Chapter 15

Dark Strangers

In the Netherworld...
Rows upon rows of demon servants lined up with four of them each holding a huge black cauldron, in it swirling dark red liquid as potent as viper's venom, on their backs. They all bowed to their grand mistress Jia Ren. Slowly, they placed the black cauldron before her. The Dark Lady, escorted by Mei Hua and Qing Hua. Some of the demons came forward and crouched between Jia Ren and the cauldron. She disenrobed and using the demons as her staircase, Jia Ren climbed into the cauldron soaking herself in the specially prepared baath. The fairies and the other servants encircled the cauldron and chanted, 'The blood of the first-borns, tears of virgin maidens, twelve nights twelve days '

Jia Ren (chanted): Ooo.. Lord of darkness whose realm I rule, Turn me whole human, that's all I ask of you

Then, a magical transformation took place. Slowly, pieces of scales on Jia Ren's skin dissolved revealing smooth, ivory-white skin. Her fangs and sharp nails shrinked.The slimy, snake-like slittering things on her head turn into normal female hair. When she emerged out of the cauldron, both fairies gasped to see Jia Ren a full mortal. Both of them fell to their knees.

Jia Ren: Amazed?? (laughed wickedly) In this guise, to entrap poor Ng Hung would be a piece of cake.

On top of Emerald Mountain, on a big rock at the banks of the river...

Cheng En was occupied with fishing. Bored as it has been hours without any catch, he began to leaf through the Zhao Manuals. He has practised through it all dilligently yet he still could not learn its secrets.

' Without the secrets, all I have learnt until now would be wasted. These moves depicted in the pages. It's just ordinary kungfu steps. Yet, the Zhao family kungfu is renowned. There must be something...' he thought. He stared at the sketches and the words. He stared and stared until his eyes grew tired. Then, he leaned back faling into deep slumber.

Splash... Cheng En startled and woke up. The rod was shaking so hard. Must be a big fish this time. Without thinking, he scrambled for it, inadvertently knocking the kungfu manuals into the water. Realizing his mistake, he lunged into the water and managed to grab the book before it got washed by the heavy currents. Tired and wet, he pulled himself ashore. ' I'll never go fishing again!' he declared angrily. Furious, he threw that damn book away. Cheng En cannot believe he risked his life and limbs for that insignificant book. His over-active imagination began to work over time. Maybe Lord Zhao was playing tricks on him. Maybe he has other plans and wanted him out of his way. Exasperated, he pounded his fist onto the ground over and over again. 'I betrayed my brothers for him and he tricked me!!'

Just then, he noticed something. His hands were stained black. It smellled like fresh ink. Puzzled, he began to scratch his head, thinking deeply. ' The book! That stupid book!'

He crawled towards the book and sure enough, the water had seeped through the pages and washed away the ink. But, for the first time, Cheng En noticed that there was a diagram beneath the original words. The diagram showed how to enforce the force from outside to emerge with his own inner power. This way, he could effectively double his fighting powers.

' This is what i've been searching for. Soon, I'll master it all and return to the manor...' smiling to himself..' Xing Xing, I'm returning for you...'

In the woods...

Zi Xia, whistling to herself, journeyed happily. Destination? Lake Destiny. ' Ng Hung will be mad at me when he sees me but what the heck... surely he misses me enough not to get angry with me..'
Then, she heard a loud whinny. She turned around and to her syrprise, she saw a black stallion, Centaur, running towards her. ' Hold.. horsie... why? where's your master?' The horse shook his head and tried to pull Zi Xia with him. ' Where are you taking me?? Wait, yyour master must be injured?' The horse shook its head. ' Well, take me to him.' She leapt on top of the horse and let the horse lead her to the dark stranger.

They rode for at least ten miles before they got to Hu Fei. Hu Fei were lying on his back, writhing in pain. His head bleed while he was bruised blak and blue all over. Zi Xia immediately rushed to his side. By this time, he already lost so much blood. All he saw was as if an angel hovering over him asking whether he was all right. Then, he fainted dead away.

When he woke up, it was already dark. Someone had built a campfire and dressed his wounds. He tried to wake up but his head hurted. Then, he saw someone coming. A sudden reflex, he reached for his sword and launched it towards the figure.

Zi Xia. holding an armful of herbs and some firewood, luckily saw it coming. She leapt forward and kicked the sword away causing it to charge back towards Hu Fei. Hu Fei, on the other hand, did not expect this. yet, he let out a sharp cry and the sword, as if obeying him, froze mid air before drooping to the ground.

Zi Xia (sarcastically): Other ppl say thankyou, not kill their saviour.
Hu fei (surprised but quite annoyed): So its that nosy girl again. What brough you here? I told you not to follow me.
Zi Xia: I didn't follow you. Your horse brought me here. Seeing that you wounded. I decided to return your favour and save you in return.
Hu Fei: Now that you do not owe me anything anymore, could you just leave?
Zi xia: I would but I'm not that cruel. You're not totally out of danger yet. Your wounds have been infected and you've lost too much blood. You're not fit to travel anywhere, at least not alone. I'm staying with you until you get better.
Hu Fei (totally enraged): I won't allow this.. I... argh... (holding back that pounding pain in his head) want... (trembling, shooking his head) you.. to arghh... leave!!!!!!

Zi xia alarmed got to his side. Hu Fei pushed her away but she was determined to have it her way. ' Forgive me... but this is the only way..' She hit his nerve points rendering him unconcious. When he asleep, she tended to his wounds.

In the morning...
The pain has subsided. Hu fei woke up to find Zi xia sprawled nearby. Really tired after taking care of him all night. He tried to got up but he was too weak. He glanced at Zi Xia. Looking so serene and at peace in her sleep. ' So naive and pure.. yet stubborn. Unlike anyone I've seen before.' He moved closer, touched her long luscious hair. 'Beautiful...' Zi Xia, as if avoiding Hu fei's touch, rolled to the other side. Amused, Hu Fei decided it's time for her to wake up. He closed his eyes, using his extra-sensory powers, located a small pond nearby. Using the force as his guide, the water magically transported up, move in air towards Zi Xia and splash the water all over her. Zi xia immediately woke up all wet. She screamed in disbelief.

Zi xia: What aaaaaa... I'm wet!!!! Is it raining??? (saw Hu Fei smiling sheepishly) Why you?? How did you... but you can't move. (totally confused) How did you?
Hu Fei: Lots of things I can do will forever amaze you. Now, go find some food. I'm hungry.
Zi Xia (obviusly furious): Who are you to give me orders huh? Even my father never order me around or lift a hand on me.
Hu Fei: No wonder you're this obnoxious.
Zi xia: Fine... go find food yourself!

She got up and stuck out her tongue. He laughed in disbelief. Grewing more annoyed by the minute, she turned around and went in search of food alone. Amazingly, when she got back, Hu Fei was eating a roasted pigeon. Carrying her fruits and fishes, she sat down away from him and started cooking her fish. Eyeing Hu Fei very curiously yet she acted as if she doesn't care. Hu Fei, sensing that Zi Xia was watching him, deliberately make some burping noises and chewed his bird down loudly.
Zi Xia ate her fruits, taking each bite, savouring its sweet juices yet stare longingly towards the roasted pigeon. ' Oh... it smelled so good...' Hu Fei on the other hand, concious that Zi Xia was eyeing his food, decided to trick her. ' Mmmmm..... A nap after a very satisfying meal. (glancing to Zi Xia) Don't try to disturb me...' She let out a small grunt...l grunt. ' yeah.... yeah...'

But when he was fast asleep, Zi Xia slowly crawled towards Hu fei. There was still a lot of what's left of Hu fei's roasted pigeon. ' One bite won't hurt.' Just before she touched it, hu fei lunged for her and pinned her down.

Hu fei: You were stealing...?
Zi Xia: Did not!!
Hu Fei: yes, you were...
Zi Xia: See me hands... I didn't even touch it..
Hu Fei: But you were going to...
Zi Xia: I Was not!! I was looking whether your head is still okay.

He let her go but Hu fei knew that Zi xia have learned that she shouldn't try to mess with him ever. But he was wrong. All she learned was never trust a guy whose asleep with a roasted pigeon by his side.

The trio (Ng Hung, Zhaojian and Xiao Dong) have successfully scaled the canyon down and now on their way, crossing the Maiden Valley closing in towards Tianshan City. They did not meet any untoward incident along the way. But Zhaojian was totally not himself eversince that incident at the haunted Woods. Xiao Dong was worried but Ng hung told him that there's nothing to worry about. Suddenly, Xiao Dong cried in alarm and threw his two bronze hammers into the air. It hit something. Just then, two brown-robed figures appeared. It was the one eyed monk, Ji Gong and his disciple, Ping!

Ng Hung: So, the Dragon clan knew that we're coming...
Ji Gong: As if you take us as fools... You'll never get to Tianshan let alone to Lake Destiny.
Xiao Dong: Boasting won't get you anywhere. Come here and fight!!

So, they fought. Xiao Dong and Ng Hung against Ji Gong while Zhaojian against Ping. Ji Gong lauched his ball and chain weapon towards Xiao Dong and manage to lodge Xiao Dong's hammer in his grasp. xiao Dong pulled with all his might and managed to flung Ji Gong backwards. Ng hung attacked but Ji Gong managed to divert his attack causing Ng hung to crash against Xiao Dong. Zhaojian were having a hard time taming his opponent. Ji Gong's disciple, although just twelve years old were very good and was Zhaojian's equal in termsa of skills and better than him interms of agility. He managed to confuse Zhaojian long enough to hit him on his chest and stomach. Zhaojian stumbled back ans spat out blood. ' Zhaojian, be strong. He's just a boy!! Concentrate,' he told himself as he got up. Zhaojian began to use his Invisible demon stance and began to attack at a very high speed. Overwhelmed by the sudden change, Ping could not defend himself against Zhaojian's torrential blows. Ng Hung and Xiao Dong just barely held their own against Ji Gong. Seeing that he's disciple almost losing, Ji Gong began to attack Zhaojian. But being older, he too cannot keep up with Zhaojian yet manage to defend his disciple from more serious injury.

Ng Hung seeing that they're winning, together with Xiao Dong, began to charge towards Ji Gong and Ping. In the midst of fighting, Ng HUng stabbed Ji Gong's eye.

Ji Gong: You!!! (holding his bloodied eye) How dare you?!

Ping rushed to his sifu's side. Zhaojian, seeing that they could not fight back anymore, thought it's best to finish them off. But Ng Hung stopped him. ' There's no glory in killing a blind old man.'

Ji Gong: No! Finish me off... I rather die in the name of the clan. Curses your pugilistic rules.
Zhaojian (stepped forward): If you insist... (just as he thrusted his sword towards Ji Gong. Swords clashing..) Ng Hung, why you? He's our enemy.
Ng HUng: Nut he's also human.
Zhaojian: Because he is human, I'm doing this. He's blind Ng Hung. There's nothing left for him to live.
Xiao Dong: Ng Hung, Zhaojian's right.
Ng Hung: No!!

There's a sharp cry. Ji Gong fell to the ground dead. His disciple, holding the bloodied sword. His eyes glaring as if red hot coals. ' I'll be back. One's blood for your blood.' Then, he vanished carrying his sifu's dead body with him.

Ng Hung, seemed deep in thought, says a silent prayer for the deceased Ji Gong. Zhaojian and Xiao Dong looked at each other totally at lost. Staring towards the horizon, ' Xiao Dong, does killing onself were more dignified than living a disabled life?' asked Ng Hung.

Xiao Dong: Depends on how you look at it.
Zhaojian (staring at Ng hung): What were you thinking, Ng Hung?
Ng Hung: Nothing, it's just... I wonder if I was in Ji Gong's shoes... if I was the one... oh.. it's nothing... don't bother. Let's get on with the journey.

As they walked on, Zhaojian suddenly stopped. He looked back but he saw nothing.

Xiao Dong: What is it?
Zhaojian: I don't know. But I felt as if we were being watched.
Xiao Dong: You're reading too much into it. Come on.

They continue on. But Zhaojian was actually right. No one but many pairs of eyes were watching. Mei Hua and Qing Hua whispered to their mistress. ' There they go... there they go...'

Jia Ren smiled. Quite impressed by the good showing of skills by our indestructible trio, she was more interested in Ng Hung. Fascinated by his mature disposition and deep philosophical thoughts, a very interesting mortal if ever she sees one. She was assured that her task befoore her would be quite challenging as Ng hung was not an ordinary man who would be easily swayed by seductive looks and charms. ' This could be fun...' Her eyes sparkled as she eyed the talisman hanging on Ng Hung's neck. ' By hook or by crook, I'm going to get it,' she said to herself.



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