Chapter 12

Shooting For The Sun

Early next morning... Back in the Zhao Manor.

Xing Xing was nursing her lonely heart by playing her qin all day long. She also tried as hard as she can to cheer up her father but couldn't as she was depressed herself. Lord Zhao refused to eat and grew weaker every day. But he told himself that he must stay strong. ' The family depends on me to reclaim our glory and vanquish Wu Lung.' he silently thought.

Twunk,... the string snapped for umptenth time... ' Mistress, I think you should stop, your dainty fingers satrting to bleed,' said one of her servants.
She shook her head. Dismising the servants away, she mooned silently. Her thought were over Cheng En. She always pondered whether to climb out the mountain to see Cheng En. But she was worried her father might find out. Xing Xing wasn't sure whether Lord Zhao would permit this relationship. And she dare not disobey her father. She loved her father so much but her love for Cheng En were much more.

Xing Xing: I wished Zi Xia was here. At least she could think up a way for me to sneak out and see Cheng En... (laughed to herself) Sneaking up is one of her best skills....

But sadly, archery was her worst. Zi Xia's archery lesson...

The beggar was frustrated with Zi Xia's skill developements. She always lose her aim and when she doesn't, the arrow didn't even reach the target.

Beggar: Pull harder..
Zi Xia (grimaced): I'm trying.

She pulled it as hard as she can, struggling to keep her aim.

Beggar: Now, let go...

The arrow flew with a swish.... and hit ten feet off the target. Zi Xia yelled, ' The wind's too strong!'

Beggar: Excuses.. Do it again..
Zi Xia: Master, I'm tired. Can we do this tomorrow?
Beggar: No, we won't stop until you get it right. Your arm 's not level with your eyes, you cannot keep your aiming steady and....
Zi Xia: yeaah... yea... bla... bla... Nagging won't solve any problem ya know...
Beggar (threw his arms in desperation): I cannot believe your sifu would even tolerate this from you...
Zi Xia: Sifu is the most considerate and patient man in the whole wide world.
Beggar: And you still dare to disobey him...
Zi Xia (eyes wide): I never disobey him... except sometimes....
Beggar (grinnning sheepishly): What...
Zi Xia (everting the issue); You know let's get back to our lesson...
Beggar (adamantly, pushing her): Tell me...(she shook her head, turned around but he was faster, grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back...)
Zi Xia: Owwww!!!!! Let go of me!!!
Beggar: NOW!!
Zi Xia: Okay... you don't have to be that forceful... Sometimes, when I disobey, he would tie me upside down over the waterfall until I admit my mistake. If I won't, he would lower the rope ... once, I was really stubborn and he dipped me up to the waist in the water. I almost drowned but ... i repented my sin and quickly he fished me out. Right after that, I was down with fever for a month

The beggar laughed... much like a donkey may I add, much to her disgust. Curiously, she inquired.

Zi Xia: Are you going to do that to me too???
Beggar: I think spanking you with a stick would be enough but I never hit a lady.
Zi Xia (giggled): Me... a lady??? You must be joking. I rather be a warrior...
Beggar (laughed good-naturedly): You're Zhao Wen's daughter, right? One day, you'll be the lady of the manor.
Zi Xia: That's my sister job. I, on the other hand, rather be by myself. Away from the protocols and all those trivial stuff like drinking tea properly and ceremonies and all that... yuck... I hate it... I wanted to see the world...
Beggar: Hahaha.... You'll get lost and eaten by the wolves... or conned... take your pick...
Zi xia: No, I won't!!! (smiling) Master, you've taught me enough for me to know hos to get around safely.. with the stars as my guide, I won't lost.
Beggar: Yess... your map reading have improved greatly... so you're not complete failure after all. But your shooting...
Zi xIa: I think I rather stick with knives, darts... astuff like that... much easier and I never miss...
Beggar: Mmmmm... if your projectile skills are good... that means your aiming is good... (thought for a while) Let's try another aproach. Zi xia, try aiming for the sun...
Zi Xia: hah?? is there a screw loose anywhere in there master (make a circular gesture near her head) al little bit crazed... ya know, no one could ever hit a sun...
Beggar: Just do what I say... Now, stretch as far as you can. Let yourself be one with the arrow... you wanted to be free zi xia?? Then let the arrow go... and fly....

Swishhhh.... the arrrow go. Right smack on the target. Zi xia cannot believe her eyes... she jumped up and down, shouting ' I did it!! I did it!!' over and over again, she hugged the beggar and said her thankyous and did a little dance like a little mad pixie... The beggar just smile.

In the Netherworld.

Hu fei was in Jia Ren's chamber. Jia Ren was sitting before her mirrow combing her long luscious haIR. She glanced at Hu Fei...

Jia Ren: Would you mind me taking off my mask...?
Hu Fei: Do you think I'm a coward....
Jia Ren (smiled wickedly): Ya know, must ppl scrambled or make a run for it... when they saw my true face...
Hu Fei: I've seen it and i don't think it's that scary.

Jia Ren tilted her head at the side. Her hand undoing the string that held the mask down half of her face. When she let the mask dropped to the table, her real face revealed.

Jia Ren was born half human, half demon.... literally. Her right side was a beautiful human girl but the left side was an unsightly, hideous demon. When she filled with rage, she could turn into a whole demon but never a whole human. When she was little, her mother tried to live in the society but the baby Jia Ren scared the other ppl away. The village her mother lived shunned her away causing her to die from hunger and the baby Jia Ren left in the Haunted Cedar Woods. Adopted by the night creatures where she soon reigned over, she acquired a deep hatred towards human and vow never to return into the world of humans, severing all ties to her mortal side.

She always thought the unfeeling Hu Fei was much like her. Once, she asked him to join her but he refused. Jia Ren did not asked why. There's no need for it...

Hu fei: Jia Ren, do you think I'm capable of being in love?
Jia Ren: You're human so you must be able to have those feelings humans usually associated with.
But knowing you... no, I don't think so. But then again, I'm not the best authority on issues concerning human feelings. Why did you ask?
Hu fei: Nothing... only nothing.

Jia Ren came to him, stroking his delightful face.

Jia Ren: You're disturbed? Why??
HU Fei: I think Cheng En have betrayed me for the love of a woman.
Jia Ren: (shrugged) So... you know better than to trust a human.
Hu Fei (outraged): He's my martial brother. Bonded by a blood oath no one dared to deny. But for love... he deserted his own family... his brother... who took care of him since he was just a small fry.
Jia Ren: What is this thing called love that made this man ungrateful and you disturbed?
HU Fei: A sign of weakness, Jia ren. A man in love is weak.

Jia Ren was silent for a moment. Sighing wistfully, she whispered, ' Hu Fei, a man who's not afraid to love is weak... not otherwise..'
Hu fei curious asked her since when she's an expert about love. She shrugged.

Jia Ren: There was a prophecy... I'll be defeated by the man who wore the legendary talisman... the man was not an equal in terms of power, skills or mind. But he could defeat me no less... I always thought how would this man defeat me....
Hu fei: You think he would defeat you by making you fell in love with him...
Jia Rn (nodded): The very thing I afraid of, Hu Fei.... For once, I admit, I'm afraid. I'm really afraid.

Hu Fei held out his hand, holding the most powerful creature in this Netherworld in his arms, she snuggled closely towards him.

Silently, Hu Fei thought, ' Jia Ren, I am afraid too... '



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