Chapter 17


In the bustling city of Tianshan...

The sounds of peddlars shouting for customer's attention. Colourful array of clothes and dresses. The sweet aroma of steamed dumplings and roasted duck. The various different people... noblemen struck deep in conversation about wine and poetry, peasants engaged in their weekend shopping, small children playing, merchants selling their wares... The atmosphere was enchanting. Jia Ren, for the first time stepping into the mortal world, stared wide-eyed enjoying her fascinating surroundings. Struck by her child-like expression, Ng Hung was very surprised to see this demure-looking girl excitedly watching everything as if it was her first time. Even the ordinary noodle was source of endless fascination. ' How did they make it so long. Is it made of from snake meat?? or worms??' she asked. Zhaojian stifled the urge to laugh out loud. Xiao Dong, on the other hand was too busy acting suspicious. He still think that Jia Ren was not someone they could easily trust. 'It was all play-acting.' Ng Hung thought otherwise. Jia Ren might have come from a very secluded tribe away from civilisation. It was her first time in a big city and it's quite natural for her to act this way.

Ng Hung: We made this things from wheat.
JIa Ren: Is wheat an animal??
Ng HUng (chuckled): No.. it's a plant.
Jia Ren: (pushed the bowl away) must be bitter. I hate vegetables.
Ng Hung:L No it's not.. here, have a sip. (took some of his noodles with his chopsticks, Jia ren shooked her head, Ng hung insisted, she took a bite) How is it?
Jia Ren (eyes lit up, grabbed her spoon and started chomping down her food.. oh yeah.. I reckon they don't have chopsticks in Netherworld so Jia REn haven't exactly master it yet...) Ouch!! Hot.. (spilled some on her dress, busily wiped it, Ng Hung stopped her)
Ng Hung: Never mind, here... (he handed his handkerchief)
Jia Ren (batted her eyelashes, blushing): Thankyou.. (smiling)

Silently, she tell herself, ' Seducing him is easier than I thought. Soon, I'll have him feeding from my hands.' Unexpectedly...

Ng Hung: You know, Jia Ren. You're really like my sister, Zi Xia...
Jia Ren (almost speechless): Yo..ur sister?
Ng Hung: Well, she's not really my blood sister. She's my martial sister. Like you, she was really naive and seeing you so excited trying everything, watching everything... You reminded me of her the first time I brought her down from the mountains.. Both of you looked like a lost dear in the city. First time out of the jungle...

To herself, she thought in disbelief, ' He thought of me like his own sister!! Wait, I must control myself. How stupid of me? But...' Jia Ren knew that she could not help acting the way she acted. She was not used to any mortal things. ' Sister ey..?? Oh, well that's a start.' Maybe she doesn't have to seduce Ng Hung at all... Jia Ren glanced meaningfully towards Zhaojian, who was busy polishing his sword a few metres away deep in a conversation with Xiao Dong. There's always another fish to fry..

Xiao Dong confided his fears to Zhaojian. But Zhaojian too, like Ng Hung thinks that Jia Ren won't pose any problem.

Zhaojian: Rather than getting ourself preoccupied with Jia Ren's history, we better get on to our mission. Have you found out anything?

Xiao Dong: My friends here said that there was a rumour that the portal door was under a famous brothel in the red light district. The brothel was owned by a retired street pimp named Ba Jie. Yet no one dared to investigate any further as Ba Jie never lets anyone except his customers beyond his brothel doors.

Zhaojian: IS there other way?

Xiao Dong: To lake destiny yes... but this portal alone could lead us straight to the crypt where the sword were remained buried all these years.

Zhaojian (exasperated): How did that sword got down there in the first place?

Xiao Dong (shrugged): No one knows... but word has it that years ago, an anonymous swordsman found the sword and brought it down the mountain. He travelled far and wide until he was discovered by the Dragon family. To save himself, he hid the sword inside his family secret crypt and sealed the portal leading to it. Legend has it too that he had rigged the tomb with explosives and traps. After that he was caught by the Dragon clan and killed. Yet, the Dragon clan did not discovered the portal nor the tomb.

Zhaojian: Lucky for us. But legends are legends... what if it's only a myth. I mean, if the Dragon clan already knew that the sword is here, why don't they intensify the search for it...

Xiao Dong: You think they were stupid, like you ... they think it was an old wives tale and after that incident, they believed that the sword are lost forever and rather not waste their energy on this trivial pursuit.

Zhaojian: How about now??

Xiao Dong: They're here because we're here. They knew that the story was true and when they discover we're coming here, they have to stop us. Because miracles happen and they cannot let us take the sword for ourselves.

Zhaojian: Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go... (Xiao Dong stopped him)
Xiao Dong: How abput Jia Ren...
Zhaojian: Oh yeah... I forgot.. we'll brought her with us...
Xiao Dong: And jeopardize ourselves???
Zhaojian: Maybe she could be useful to us... wait, I have an idea how to infiltrate Ba Jie's security measures. All pimps like beautiful women right???
Xiao Dong (doubtful): I think so... where are you getting at?
Zhaojian: Be patient... let me get both Ng Hung and Jia Ren. Then, we'll talk about it.

In the woods....

It's early morning and Zi Xia was helping Hu Fei onto the horse. ' Be careful,' she pleaded. Then, Hu Fei pulled her up. At first, Zi Xia protested against riding with him but Hu Fei argued that with Centaur, they'll get to Lake Destiny even faster. Actually, Zi Xia already knew that. It's just that she felt uncomfortable riding together with Hu Fei. He's a stranger after all. But soon, she relaxed and let down her guard. Leaning back against Hu Fei, she began to enjoy the smooth ride. Hu Fei's face didn't give way anything. Still stone cold but inside he was secretly delighted having Zi Xia closer to him. As a fact, he like having her around. But if he tells this to her, surely that head of hers will grow bigger than ever and there's no way putting her down. Zi Xia dismissed Hu Fei's actions as typical arrogance.

After an hour of pure silence, Zi Xia grew bored. She could not possibly sleep in this position. She turned her head towards Hu Fei, began to make some faces.

Hu fei: Stop that. I'm concentrating. Do you want us to get lost?
Zi Xia: I'm bored. Talk to me.
Hu Fei: About what...?
Zi Xia: Anything... how about the horse... Does it have a name..?
Hu Fei: Yeah...
Zi Xia (waited a few seconds): Are you going to tell me his name?
Hu Fei (shrugged): His name is Centaur. Satisfied???
Zi Xia: How did he came to you?? He was so fast and strong. I never have seen a black stallion as handsome as him. You know, you should pat him more often. I think he thinks that you don't care for him.
Hu Fei: He's a horse, Zi Xia. He doesn't have any feelings.
Zi Xia: Does too!!! Why do you think he came to me for help? Because he knew that since I was kind to him once, perhaps I'll be kind to his arrogant owner.
Hu Fei: Arrogant? You call me arrogant.
Zi Xia: A man who doesn't care what other ppl thinks of him. Yes, you are arrogant.
Hu Fei: And you so perfect.. Bah...
Zi Xia: I didn't say that!!
Hu Fei: Well, that's what I understood from your ungracious words. Maybe I should have let you drown after all.

Zi Xia, fuming mad, decided to keep her tongue. She's too tired to think up any repartees to combat Hu Fei's clever retorts. Her eyes began to droop. She yawned widely and snuggled against Hu fei. An unfamilliar tingle spread all over Hu Fei's body as Zi Xia held him even closer. He brushed the feeling aside. He has been with other, much beautiful women. Yet he never experienced anything like the feeling he has when Zi Xia's around. ' What's wrong with me? She's Lord Zhao's daughter. My enemy.' Deep inside, he wished that he wasn't Wu Lung's son, the future Dragon lord. And that she's not Lord Zhao's daughter.

Back to Tianshan City...
Zhaojian was keeping Jia Ren occupied while Xiao Dong tell Ng Hung about their plan. Ng Hung disagreed wholeheartedly. He doesn't want to involve Jia Ren in their quest.

Xiao Dong: But Ng HUng, as much as I don't trust her, I do think Zhaojian's plan was a good one. Let's have a go. This is the only way. If she's indeed coming with us, she has to know and help us.
Ng Hung: But she's just a young girl.
Xiao Dong: Then, I suggest you find somewhere to dispose her off and then we'll get on our way.
Ng Hung: No...! She's my responsibility. .. I think we have to wait...

From afar... using her magical powers... Jia Ren could hear everything they say eaily. She began to form a plan of her own. ' Don't believe me ay... Well, I'll make them all trust me with their own life and I'll do it by nightfall.'

That night, they checked into an inn. Jia Ren in a room by herself while the others sharing their tight quarters. Summoning up her fellow night creatures, she concocted a spell and blew it towards the trio's room. ' When you all wake up.... you'l believe everything I say.'
But something backfired, it was as if there's a inpenetrable shield protecting them. ' Damn that talisman.. well... there's still another way.'

In the morning, there was chaos. A snake has slithered into the trio's room during the night and bitten Xiao Dong. Zhaojian woke Jia Ren up and tell her to fetch the docctor. But Jia Ren went to the guys room instead straight towards the unconcious Xiao Dong. Looking at the wound, she instructed Zhaojian to find some hot water and Ng Hung to lend her his blade. ' What are you doing to him?' Ng hung cried in alarm. ' Just do what I say if you want him to live. Hold him still.' Jia Ren used the blade, made a small cut right acrooss the wound. Yellow stained blood sputed out. Wiping some of away, she started sucking it and spitting out the poison. When it's all over, she tore some of the sheets and soaked it with hot water before applying it on the wound.

Just as she got up, Jia Ren began to feel dizzy. Ng Hung managed to catch her before she fell to the floor. Jia Ren had fainted. It turned out that she had drunk some of the poison but thankfully it wasn't dangerous. Two days later she woke up seeing Xiao Dong fussing and thanking her nonstop for saving his life. ' I'm sorry I ever doubted you... Jia Ren, I'll gladly gamble my life if ever danger comes to you,' he said.

After that incident, all three of then unanimously agreed to let Jia Ren help them with their plans to find the missing sword. Jia Ren acted as if she was shocked to find out the trio's real identity.

Jia REn: You're from the famous Zhao Family. I heard so much of you. Some of the travellers that passed through my village talked always about you. Yes, I'll be happy to help you.
Zhaojian: Well, this is the plan and your part was....

They talked all night on how to get into Ba Jie's house. Now that, Jia Ren have gained their complete trust, she was a step closer to her goal. That is to defeat Ng Hung and seizzed the talisman. ' With the power of the Goddes Amulet, I'll rule the universe!! No one, not even that damn prophecy could stop me.'



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