Chapter 14

When the Devil Came Knocking

(real short chapter... just to let go some of the sadistic thoughts in my head)

In a small cottage, lived a couple and their small baby girl. They live away from civilization, never expecting they'll be visited by anyone until one day. A young man dressed in black came barging into their house demanding that they serve them with the best food and drink they have. The father was outraged by the rude stranger's behaviour and tried to turn him away. Just as he tried to show the man out, a sudden force cane towards him, as if an invinsible hand crushing his throat. Unable to breath, he gasped for help. The stranger repeated his demand coldly, glaring at the wife. The wife trembled with fear. Seeeing that her husband just inches away from the jaws of death, she quickly rushed to the kitchen and brought out honeyed slices of dried venison with rice wine. ' This is all we have....' she said.

Glancing at the meal prepared, the stranger was very disturbed. He was hungry yet not used to this simple meal. But he still have a long journey to go. He let the husband go. The farmer falling limp like a dropped brick onto the wooden floor. The wife rushed to her husband side crying and holding him.

Wife: Who are you? Why you come here? We're only poor farmers with no money... nothing. Let us go.
HU Fei (okay... as if you haven't guessed yet... he started eating while glupping down the wine): You have no need to know of my name. Serve me well and I'll spare your miserable lives.

Cowering with fear. Both of them kowtowed at his feet.

Hu fei: I want to bath and a place to retire for the night.
Husband and Wife: (obediently) yes, master.

They quickly carry out his orders, waiting on Hu Fei hand and foot. Just as soon he retire to bed, he baby started to cry. The sudden noise annoyed Hu Fei very much. Without hesitating, he made use of the force, strangling the baby until he har a loud crack and the baby stopped crying. The couple could not believe their eyes. Their precious daughter killed right in front of their eyes. The wife began to cry histerically, ' Murderer!!! Cold-blooded killer. She lunged for Hu Fei but was stopped by her husband. He whispered. painfully, ' No.... I've lost our daughter... not you too..'

Hu Fei: (glared at her) You have no right to call me that. But, you have served me well. In the morning, I shall compensate for your loss.

With that, he shut the door. The wife ran towards her dead baby sobbing. The husband look upwards and cursed the heavens.
' What have we done that the gods punish us this way? Why!!' he moaned.

Next morning... when the couple woke up. Hu Fei already gone leaving a sack full of gold coins. The farmer threw the sack against the wall. The coins fell trickling , tumbling one by one hitting the floor. Soft thinkling sounds that could do nothing to soothe their misery. From the kitchen, a shrill sound of a female laughter. Full of sorrow... on the verge of madness. The wife of the farmer cackling like a crazed banshee holding the daughter's limp body, refusing to let her go. The husband could only watch.

That evening, a young girl and her master came to that place only to find the hanged remains of the farmer and his deranged wife. The girl cringed as she looked at the mad woman but quickly sympathized with her. The mad woman cursed the stranger over and over again... calling him a cold blooded killer, murdering fool etc...

Zi Xia: Who did this? Who is this cruel stranger who did this to them???
Beggar: (he knew but think it's best not telling) We may never know. Come, let us bury the man and the daughter together. May their souls rest in peace.
Zi xia: The woman?
Beggar: I'll stay behind and look after her while you go to Lake Destiny.
Zi Xia: Alone?? Master, I can't manage.
Beggar: I trust you can do the rest of the journey yourself. Here, this is a map that'll show you the shortest route and this... ( he brought out a sword with a green jade carving) for you.
Zi xia (surprised but pleased): Master... you are too gracious...
Beggar: No... it's a necessity as I won't be there to protect you. Remember what I taught you. That's all I ask..

Zi Xia fell to her knees and kowtowed three times. ' Thankyou, gracious master. Thankyou.'



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