Huanzhu Gege (Special Edition)

Chapter 5

Immediately, Ziwei was sent back to Xue Shi Fu and the summonded the imperial physician. The imperial physician took her pulse beat and then found out that that was nothing much. He smiled and said, "Gong Xi Fu Da Ye, He Xi Ziwei Gege, Ziwei Gege you xi (pregnant) for 2 months. All of you don’t have to worry, that is because of un enough food, Ziwei Gege only need to have enough food to fill herself up, there is any herbs to do anything with this, as long as Ziwei Gege eats well, she will be able to keep her health and the child’s health."

"Are you sure," asked the excited Erkang, "I am going to be a father soon!"

"Yes," answered the imperial physician.

"Any special things that she shouldn’t do," asked Ertai concernly.

"Oh, nothing. She can do anything she wants," answered the imperial physician, "She can still run about in the palace and in the town."

"Thank you," Erkang said excitedly, "I am very happy!" he said, holding Ertai’s hands, "Hey, I am going to be a father soon!"

"Yes you are," said Ertai, "Congrats!"

Erkang immediately ran to Ziwei, "Ziwei, we are going to have our own child and we are going to be parents soon!"

"Yes," Ziwei said, "I have heard that, so you don’t have to worry my dear husband do you?"

"I don’t have to worry anymore," said Erkang, "But you must eat more."

"I promise I will my dear, you are so naggy," teased Ziwei.

Just then, Saiya came beside Ziwei, "Ziwei, congrats! You are going to be a mother soon! I can understand your feeling, the feeling when I was expecting Qiangsheng."

Ziwei smiled in return, "Thank you, and I will be full of questions on you soon."

"Oh sure," Saiya replied.

Ertai came over and joined them, "You both are really very happy huh?"

They could see that smile on Ziwei’s and Erkang’s face and they were smiling so brightly.

"I wonder if Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi will get jealous," Saiya joked.

In the palace…

"Xiaojian!" Qing Er called desperately.

The figure turned around slowly, yes that really is Xiaojian, Qing Er is not dreaming. The figure soon walks slowly towards Qing Er.

"Hi Qing Er," Xiaojian said cheerfully, "It’s so good to see you here."

"Yes," Qing Er said, "I feel so good seeing you here. I ermm.. Just want to have a talk, if you don’t mind."

"Of course not," answered Xiaojian.

They sat on there talking about alots of things, from poem to people in the palace. As that, they suddenly stopped talking and locked into each other’s eyes for a very very long time.

"Oh Qing Er," exclaimed Xiaojian, "You are so beautiful."

"I think you are beautiful too," Qing Er said in reply, eyes still could not leave Xiaojian’s.

"I enjoyed talking to you," Xiaojian said passionately.

Qing Er suddenly felt the passion of love arising from her and she finally confessed out her love bravely, "Xiaojian! If you are not there listening to me, I would rather not talk for the rest of my life!"

Xiaojian on the other end also felt the love deepens and upon hearing those words by Qing Er, he knew that he would be hers, "I promise that you will talk forever and I will be the one forever listening to you." He could not control and forget about the rest of the world and pulled Qing Er to him and hugged her.

Qing Er finally found her love and was very very fortunate. "Xiaojian," she said softly as she is still in his embrace, "I have finally found you! I have found my love."

In reply, he said, "Me too, finally found what I want for the rest of my life, I have finally get to tell Xiaoyanzi that I have found a life time partner."

As what she remembered, she got away from his embrace and looked around if people are looking at them. Lucky for them, no one noticed it. She remembered, wanting to show him something, "Come with me to Ci Ning Gong, I have got something to show you," she said mysteriously.

"What’s that?" Xiaojian asked, "You sound so mysterious and mind you, Lao Fu Ye is in Ci Ning Gong."

"Don’t worry," Qing Er assured, "Lao Fu Ye is in the palace temple praying, she won’t be back in 3 hours time. I am sure that you will only be in there for a flash."

"Ok," Xiaojian agreed.

Qing Er pulled his hands towards Ci Ning Gong, as they got into her room, Qing Er sat Xiaojian on a stool and took out lots of portraits. "Open them up," Qing Er commanded.

Xiaojian opened them up, he saw in the portrait was he and Qing Er standing side by side and was very fortunate together.

"I have drew and hoped that this day will come, now it seems that 50% of my dream is coming true," Qing Er said.

Xiaojian was so touched by Qing Er’s long time love and gave her a little kiss; and said, "I promise that this day will come.

"I also wished that I actually have a day to show you this portrait," Qing Er said, "And this dream came true, I am really happy enough to do that."

Both of them hid in each other’s embrace for sometime and were happy that they had finally confessing this love. Therefore, here, another love life of the gang is born.

In Cining Gong a few hours later..

Xiaojian has left earlier, just before Tai Hou came back from the palace temple. By that time, all of the family joined her at the dinner. Including Qian Long, Ling Fei, Xiaoyanzi, Yongqi, all ah-ges and geges, and also their guest, MengWang and Yingying.

During dinner, Yongqi still could not keep away his eyes from Yingying, brilliant Yingying certainly noticed that too, she was there, wondering why is Wu Ah Ge so strange lately, keeping his eyes on her, as if she is an alien.

Just then, a eunuch rushed into the dinning room and reported on Ziwei to Qian Long excitedly, "Gong Xi Huang Shan, He Xi Huang Shan, Ziwei gege is expecting, that is the news brought from Xue Shi Fu."

Qian Long was glad and excited, "Are you sure?" he asked, "Is she alright?"

"Wan Sui Ye please don’t worry," said the eunuch, "Ziwei gege is very fine."

Yingying immediately send her wishes as she is the first one and knelt down, "Qian Long Huang Shan, you don’t have to worry, I am sure that Mingzhu Gege is very fine, Gong Xi Qian Long Huang Shan, He Xi Qian Long Huang Shan, Huang Shan wan sui wan sui wan wan sui."

She led the other geges and ah-ges, "Gong Xi Huang Ah Ma, He Xi Huang Ah Ma, Huang Ah Man wan sui wan sui wan wan sui," as they knelt down, together with Yingying and MengWang, "Ziwei / Mingzhu gege / Ziwei gege, qian sui qian sui qian qian sui."

"Ha ha ha," laughed Qian Long happily, "So I am going to be a grandfather soon, I am so happy."

Tai Hou, Empress, and Ling Fei were also very happy to hear this news too, three of them hugged together as they smiled in tears.

Xiaoyanzi jumped up and said, "That means I am going to be an aunty too!" said Xiaoyanzi, "I am soo happy! Will the baby be a boy or a girl," she asked questioning, "It will be great to be a girl, then she can be like me."

"Don’t worry, Xiaoyanzi," joked Yongqi, "She is just pregnant how will you know that it’s a boy or a girl? The baby better not be like you, if not the troubles will return and our nightmares will certainly return."

Xiaoyanzi frowned at him, "Ha, how dare you joke me?"

Qian Long added in, "Yes, character can be like anyone’s, but not Xiaoyanzi, Ha ha ha."

Xiaoyanzi was furious, "Huang Ah Ma! You also tease me!"

"However," Yongqi added.

"What what," Xiaoyanzi asked eagerly.

"The baby could look as pretty as my pretty wife!" said Yongqi smiling at her.

Xiaoyanzi blushed.

Tai Hou said, "No, the baby will never be like Xiaoyanzi, to me, it will be Ziwei’s gentle character," she smiled at all of the people and to Yingying, "Especially Yingying gongzhu, the best is as talented as Yingying gongzhu."

"Thank you Lao Fu Ye’s praise," Yingying added politely, "I am not talented, and it’s just that I like to learn all these."

"Princess Yingying," Qing Er added, "You are really talented."

"And a real beauty," added Liu-Ah-Ge.

"Thank you," Yingying smiled, "I always hear your praises, but I am not that beautiful and I am not that talented, Mingzhu Gege and Huanzhu Gege are really much more beautiful than I really am, certainly, my talents could not be compared to Qing gege," she said honestly.

"You are really humble," added Yongqi as he looked at his "boastful" wife secretly.

"Thank you," Yingying replied, "I don’t know how many praises I have heard from all of you, but I am stating the truth," said Yingying.

Everyone was very shocked by this beautiful princess talent and humbleness. They looked at her in surprise, most of the Ah-ge’s and the males of the imperial family looked at her longingly, hoping that they will be the lucky one to marry her, however, the males looking at Yingying longingly included Yongqi.

Qian Long broke the starings, "You all are staring at Yingying gongzhu again, what’s wrong with her?"

"Oh nothing," replied Da-Ah-Ge.

The dinner ended soon, Qian Long told Yongqi and Xiaoyanzi, "Xiaoyanzi, Yongqi, you all should bring Yingying gongzhu for another trip, she might be bored in the palace," he said, remembering the incident that happened which actually spoiled their day.

"Qian Long Huang Shan," started Yingying, "It’s really okay staying in the palace I am not bored especially with the accompany of Huanzhu gege. You don’t have to worry."

"Oh," said Qian Long, "Then if it’s like that, then you all shall go some other day."

"Oh sure," said Yongqi, giving Qian Long, Xiaoyanzi and Yingying a smile.

"Princess Yingying," Xiaoyanzi said.

"Yes, Huanzhu Gege?" asked Yingying.

"You said that you can be my shifu and teach me martial arts," Xiaoyanzi said innocently.

"Xiaoyanzi!" shouted Qian Long angrily, "Do you know that she is an international princess, you shouldn’t ask favour from her!"

Yingying was shocked and told Qian Long, "Qian Long Huang Shan, it’s ok, Huanzhu gege is very cute, nevermind about international princess, and it isn’t really that big." She looked and Xiaoyanzi and said, "Oh yes, I nearly forgot about that, but I promise you Huanzhu gege tomorrow morning I will go to Jing Yang Gong and teach you."

Xiaoyanzi dared not to say anything as she looked at Qian Long for an answer.

"Alright," Qian Long said, "Since Yingying gongzhu say so, then I shouldn’t don’t agree," gave Xiaoyanzi a smile.

"Yippie!" shouted Xiaoyanzi, "Xiaoyanzi pai jian shifu," as she knelt down.

"Hey Huanzhu gege!" said Yingying in alarm, "Please don’t kneel down on me, and don’t call me shifu, just call me Yingying ok?"

"Yes," Xiaoyanzi said, "Ying…" as she saw that glare from Qian Long.

Qian Long warned, "Xiaoyanzi, stop this nonsense, she is still an international princess, it’s actually against the rule to get gifts or favors from international princess and you still actually want to call her by name? Do you know that the place of an international princess? She is actually having the authority to command an emperor! In the world, there is only two international princess, unfortunately, one has died of some sickness and she is actually not a good princess and she caused her people to suffer, unlike Yingying gongzhu, she is a good princess, she is the only international princess left."

"Ok," agreed Xiaoyanzi, "Sorry Huang Ah Ma, and sorry Princess Yingying."

"That is really ok with me, don’t worry," Yingying said, she turned to Qian Long, "Huang Shan, it’s ok, you set the rules aside from Huanzhu Gege, didn’t you? So now I also set my rules aside for Huanzhu Gege ok?"

Qian Long had no choice but to agree and nodded his head.

"So you can all me Yingying," said Yingying, "I mean everyone can call me by name," she added smiling.

"Oh yes, Yingying," said Xiaoyanzi, "Yongqi! Isn’t Yingying a very good princess?"

"Yes she is," Yongqi agreed, "You are a very good princess, Princess Yingying," he turned to Yingying.

"Oh, just call me Yingying," Yingying said.

"Well, the rules are set aside from Xiaoyanzi but not from me," he said, laughing.

Xiaoyanzi stuck a tongue at him. Yingying laughed at the lively couple and shook her head.

"Oh, if you really think it’s comfortable," Yingying told him, "I also feel so uncomfortable being called as Princess Yingying."

"I think it’s really late," Yongqi said, "Xiaoyanzi, let’s not disturb Princess Yingying, let her rest and you see tomorrow you are wasting her energy and make her vomit blood!"

"You are always teasing me," Xiaoyanzi said, "Good night Yingying."

"Good night Princess Yingying," Yongqi echoed.

"Good night," she replied.

Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi walked back to Jing Yang Gong arm in arm and were chatting. Yongqi actually is secretly peeping over his shoulders to get a glimpse on Yingying, ‘how caring she is’ he commanded. Yingying actually caught that glimpse as he always sees Yongqi turning back looking at her for a lot of times and somehow knew what it meant.

‘Tomorrow she will be in my Jing Yang Gong,’ Yongqi thought happily.


-continued on Chapter 6-

We actually have so much interesting things to check out, so don’t ever regret if you miss chapter 6! Email me at for all the precious commands!

Completed on: 7th Aug 2000 -- 10.05 PM

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