Chapter 11

Mistress of the Netherworld

In the dark oblivion... in a place called no where...

Mei Hua and Qing Hua called out for their mistress. They were crying desperately. Ashamed of themselves. To be defeated by a mortal is the most despicable thing among the night creatures.

Mei Hua and Qing Hua: Mistress, help us.
Mei Hua: Forgive us
Qing Hua; For we have sinned..
Mei Hua: Free us, mistress.
Qing Hua: We begged you...

Then a dark aura formed beneath them, surrounding and suffocating them. An angry female voice calling them traitors. ' Not fit to become my servants, you two filthy vermin,' she shouted in rage. The two fairies cowered timidly.

' Back to our realm... I'll deal with you later...'

On top of Emeral Mountain...

Cheng En was all alone, practising all the steps written in the books. It has been a while since he left the manor. He missed Xing Xing but most of all, he was also surprised to find himself pining for Zi Xia. He cannot shake her off his mind.

When it was dark and lonely, the winds blowing soft music of the night, he thought of Zi Xia playing her flute cheekily dancing in the garden amidst the jasmine bushes. He still remember that afternoon. Zi Xia didn't see him as he watched her behind the walls. Her graceful moves seemed to hypnotized our smitten Cheng En. Her laugh, the way she sing and talk... so lively... so vivacious... He remembered how he turned around and kept telling himself that it was Xing Xing he loved and cared for. The one he'll marry. But the more he say it the more he though that it was untrue. That he loved Zi Xia...

' It was the darkness... the loneliness... that's what makes me think all this nonsense.' But nonsense sometimes make sense too...

He thought of his brothers. Hu Fei especially... What will he think of his traitorous deed. For the love of an enemy's daughter, he left his sworn brothers. He deceived them. He remembered telling brother Zhu that he was only playing with Xing Xing's heart. Claiming that it was part of leading the Zhao Family towards its ultimate downfall. But that only led to his own downfall.
He felt ashamed of himself. What will master think? He didn't even dare to think about it....

Cheng En just sat there under the big willow tree watching the red flames, searching for the right answers. He looked up at the stars and wondered if it was fate. If this was written in the stars.

In the Beggars's cottage.

Beggar: Everything is written in the stars. Trust me. All you need is to follow them and you'll find your way.
Zi Xia: That cannot be that simple. You're lying.
Beggar: Dare you call your master a liar..
Zi Xia: No...
Beggar: You know, Zi Xia. Most secrets of the universe is up there in the stars. Everything in life is predestined and by understanding those stars, you can find out almost everything.
Zi Xia : (wide-eyed, very eager to know) Everything???
Beggar: (mysteriously) Everything....

At the Gate of Devil's Wrath

A three faced monster stood guard to the portal that leads to Jia ren's kingdom. The monster always roared and attacked whoever tried to pass. But when he saw Hu Fei. he stepped back. Hu Fei instructed him to let him proceed. The monster, surprisingly, silently obeyed Hu fei's commands.

The portal was actually a dimension portal which can transport across boundaries of time and spaces. The only way leading to Jia Ren's City Of Darkness.

When Hu Fei arrived at the city, everyone was kneeling upfront towards a cliff. Precariously perched on its top was a throne made from black stone marble. A young girl, her face half masked, sat confidently addressing her subjects. Her ice-cold expression lit up when she sighted our Hu Fei.

Jia Ren: (thought silently) What a nice surprice... The barbaric,mortal prince of the southern kingdom, Hu Fei, decided it's time to visit me. (Out loud) Welcome, my friend. What brings you to my domain?
Hu Fei: I see you are quite busy. I'll wait.
Jia Ren: Wise.... Just a few trivial matters have been brought before me. But one have great importance....
Hu Fei: what?
Jia Ren: I've discovered that one of my subjects have been defeated by a mere mortal. A shameful conduct to our kind. I wished for them to be sentenced to death and the mortal... I'll send the whole army of darkness if that's what it takes to deafeat him.
Hu Fei: (laughed) a mortal??? Jia Ren, since when that you care about mortals... the weak disgusted creatures you called as the filthy sludge of the universe. I've always though there's a little bit human in you.
Jia Ren: Haha... You're wrong, Hu Fei. This is about pride and my reputation. I cannot let any mortal who could claim he could defeat me or my subjects. I wouldn't allow that.
Hu Fei: Who was the stupid creature who let themselves be the laughingstock of the Netherworld?
Jia Ren : (sighed) My apprentices, Mei Hua and Qing Hua. Guards, bring them in. (they came in, looking very dejected. Looked at them disapprovingly) You two, tell me what happened? How in the world you fail in the hands of a mortal....

Mei Hua told her everything with Qing Hua nodding one way or another, confirming her sister's story.

Mei Hua: The warrior's talisman was the reason we failed, mistress.

There was a loud hush from the other creatures (jia ren's assembled subjects) Discovering this, Jia Ren was quite alarmed. The legendary talisman. The one prophesied to lead her to her own downfall. Is this the one?

Jia Ren: Tell me the man's name.
Qing Hua: The name's Ng Hung, your highness.

Hu Fei, very familiar with the name, interrupted Jia Ren.

Hu Fei: This is the man I wish for you to take care of.
Jia Ren (pleased): Killing two birds with one stone aye... Since our enemy is the same, I'll be more than happy to assist you.
HU Fei: Then, this is my plan....

And the two devilish minds brainstormed together while the beggar and his disciple continue talking about the stars and the life of the mortals.

Zi Xia: Really, master. How can a star determines the fate of us, humans?
Beggar: Stupid, I'm not saying they are the ones who determine these things. That's God.
Zi Xia: Then, what stars have got to do with it???
Beggar: Many scholars have tried to understand it and from their study, they have prophesied many things.
Zi Xia: (curious) Like what...
Beggar: Like... (looking at Zi Xia)'s not time yet...
Zi Xia: Time for what.
Beggar: You'll know, sooner or later.
Zi Xia (frustrated): I'm tired of waiting.
Beggar: Then, I want to go to sleep.
Zi Xia: wait.. if the stars is right, can it tell me who is destined to be my... err..
Beggar ( lifted his left brow questioningly): Destined one...

Zi Xia blushed. The Beggar smiled.

Beggar: Yes...
Zi Xia: (excited) Then, tell me.
Beggar: (sat down on his bed and reached for the blanket) Look at the bright star on the north of the Hunter Constellar. (lie down... looking very sleepy) Your destined one was born right under that star...
Zi Xia (pouted): That was outrageous! i don't believe that...
BeggarL: Believe or not. That's your problem. Good night. (went to sleep. Began to snore mush to Zi Xia's disgust)

Our romantic at heart heroine walked towards the window. She searched for the said star, found it and stared hard. Could the beggar be telling the truth? Zi Xia wished he did tell the truth.

' Bright star ooo Bright star, I wished... I wished Cheng En was born under you...' she wistfully thought.



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