Chapter 1

The Beginning

200 years after the duel

The Zhao household was in anxious mood. Lady Zhou was pregnant with their second child. Lord Zhao has one elder daughter named Xing Xing aged one. Lord Zhao is a top martial art pugilist known all across the land. He hated taking part in the family rift against the Lung family. His brother, Zhao Bao is his opposite. He has a consuming hatred for the Lung family and vowed to destroy them all. One night, a huge fire broke out in their ancestral home, the Iron Phoenix Manor. Almost all Zhao family perished in the fire. Only Lord Zhao, Xing Xing, Zhao Bao, his son Zhoujian, the Fifth Aunt Yuanqi, 7th Cousin Bei 'The Fighting Scholar', the East Devil Xiao Dong and a few of their loyal disciples survived. No one except Master Zhao knew what actually happen that night. Yet, he refused to tell others. But, from that day onwards, he relinquished his duties to his brother and exiled himself up in the Zhao family dungeon. Zhao Bao began building back their ancestral home not far from its original site. He left the charred remains of the original Iron Phoenix Manor as a reminder of that fateful night.

The Lung family is led by the Dragon Lord, Wu Lung. He never marries but had one adopted son named Hu Fei. He is a mysterious man and rarely went out of the Golden Dragon Palace. Only a few have the privilege of seeing him. The one who actually took care of the Palace and the family affairs was his sister, Mistress Yu Feng. She's also the one who took care of Hu Fei and treated him as her son. But the child grew up to become resentful and quite ruthless much like his foster father. He respected no one except Mistress Yu. But many deemed him suitable as the future dragon lord. Yet, Master Wu Lung still held total power. He ordered his men to kidnap all young man and trained them to be his disciple. As a result, the Dragon clan influence doubled and became famous for The Twelve Wudang Brothers led by Hu Fei. They are Wu Lung's best fighters but their identities were unknown.

At a house in the remote parts of the eastern mountain lived an old man who goes by the name of Liu Xia otherwise known as the Sixth Immortal. He lived with his pupil, Ng Hung and his wife, 'Jade Flute' Yi Lam. One day, while he was out hunting, he found a pregnant young woman. He brought the woman home and his wife nursed her until she gave birth to a baby girl. The woman was too weak and died shortly after that. Liu Xia adopted the baby and called her, Zi Xia.

' Ng Hung, you're not going to beat me again. Take this!' screamed Zi Xia as she thrust her sword towards Ng Hung. Ng Hung, being much more older and experienced than Zi Xia, easily dodged the attack. ' You could do better than that,' he said as he deftly attacked her with 36 Striding Cloud Fist causing Zi Xia to swerve and use her Lao Tian sword stance. They exchanged wisecracks and jokes. Liu Xia smiled from the distance. Zi Xia have learned much under Ng Hung tutelage. She had just turn eighteen but have mastered the healing arts and the basics of Lao Tian swordplay. At the same time he have taught Ng Hung the 36 Striding Cloud fist, Ten Golden Needles and Fire Dragon Palm. Yi Lam on the other hand taught both of them the Sun Tzu Art of War, Ultra
Lightness kung fu and archery (Zi Xia weakest point though). She also trained them how to use hand daggers and hidden projectiles. Ng Hung and Zi Xia loved Liu Xia and his wife. They respected the couple as their family. Yet, there are times Zi Xia wished that they aren't.

Ng Hung: Zi Xia, you're going to be late for your music lessons ( he sat down to catch his breath)
Zi Xia: (smirked at him) I'm not going.
Ng Hung: Po Po (they refer to Yi Lam as Po Po and Liu Xia as Sifu) will kill you.
Zi Xia: I don't care. What music lessons got to do with kung fu? And she makes me dance!
Ng Hung: Haha... Thank god I'm not a girl.

Zi Xia swiftly hit him on his head. ' You're a lady, Zi Xia. Ladies don't hit big boys,' someone said from behind.
Both of them froze. Zi Xia looked like she have just seen a ghost. ' Po Po, how long have you been here?' asked Ng Hung nervously nudging Zi Xia aside. Both of them immediately fell to her knees. ' Long enough,' replied Yi Lam eyeing them sharply. ' Zi Xia, go to your lessons. Ng Hung, go fetch some water and firewood too.' ' Yes, Po Po.' said both them and kowtow.

Zi Xia loved learning sword fighting but detested each time Po Po gave her the 'lady lessons'. Po Po said that every lady of high breed needs to learn poetry, music, arts and culture. Zi Xia pored on the Tang poems diligently, learned how to play the flute and court etiquette. But she was happier practicing her kungfu and fishing with her brother. At eighteen, she has grown into a beautiful girl. Because of that, Ng Hung became so protective of her. He always thought her like her own sister. Zi Xia always asked him what kind of girl he like. 'Nothing like you,' he always replied. Yet, he promised to Zi Xia that he'll take care of her until his dying day.

' Zi Xia, do you think this lessons are a waste of time?' asked Yi Lam. Zi Xia slowly looked up from her music notes. ' No...' she timidly answered. Yi Lam laughed. 'I heard what you said to Ng Hung.' Zi Xia guiltily nod her head. Her body shook with fear.

Yi Lam: Come here. (she timidly obeyed.) I think it is time to tell. Your mother's will and your legacy.
Zi Xia: Mother? You said that she's dead.
Yi Lam: She is. But she have left you something and told your sifu to give it to you when you're old enough. I think you are.

She brought out a small leather case and opened it. Inside, there was a jade flute, a gold locket and a small fan.

Yi Lam: Your mother was my martial sister. Her name is Yu He. She married to Zhao Wen of Iron Phoenix Manor and had a daughter, Xing Xing. About eighteen years ago, she came back carrying you. She told me how her husband accused her having an affair with Wu Lung. He found love letters addressed to her with the inscription,'With love, Wu Lung'. She tried to explain but he won't listen. Then, the fire broke out. In the confusion,somebody knocked her unconscious and left her in the woods. When she came back, she could not find Zhao
Wen and her daughter. She met Zhao Bao who told her that her daughter died and her husband refused to see her. She almost went mad with grief. Luckily, your sifu found her and brought her to me.
Zi Xia: These things?
Yi Lam: While she was dying, she asked me to raised you and when you're old enough, send you to your father. These things are proof of your identity. They are your mother's.
Zi Xia: (chuckled) No wonder you forced me to learn the flute.

Yi Lam sternly reprimanded her. She unfolded the fan. Zi Xia was surprised to see that the fan had song notes written on them. Yi Lam told her that her father wrote this song to her mother.

Yi Lam: The gold locket is an identical match to your sister's jade locket.
Zi Xia: Where can I find them?

Yi Lam sighed and gave her a map of the eastern province. She marked the location of Iron Phoenix Manor.

Yi Lam: Your sifu is telling the same thing to Ng Hung right now. He will accompany you on this journey. I'veprepared everything. You can go anytime you want.
Zi Xia: Oh, Po Po

Zi Xia ran to her arms. Yi Lam burst to tears as she held her 'daughter' lovingly.

Yi Lam: I wished I don't have to let you go. But I've promised your mother...
Zi Xia: We'll come back. I promise.

With heavy heart, they left for Iron Phoenix Manor the very next day. At the cottage, Liu Xia is having tea with Yi
Lam. Both of them looked distraught.

Yi Lam: Do you think we did the right thing?
Liu Xia: Sooner or later, we have to. Remember, Yi Lam. The prophecy must be fulfilled.
Yi Lam: Are you sure it was Zi Xia? Maybe it was her sister. We don't know for sure.
Liu Xia slowly sipped his tea. He seemed to be deep in thought. Yi Lam were annoyed and demanded to know
what was he thinking. He only smiled and asked for more tea.



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