Chapter 16

Black Hearts, Pure Souls

By night fall, the wind began to get colder. Zi Xia tried to build a bigger campfire but each time she tried, the wind would estinguish it. Exasperated, she screamed real loud just to let go her pent up anger. Hu Fei kep to himself, turning a blind eye towards whatever Zi Xia trying to do. If Zi xia knew that he could make a fire just by flicking his finger, she's surely going to kill her for not helping.

Zi Xia: Hey... you! Gosh, O don't even know your name..
HU Fei (nonchalantly): What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Zi Xia: And shit by any other name would smell as bad too. Really, we had started of with the wrong foot and I think we should start all over again. I started with myself. I'm Zhao Zi Xia.
Hu Fei (shocked): As in the Zhaos of Emerald Mountain?
Zi Xia (delighted): Yeah.. I'm the famous Lord Zhao's daughter, Zhao Zi Xia.
Hu Fei: You're lying!
Hu Fei: Well, believe it or not, that's who I am. Now, what's your name?

Hu Fei hesitated. He could not possibly tell her his real name. She's his enemy's daughter. But in his state, he needed her in order to continue with his journey. He decided against it.

Hu fei: Call me Tin Lung.. That'll do.
Zi Xia: All right.. Tin Lung, where were you from and where were you're going?
Hu Fei: Why are so busybody?
Zi xia: Hey, I'm bored. Just trying to make a conversation. After all, at the rate we kept bumping into each other, I think we should at least be friends.
Hu Fei (chuckled): Friends?! I have no friends...
Zi Xia: No wonder you have such bad social skills. Come on... At least tell me where you're going.
Hu Fei (shrugged): I'm heading towards Tianshan City.
Zi Xia (beamed): Hey, so am I. Oh goody.. I knew that I was born under one really lucky star. The god have listened to my prayers and I won't be alnoe anymore now that I have you accompanying me for the rest of the journey...
Hu Fei: Yeah... someone who'll talked me to death....

But they get on pretty well. They exchange smart-alec, sarcastic quotes as if they're playing ping pong at really high speed. Hu Fei grew more intrigued by Zi Xia's charms and witty remarks. But she's so brash, stubborn, totally immature and her feisty spirit unmatched. ' The guy who'll marry her are one very unlucky guy,' he thought. But Brother Xu were right. She was totally unlike her sister. Hu Fei thought about the first time he met Xing Xing. It was during a major confrontation between the Dragon Clan and The Zhao Family. He was fighting Zhao Bao but both came away wounded. He was still young at that time while Zi Xia was only 15 at that time. She was quite a sight to behold. Feiqing remarked that he lost to Zhao Bao because he was too busy ogling at Xing Xing. But that was the past and he preferred not to think about it. Because of that meeting, he always thought that Cheng En fell for Xing Xing just because of her beauty and soon, he'll get over it. But, he was wrong.

Hu Fei: Zi Xia, you're a Zhao. Naturally, you hate the Dragon family.
Zi Xia (lifted her brows quizically): Sort of...
Hu Fei (puzzled): huh??
Zi Xia (shrugged): You see, I've always thought we should not judge people you don't know. The same goes with the Dragon family. But my father... he have this consuming hatred for Wu Lung and whoever related to him, im my father's eyes, are evil and deserved to die. I don't agree with him but (cheekily added) I never say it in front of him. I mean, he was after all my father.
HU Fei: I see.. (looking at her) How about his son, Hu Fei?
Zi Xia (sighed): They say he was a cold-blooded ruler with an iron fist. Very ruthless. A womanising cad. Zhaojian said.. he's my cousin you know... he said that Hu Fei's Dragon Fist could immobilize an opponent in seconds. And my sister says he was quite handsome but he always looked as if he was made of cold, granite. Expressionless, unfeeling.. I'll bet he was no more handsome than... (stopped, blushing)
Hu Fei (teasingly): Than who??
Zi Xia (blinked): Never mind... (tried to change the subject.. got up and and sat beside Hu Fei) I think we should check your wound.
Hu Fei (eyeing her): You're hiding something. This man... you really like him..
Zi Xia (acting as if she didn't know): What are you talking about?
Hu fei:Who is it Zi Xia?
Zi Xia (firmly): No one... (removing the dressing, inspected the wound) The bleeding has subsided but still infected. Let me put this salve on it. Keep still will you?

Hu Fei obeyed her. Zi Xia put his head onto her lap and carefullly rub the salve onto the wound. Hu Fei gritted his teeth, trying to withstood the pain. He tried not to think of the pain but end up thinking about Zi xia. He was not used having a beautiful woman so close to him, tenderly touching him, taking care of him. Woman was either too afraid of him to even get close while others too bold for his liking. The moment they get to him, their hands would be all over him. But Zi Xia, he could sense that her cheeks were blushimg red hot and her fingers trembled each time she touched him. So naive. He thought of their kiss. The feel of her soft lips against his was quite electric. He did not expected it. That's why he ran away as fast as he could.

Zi Xia: How did you get hurt in the first place?
Hu Fei: I don't know. I was really tired and I fell headfirst from a horse and Centaur dragged
more than 30 metres. My legs got caught in the stirrup. Then, I think the saddle came loose and I got thrown down.
Zi Xia: Poor you... Oh well... the wound's not deep. In a few days, you'll be good as new.
Hu fei: You're very good at this.
Zi Xia: My sifu taught me. He said I'm better with healing skills far surpassed my martial arts thus I should pass of as a healer not a warrior. But then, life wouldn't be as interesting. It's more fun going out fighting bad people then getting all cooped out in a cottage making ointments and drugs the rest of my life. There, I'm done. (she got up) I'm going to sleep. Good night.
Hu fei: Good night.

Three or four hours later, Hu fei was woken up by the sound of someone sneezing and coughing. It was Zi Xia. The cold weather has taken the toll on her. With a flick of his fingers, the fire flared up bigger. He struggled to got up, move towards Zi Xia, stripped his long black cloak and place it on top of her. Zi Xia, still asleep, let out a long sigh as she snuggled under the thick, warm cloak. Hu Fei returned to his place and lay back watching Zi Xia fast asleep just as he did this morning. ' If I wanted to, I could just kill her off there and then...' but he wouldn't. He thought of her words. Was she really talking about me? So, that's what other people see when they look at me. Hu Fei always asked others what they think of him and all he got was praises for his power, intelligence and looks.

Then, he rolled onto his back, watching the stars. A memory flashed across his mind. He was a mere ten year old and every night he and the young Cheng En would climb up the palace rooftop and count the stars. And every night they'll make a wish. One night, he asked Cheng En what was his wish. ' I wish I could rule the world and be the best warrior there is. How about you Hu Fei?'
Hu Fei never answered him. Because he did not wish for power, intelligence etc. He knew even at that young age, he'll have all the power he could ever wish for. But there was one thing he never have and everyday he wished for the same thing.
' I wish that someday, somewhere... I'll find someone who truly loves me...'

In the a dark room deep inside the Zhao Manor red brick walls..

Zhao Wen was by himself, planning and thinking. His instinct rells him that the trio (Ng Hung, Xiao Dong and Zhaojian) would have arrive in Tianshan City by this time. Praying that they'll find the sword first, Zhao Wen also thought of Cheng En. He wondered whether Cheng En have mastered the steps in the books. ' Maybe he decided that his brothers deserved more and betrayed me. But I have promised and I'm not the sort who back out of my words. I guess I just have to wait.'

In another chamber, Xing Xing have made up her mind. She's going up the mountain and no one could stop her. As she folded some of her clothes, foodstuff etc., Loo Ling knocked on her door.

Loo Ling: Mistress, you still awake?
Xing Xing: Err... who is it?
Loo Ling: It's me Loo Ling.
Xing Xing: go away
Loo Ling: Yes, mistress.

After making sure that all the servants have gone, Xing Xing discreetly tip toed out.

Zhao Wen: Xing Xing, where are you going? (Xing Xing almost dropped her things, stopped, slowly turn around)
Xing Xing: Nothing... err... I cannot sleep so I thought I should take a walk.
Zhao Wen: You wanted to see Cheng En. that's what you're doing.
Xing Xing: No I was not...
Zhao Wen: All right, all right... just go...
Xing Xing: what?!!!
Zhao Wen: I knew you missed him. Just go to him.
Xing Xing: Ah Ma, you're not angry with me? You already knew??
Zhao Wen: You're my daughter, how can't I not know.
Xing Xing (went to her father): Ah Ma, I don't want to leave you....
Zhao Wen: Stupid girl... You're a grown woman now and I can't be here forever...
Xing Xing: Ah Ma....
Zhao Wen: Never interrupt your father when he's talking... now, where was I? Oh yes... You're a grown woman and one day I'll die and there's no one to take care you and Zi Xia. Thus I decided to give your hand in marriage to Cheng En while Zi Xia to Zhaojian...
Xing Xing (wide-eyed): AH MA!! I... I don't know what to say..
Zhao Wen: Well, don't say anything. When Cheng En returns, we'll announce your engagement and when all of them return, we will have your wedding.

Xing Xing hugged her father tightly.. ' I Love you, Ah Ma... You're the best father a girl could ever have...'

Nearing the gates of Tianshan City...

Our trio heard the sound of ppl fighting, swords clashing. A girl screaming for help. They decided to investigate. When they got to the scene of the crime, they found a couple of robbers trying to rape a poor peasant girl. Her clothes torned to shreds with one of the robbers forcing himself onto her. The others just laughed at her weaken cries. Without hesitating, Ng Hung charged forward followed by Zhaojian and Xiao Dong. The robbers were speechless to see their arrival. At the end, they managed to scare them away. When they turned back, they saw the girl were crying over the death of her father, hugging his dead body, sobbing wildly. Zhaojian rushed to her side and tried to soothe her feelings. He unfasted his cape and covered her. Ng Hung tell her that they'll help bury her father's remains. ' But what becomes of me. I have no money. No relatives. We came to Tianshan City to find some job but a girl like me cannot survive alone,' she said.

Xiao Dong pulled Ng Hung aside. ' I know what you're thinking and I disagree completely. We know nothing of her and she's a girl. We're on a mission and a girl will surely slow us down,' said Xiao Dong uneasily.
' As you said, she's only a girl. There's no harm in it. It's much more dangerous to leave her all alone. Tianshan City is renowned for its red-light district and I don't want find this young, innocet girl end up in brothels as a result of our selfishness.' Xiao Dong shrugged. Ng Hung was relieved that Xiao Dong agreed with him at last. He turned toward the girl. ' We're taking you with us. Anyway, what's your name?'
' Jia Ren. My name is Jia Ren.'

In another dimension, Mei Hua and Qing Hua looked on triumphantly as their mistress have successfully deceived Ng Hung, Xiao Dong and Zhaojian.

Mei Hua: Soon, when the time is right, we'll spring oppen our trap...
Qing Hua: They cannot escape...
Mei Hua: The prophecy wouldn't be fulfilled...
Qing Hua: And the day of Armageddon will come.. and we, creatures of the night will rule both realms.
Mei Hua: Wouldn't that be lovely....

Author's Note:
Due to some demands i've decided to clear up some things. The prophecy Mei Hua and Qing Hua were talking about was the second prophecy (not the first one which concerned the fate of Zhao-Lung families but the one with Jia Ren's future in question). Both prophecies was made by a great sage who once lived in the western mountains. He was Liu Xia's and the beggar with no name's teacher and mentor. He can foresee the future and made many predictions. One was The Prophecy of the Invincible Sword while the other foretell the Armageddon, the day both realms clashes and the demonic princess will rule the universe. I don't want to disclose the 1st prophecy yet as it was one of the plot major turning points so please don't ask me to tell you yet. The 2nd prophecy goes like this.
' The day where both worlds become one, mortals will perish and demons will run,
And all bow to the Cursed One, the daughter borned under the devil sign,
Yet the gods have promised that fate shall not lost to whole mankind,
The Goddess Amulet will find it's way, to the one destined to find it,
When the end is near, when the end is nigh... he will rise,
the empire will fall, the black-heart will die'

Jia Ren knows this and also knew that the talisman Ng Hung wore was the Goddes Amulet as prophecied. So, she thought that Ng hung must be the destined saviour who'll save the world and also destined to kill her. She never believed a word of the prophecy thus she was determined to make sure that it won't come true...



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