Chapter 10

In Dreams

The three tired and haggard travelers were slowly drifting to sleep when Mei Hua and Qing Hua arrived beside them.

Mei Hua: It's time...
Qing Hua: (nodded gleefully) for revenge...

They both began to grow smaller and smaller and sleep into Ng Hung's dreamworld where they'll begin their evil plan.

In Ng Hung's dream...

He was sleeping soundly when a shrill girlie voice woke him up and felt something cold trickling down his forehead...

Ng Hung: what aa...
Zi Xia: Wake up, sleepyhead.. Popo will be mad ar us if we're late for her morning prayers...
Ng Hung: Zi Xia... what are you doing here???
Zi Xia; Well... I live here, stupid... Hurry up and dressed... Popo's waiting...

Ng Hung cannot believe his eyes... He was back at Liu Xia's cottage. His home. ' This cannot be.. Where's Xiao Dong and Zhaojian? Why am I here? Is it all over?'

He could hear the cock crowing to welcome the sun. The smell of hay and dried herbs permeates the whole room. His bed... the one he had ever since he came to Liu Xia as a mere boy years ago. He could also smell Popo cooking breakfast and he guessed that at this time to, sifu is busy practising Taichi near the stream.

Ng Hung: This is all a dream... (he went back to sleep...)

Then a another female voice, not PoPo's, not Zi Xia's gently cajoled him back to the world..

Xing Xing: Ng Hung, dear... Wake up...
Ng Hung:(in his head) I'm really dreaming....

But he disd not expect Xing Xing to bend down and kiss him right on the lips and said, ' Husband, breakfast is waiting. You know how Zi Xia and the kids hate being kept waiting...'

This time Ng Hung woke up with a startled look on his face. He bewilderedly said to Xing Xing, ' My wife?' Xing Xing smiled bashfully. ' Now, you always tease me about this... and it's been five years ever since we got married?'

' Five years???'

Now, things began to look bizarre. He finally notice that his haybed is now larger (for two) then it used to be. Then, there's a small cot and toys next to them. ' My kids??' thought Ng Hung totally confused. Could this be a dream? Or is this real? This is the life he always imagined. His future life... happy with his wife and kids... his martial sister always around never changing, childish as ever. Living in the mountains happily ever after loving each other just like Popo and sifu. To Ng hung, life here in the mountains is better than living in a huge manor full of luxury. Life is simple, less stressfull and you don't have to worry of anybody come to kill you every now and then.

Ng Hung; Xing Xing, how did we got married? What happen to Cheng En?
Xing Xing: (taken aback) don't you remember? Cheng En was a traitor. He betrayed my father. You're the one who showed us his deceitful self and saved us from the Lung family. Father wedded the two of us as he loved you like his own son and I.... (blushed) finally realized that you were the one I really love.
Ng hung: What happen to Cheng En?
Xing Xing: You killed him in a duel. Enough talking. Let's go and eat. The food's getting cold.

Breakfast was a wonderful affair. Xing Xing was a marvellous cook. Ng Hung's kids, Er Hung and Tai Hung practised the basics of kungfu under Zi Xia's watchful eyes. But being the immature person she is, the teacher always ended up being bullied by the pupils. At these times, Ng Hung will take over and give them gentle reprimanding while Xing Xing watch on.

Ng Hung felt so happy... and he was never happier... Then he said the magic words, ' If this is a dream, I wish it never ends...'

On the other side of the dreamworld, two girls cackled as they watch their enemy falling into their grasp.

Qing Hua: Now that we have Ng Hung... The others will be a piece of cake...

True to her words, both Zhaojian and Xiao Dong easily fell into their traps. They all became so attached to their wonderful dreams that they won't let go.

Mei Hua: They'll sleep and sleep forever... in our woods. Soon, our dark vibes wil surround them and turn them into one of our own.
Qing hua: And they'll wake up as a creature of the night just like us...
Meihua : Just like us.... (giggles)

Miles away, Hu Fei, dressed as a demonic prince of darkness riding as fast as the wind with his horse, Centaur. He arrived at the Gate of Devil's Wrath, the entrance to the Netherworld where the Lady of Darkness dwells. The lady in question was Jia Ren, half mortal half demon who rules over a batallion of night creatures stuck between the real world and the after world. She was reputed to be the daughter of the devil and a high Tibetan priestess who strayed from the right path. Doomed from the day she was born, finding herself not belonging to either worlds, she decided to build herself a kingdom of darkness between the two worlds.

They met under strange circumstances that only the two of them knows. But due to that meeting, they became best of friends and helped each other in times of need. And this is one of those times...

Back to the trio, Mei Hua and Qing hua decided to hasten the process of changing the guys into one of them. They started with Ng hung but each time they tried to touch them, an unknown burst of energy emitted from his body electrifying both sisters. This happens a few time. Just then, Mei Hua noticed a small talisman hanging from Ng Hung;s neck.

Qing Hua: Maybe this is the reason he could repelled our advances... This talisman is protecting him from our dark powrs.
Mei Hua: Let's get it off..
Qing Hua: We can't even touch him..
Mei Hua: But we could get him take it off himself.
Qing Hua: (deep in thought) could try...

Back in Ng Hung's dream.

Qing Hua was the one who thought up the plan. She has the power to manipulate dreams and influencing ppl's minds in deep slumber. In Xing Xing's form, she gently coax Ng Hung into submission.

In the dream...

Ng Hung's getting ready for bed when Xing Xing playfully nudged him. ' Could you do me a favour, my love?' Ng Hung smiled sweetly to his lovely wife, ' Whatever you say is my command...'

Xing Xing: Mmmmm... could you take off that ugly necklace of yours? You know, I've always thought it doesn't suit you.
Ng hung (curious): But sifu told me never to take it off. It has been told by a soothsayer that a great danger will befall me if I ever take it off.
Xing Xing: What danger? We're far away from any danger. There's no enemies areound that could jeopardize our safety so you don't need it anymore.
Ng Hung; But??
Xing Xing: If you don't take it off... I'l never talk to you anymore... (turned sulky)

Ng hung thought it was odd. Xing Xing never sulked no matter how disappointed or angered by anytrhing. Nevertheless, he told her that he'll take it off once he got sifu's permission. He grew suspicious but he doesn't know why. When he saw Liu Xia, he told his sifu about Xing Xing's wish.

Liu Xia: Ng hung, you should just listen to her. I think whatever the soothsayer told you, it be lies. After all, nothing has happen to you and now that we're back living in the mountains, there's nothing could harm you anymore... I think it's better if you just give me the talisman for safekeeping.
Ng hung (very suspicious): I'll think about it first... (turned to leave. Liu Xia stopped him)
Liu Xia: (in a huff) I'm your sifu and it's your duty to obvey my orders. Now, I'm ordering you to give that talisman to me.
Ng Hung: (stepped back. shocked) Sifu, you never talk to me this way!
Li Xia: And that's the reason you dare to disobey me. I realized I've been to gentle with yopu and I'm not repeating this mistake again. Give me that talisman (tried to snatch it away)

Hearing the commotion, Xing Xing and Zi Xia both came into the room. Zi Xia shouted at him for being rough with sifu. ' You cannot bully your master like that, traitor.'
Ng hung: Zi Xia, I did nothing.
Xing Xing ( sulkily): You don't love me. I only saked for one small thing but you .... (burst to tears. Zi xai, looking at her sister, scolded him)
Zi Xia: Look, now you made my sister miserable. It was just one stupid necklace.
Ng HUng; I cannot take it off. i've promised. The soothsayer...
Zi Xia: You rather listen to some weird stranger who go around telling the world is doomed than your own martial sister??? Ng Hung, if you don't took off that thing from your neck, I'll personally throw you out of this house.
Ng Hung: But this is my home?! You cannot do this...
Zi Xia: Yes I can... You don't deserve Xing Xing's love and the rest of the family. It's better for you to get out of here. Now!!

Zi xia violently pushed him out much to his surprise. ' Zi xia could not be this strong...' Ng hung tried to fight her away but she was stronger. They fought outside of the cottage but Ng Hung was no match for her. Ng hung, all bloodied and wounded, quickly gathered his thoughts.
' This is not Zi xia. That wasn't her kungfu she's using. Nothing's here is real but then, if this is a dream, why am I hurt. How do I feel pain? Why does everything sound, smell and feel real?' thought Ng Hung.

Zi xia sarcastically laughed, ' Surrender Ng Hung. Give up the talisman and join us.'

Ng Hung: (answered with all his might) Never!!
Zi Xia: (cackled and grinned) Then, you'll die.
Ng Hung (grabbed the talisman on his neck and yelled) : NOOOO!!!

A huge blast of energy emitted from the talisman.The strong flash of light almost blinded Ng Hung. When it cleared up, Ng Hung realized that he's back in the woods with Xiao Dong and Zhaojian. In front of him, the two evil sisters stood in rage. Mei Hua and Qing Hua could not believe their eyes. They have failed again.

NG Hung: Give up, you two. Now, with the power of this talisman, I'll rid of you evil spirits away back to wherever you came from.

Both cried out in fear as the talisman blasted an aura which formed a portal whick sucked them both into the dark oblivion. Xiao Dong and Zhaojian, who woke up around this time too, were quite bewildered from their almost too real dream..

Ng Hung: My brothers, are you all right?
Xiao Dong: I ... I saw Yuanqi. I dreamt... but it was so real.. she wanted me to join her. but I wanted to stay. yet I could not let go...
Zhaojian: Brother Xiao dong, I think it's time yo have to let her go. Leave her in peace. I'm sure she's up there hoping for you to get on with your life.
Ng HunG; Sister Yuanqi loved to see you happy. Don't disappoint her...

Xiao Dong nodded and smiled. ' Yes, you all are right. I'm sorry I've caused a lot of trouble.'
Ng hung sighed in relief but not Zhaojian. His mind seemed somewhere else. He grew more restless after Ng Hung told them about his dream.

Ng Hung: Zhaojian, I know that you must think I'm another of you competition. But loving Xing Xing doesn't mean i cannot be a friend to you at the same time.
Zhaojian : It's not that. But the dreams..
Ng Hung: What??
Zhaojian: The dreams symbolizes the innermost wish in our minds. Xiao dong wanted to live with Yuanqi, you back in the mountains with your sifu, zi xia and xing xing... but I... i always thought my utmost dream was to be the Zhao family lord... but the dream showed me otherwise...
Ng Hung: Then, tell me....
Zhaojian: I dreamt of my father and I was him.
Ng Hung: What??!!
Zhaojian: Don't you see. I dreamt to be powerful just like my father, to be a cruel ruler who have the power to dominate. I'm turning into Zhao Bao.
Ng Hung (deep in though): But Zhaojian, maybe it was not your utmost dream. It could be your utmost fear. The greatest fear of being just like your father. But remember Zhaojian, you're better than him. Remember that..
Zhaojian: i wish I could.



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