By this time, Yongqi, Xiaoyanzi, Erkang and Ziwei went to the guesthouse to pick Yingying up for a trip in the streets for Beijing. Surprised to hear from Yingying’s personal maids whom followed her to Beijing, she always woke up early by herself and also cooked delicious food by herself for her father. Finding out that there actually is an un-materialistic princess, who actually is so humble and filial, Yongqi’s falling for her began to go deeper one more step.

Yingying saw all of them outside, she invited them all in for a breakfast.

"Come along to join us for breakfast," Yingying told them, "We are also very bored here."

"Wow," said Xiaoyanzi, "Your food smells nice. Did you cook them yourself, Princess Yingying?"

"It is just some Mongolia food, hope you all don’t mind and I wonder if it suits all of your taste," Yingying said politely, giving all of them a smile.

Just then, Ertai, Saiya and their baby son Qiangsheng came in, "Wow, really smells great," Saiya said, "If you don’t mind teaching me, will you? Princess Yingying?"

"Of course I will," said Yingying, "Just hope that you all will get use to the taste of it."

"Count me in too," Ziwei said smiling brightly.

"Me too!" Xiaoyanzi said excitedly as she watched Yongqi eating them, as they were the most delicious food ever, "Seeing Yongqi enjoying the food, I think I will learn and cook some for him," she said blushing.

Yongqi found out the love that Xiaoyanzi gave him, he blushed too, "But I think my love for her is starting to fade," he thought. He managed to say, "My dear wife, as long as it’s the thing that you cooked for him, even it’s not nice, it is still the nicest food in the world when it’s in my tongue."

Xiaoyanzi blushed by the words from Yongqi and told herself that this is the Yongqi that she ever wanted her whole life. However, she did not know about Yongqi on the other side that is falling for a coming soon good friend of theirs: Princess Yingying.

"Princess Yingying," asked Ziwei, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes," Xiaoyanzi added, "There’s too much things in Beijing that you won’t be able to see in Mongolia, so we don’t want you to miss anything here."

"Yes I am ready," said Yingying nearly rushing out of her room as she changed.

"We will bring you to Hui Bing Lou first," said Xiaoyanzi, "There you will be able to see my brother, my good friends."

"Oh ok," Yingying said as she smiled brightly and Yongqi could not leave his eyes of her. "Ermm, Wu Ah Ge?? Are you alright? You seemed to be dreaming," Yingying asked concerned.

‘This Princess Yingying is too smart,’ Yongqi thought, ‘I must not look at her as if she is what, I have to keep calm." "Yes I am very fine, just thinking of something that’s all."

"Oh I see," replied Yingying, "So are all of you ready?"

"Yes we are," all of them replied in unison.

"Oh I almost forgotten, all of you are actually waiting for me instead, how forgetful I am," Yingying commented herself.

This day, Yingying wore a different Mongolia suit, decorated with beads and colourful sequins, quite different from what she is wearing from yesterday, as she wore a plain creamed colour with beads and sequins Mongolia suit. What she wore today make her more beautiful as it is in bright yellow with decorating beads. By this time, Yongqi really do not know what to do as the girl of his dreams is standing in front of her, so beautifully dressed, what he hoped was to put his arms around her and tell her the truth, however, he put his arms around Xiaoyanzi instead as both of them walked.

Seeing the beautiful dress, Xiaoyanzi said with envy, "Wow, Princess Yingying you have a very beautiful dress."

"Oh it is just a Mongolia suit," Yingying replied, "I actually have a similar one with me, if you want you can have it, don’t worry it’s new, I’ve got a lot of new suits, if any of you wants, you can get from me," she offered generously.

"It would be great," Saiya said.

"And I will be able to walk around in Mongolia dress!" Xiaoyanzi said as she is excited and was touched by Yingying’s generosity

"But that will be when we come back," Ziwei added, she too was touched that Yingying actually offered her favorite suits for her, "We are off now ok?"

All of them got into the carriage, Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi was singing happily with their own songs as they written it by themselves. Everyone enjoyed their singing and joined them.

They reached Hui Bing Lou; Xiaoyanzi was the first to jump down. Yongqi warned her, "Hey be careful, I don’t want to worry again and please take care, and you always makes me worry."

"Don’t worry," Xiaoyanzi said turning back, "I am taking very good care of myself my dear." As she shouted, "Xiaojian, Liu Qing, Liu Hong, Jin Suo, come out now, we have got a guest!"

Immediately all of them rushed out, and to their surprise, there standing beside all of them was a stunning beauty. Everyone kept their eyes on her for a long time, trying to tell themselves that they are not crazy upon seeing such a beautiful girl.

"Beautiful right," Xiaoyanzi exclaimed.

"So I am not dreaming," said Xiaojian.

"Neither I am dreaming," said Liu Hong.

"So who is this beautiful maiden?" ask Liu Qing and Jin Suo.

"Let’s go in and talk," Erkang said, eyeing suspiciously among all of the people in the restaurant as afraid that they is person in there wondering who are they.

Knowing that is something secretive, all of them were led to Xiaojian’s room.

"Ok, now please tell us who is the beautiful maiden," said Jin Suo.

"Please don’t say that," Yingying said, "I am not that beautiful actually, my name is Yingying," she said as she shook hand with them.

"When she shook hands with Xiaojian, she said, "This must be Huanzhu Gege’s brother." They nodded.

"Then this must be Liu Qing and Jin Suo," she said while looking at the couple, "Then that must be Liu Hong. Huanzhu gege and Mingzhu gege talked about you in the carriage."

"Please don’t call her by name," Ertai explained, "Even all of us have to address her as Princess Yingying, she is the most popular princess around the world so even us must really address her as Princess Yingying, this rule is by the rule of the kingdom in the world as she is an International Princess, the Princess who have the authority in the world."

"Oh please don’t say that," Yingying said, "I am only a lady."

"She is the princess of Mongolia, you all should have heard before the famous beautiful princess, Princess Yingying," added Saiya.

"Yes, she is the international known princess, she could not be addressed in name," continued Ziwei.

"This is our very first time meeting Princess Yingying," Yongqi said.

"Wow, a beautiful princess indeed," Xiaojian said.

"Not only external beauty," Erkang said.

"She has lots of talents to let us check out," continued Ertai.

"She is really a very nice princess, a very humble princess," continued Xiaoyanzi.

"Please stop flattering me," said Yingying, "I am nobody, the way you people introduced me really gets scary, as if I am the god or angel."

"You really are," commented Yongqi.

All of the people laughed.

"Yes," said Liu Qing, "Mongolia princess, the beautiful princess, of course we somehow must heard before. I can’t believe the beautiful princess is standing right in front of me."

"Very nice to meet you," Liu Hong said.

"You are indeed too beautiful," added Xiaojian.

"And I bet that there won’t be anymore lady more beautiful than her," added Jin Suo.

Yingying smiled, "Thank you for all the sayings, Yingying here thanking all of you. Very nice to meet all of you too."

"Ok," Erkang said, "What we actually bring Princess Yingying out is to show her around of the streets of Beijing, so we have seen the Hui Bing Lou, we must really go now."

"Oh yes," Yongqi remembered, "So we really have to go now."

"Bye everyone," Yingying said, "Yingying will pay a visit when I am free."

Everyone bid their good byes.

As watching their back view, Xiaojian dreamed that, he would never have seen such a beauty, this Princess Yingying is really beautiful, plus that she is gentle and is really humble. He told himself not to think much about this Princess as he will never get a chance, Qing Er is who he really have in mind.

Yingying took a stole glance back, she thought ‘Huanzhu Gege’s brother is a really a handsome chap…by his looks, I can see that he is a very intelligent man too…’

As all of them walked slowly down the streets, all of them took turns to but gifts for Yingying, she actually didn’t want them to buy anything, but all of them insist. Yingying had never seen all these scenes back in Mongolia, so she was full of questions filling all of them, why this and why that, all of them explained to her that what was actually happening.

They decided to take a walk around the fields, the field was deserted, they enjoyed as the scenery and peaceful moments. All of a sudden, a bunch of guys in black came flying out of one corner and filling Erkang, Yongqi, Ertai and Saiya with kungfus.

"Protect Ziwei, Xiaoyanzi, and Miss Yingying is the most important," shouted Ertai as they fight.

Just then, a very powerful sword came pointing at Yongqi’s heart; Xiaoyanzi was frightened and immediately ran to his rescue and pushed Yongqi away. This time Yingying had no choice but to help, she immediately gave a flying swift turn sending the enemy to the ground with a kungfu kick. She stood in front of Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi protectively and fight among all of the people in black, even Erkang, Ertai, Saiya and Yongqi were no match for them. However, Yingying can actually fight with the men in black with free hand. Her Chinese kungfu is real superior, of course, much much better than Yongqi, Erkang, Ertai and Saiya as she is even much more better than Xiaojian.

The men in black had no choice but to run away.

Yingying immediately turned to Xiaoyanzi who was right in Yongqi’s arms and asked her concernly, "Are you alright, Huanzhu Gege?"

"I am very very fine, don’t worry, how about you?" Xiaoyanzi asked.

"I am ok too," Yingying said.

Touched by what Xiaoyanzi did for him, he was too touched and blamed himself for falling on Yingying, but his heart did not rest.

"Good. Everyone is alright," Yingying said.

No one had expect that a Princess kungfu can be so well and her kungfu can even be compared with Xiaojian, her kungfu is hundred times better than Xiaojian, neverless Yongqi or Erkang or Ertai or Saiya and Xiaoyanzi.

Xiaoyanzi is with envy, "Wow! Princess Yingying, how did you managed to learn such fantastic kungfu, your kungfu is excellent."

Yingying just gave them a smile and said, "When I was like you and the love for martial arts I had so my father finally let me learn martial arts at a young age. But it’s been a long time since I use martial arts. And also, I think that actually that they are a lot of people wanting to kidnap all of you, so you all should be on your guard."

"Yes I think so too," said Erkang.

"And all the credit goes to you saving our lives," Saiya added.

"We could not beat over them without you, you really are skillful," Ertai said.

"Thank you," Yingying said politely, "That is really nothing."

As they knew that it is not save for them to stay there as the enemies could easily attack them soon, they leave immediately.

Everyone sat in the carriage in slience, all of them were thinking that Yingying is actually a person who knows every single thing, Dance, Draw, Write, Martial Arts, … and were very pleased to know that, all of them were just so quiet that Yingying guessed what they have in mind.

Yingying broke the slience, "All of you stop thinking about me, and I know what’s on all of your minds."

By that time, they reached the palace gates.

Qian Long, MengWang and all the others knew about that incident and went to the palace gates waiting for all of their arrival.

Yingying got off the carriage and said, "Huang Shan jixiang, Huang Hou niang niang jixiang," she said respectfully. Upon seeing the Tai Hou, she said, "My sincere greetings to Lao Fu Ye, sorry to let all of you worry, but nothing’s wrong with any of us."

"Yingying, had you caused any trouble?" ask MengWang.

Yingying just smiled.

"No, Meng Wang," Yongqi replied respectfully, "We owed our lives to Princess Yingying."

"What happened?" asked Qian Long worried.

Yingying took a step in front and told Qian Long, "Huang Shan don’t worry, there is not such thing as they owe their lives to me," she said grinning at all of them as she told all of the people the story of the men in black that tried to attack them.

"Oh I see," Qian Long said.

"They really did owe their lives to you," Tai Hou said.

Yingying said politely, "Lao Fu Ye, you shouldn’t say this, I just do my part as I have to do."

Xiaoyanzi stepped in front and said, "Your kungfu is so good! Can you be my shifu to teach me all these kungfu?"

"Xiaoyanzi," started Ling Fei, "She is the international Princess, you must not be rude to her. You must greet her as Princess Yingying."

"It’s ok Ling Fei niang niang," said Yingying, "I am not that, and don’t always look and treat me as International Princess, you don’t have to be so polite with me."

"Princess Yingying should not say this," Ling Fei said, "Don’t call me niang niang, I could not be compared to an international princess, not fit for you to call me niang niang."

Yingying just smiled and which made her looked more pretty while she said to Xiaoyanzi, "I will teach you, but you must be willing to learn."

"Of course I will," said Xiaoyanzi eagerly, "Thank you Princess Yingying for your kindness."

"Make sure that you won’t vomit blood, Princess Yingying," said Yongqi jokingly. Xiaoyanzi pinched him.

Yingying laughed at the couple.

Yongqi was so happy that in his mind that he had was that, ‘This way, she will come to Jing Yang Gong to teach Xiaoyanzi and I will have more time looking and admiring at this Princess Yingying."

"Oh I almost forgotten, didn’t you girls want some Mongolia costumes from me?" Yingying reminded them, "Let’s go."

"Huh?" Qian Long was furious, "How dare you people wanted to get gifts from Princess Yingying?"

Yingying knew that Qian Long was furious and say out, "Huang Shan do not be angry, those are the new clothes that I also don’t really need it as I have so much clothes over here and I don’t think I need and I think giving these Mongolia’s costumes to them might be some fun for them. And in fact, they also bought me many gifts in return."

"Alright," Qian Long said, "This time we shall listen to Yingying gongzhu."

"Xiaoyanzi, I will accompany you there," Yongqi offered.

"Me too," Erkang and Ertai said.

Yingying smiled sweetly and charmingly at all of them and gestured Ziwei, Xiaoyanzi and Saiya to the guesthouse.

They were all busy fitting the clothes that and choosing, Xiaoyanzi managed to choose a bright red Mongolia costume with only beads on the collar and she looked lively and cute in it. While Ziwei picked a purple Mongolia costume without beads and sequins but is nicely decorated with some laces causing Ziwei to look elegant in it. Saiya picked a Emerald Green Mongolia dress, that is a very simple one, it somehow looked like a Tibet costume though, Saiya chose it as it looked like Tibei costume, everyone looked good on their new Mongolia costumes.

The three girls marched out to the living room where their husbands are waiting and all of them were stunned at the new look that Yingying had design and gave them, they look beautiful too, however, they still cannot be compared to Yingying but they looked as great.

Everyone bid goodbye and as Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi walked towards arms wrapped around each other to Jing Yang Gong, she asked him, "Yongqi, do you think I look good in this suit?"

"Yes my wife," Yongqi said, "Whatever you wear looks good on you."

Xiaoyanzi gave him a hug as the walk slowly towards Jing Yang Gong,

While in the carriage where Ziwei, Erkang, Ertai and Saiya are returning back to Xue Shi Fu, they too asked their husbands about their looks on the new costume.

"You look fantastic, my wife," Erkang replied.

"You look fabulous," Ertai said and gave a quick kiss at Saiya’s cheeks.

Just then Ziwei don’t seemed to feel very well and as in front of her start to turn dark and in a flash, she fainted…

"Ziwei!" Erkang shouted as he supported her……


While in the palace garden, Qing Er alone walking by herself watching the blooming flowers and sighed. ‘Why am I always so moody?’ she asked herself. Just then, she saw a back view of a figure that is going to walk out of the palace gate and found out that that was the person she wanted to talk to, upon seeing that, she brighten up, and she called upon the backview, "Hey………………………"


-continued on chapter 5-

Wow! So much things to find out.. would you want to see?? Stay tuned and I am sure that you will know these things in chapter 5….

Commands?? Complains?? Ideas?? Email me at --- and will be glad to read your commands, complains, and ideas .. waiting for your email dyingly and I will reply.

I actually had a hard time doing this but I still enjoyed it somehow even though my whole body aches … ^_^

Completed On: 5th Aug 2000 – 11.59 PM ---going to be 12 in the next morning already!


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