Chapter 18

Wind and Earth, Fire and Water

In Ba Jie's brothel...

An old man with a young lady, both dressed in rags, knocked upon its door. The grumpy ol Ba JIe went out to answer.

Xiao Dong (in disguise): Oh master Ba Jie, we're poor and we'd like to have some scraps from your kitchen floor.
Ba Jie (eyeing Jia Ren appreciatively): No... go away...
Jia Ren(went to her knees and pleaded): Sir, it's been days we have gone on empty stomach. Please show some pity. We'll do anything to pay you back.
Ba Jie: Anything huh? (grasped her by the shoulder and help her to stand up) Old man, I have a deal you can't refuse for you and your...
Xiao Dong: No..! Sir, she's only a young girl. She doesn't know anything about the trade.
Ba Jie: Well, I could personally coach her everything she has to know.... (devilishly).. if you want to... all in one night...

Xiao Dong grabbed Jia Ren away but Ba Jie's guards stopped him and dragged him cursing away. ' Don't you dare touch my daughter!!! You filth!! You pig!!'
Jia Ren ran out towards her 'father' but Ba JIe held on to her and whispered that the guards won't hurt her beloved father if she follow whatever 'Uncle Ba Jie' says.

That night, Ba Jie had brought Jia Ren to his own bedroom. Excitedly anticipating the pleasant treat he has in store, Ba Jie never expected that he was being deceived. He came into the room and saw Jia Ren sitting invitingly on his bed. ' Come here, girl.' She timidly obeyed. Ba Jie impatiently grabbed her and kissed her neck. Jia Ren tried to get away but his hold was strong. He pinned her onto the bed and hungrily snapped the dress buttons open. Then, he felt something pricking him from behind. Ba Jie fell rolling to the floor unconcious. A very relieved Jia Ren rushed to the room's window and signalled to three dark figures waiting for her on the roof.

One by one, Ng HUng, Xiao Dong and Zhaojian came inside.

Ng Hung: Xiao Dong, you stay here and keep watch for the guards. Keep an eye on Mr. Pig here. Zhaojian, Jia Ren, we split up and carefully make your way. JIa Ren, you take the east wing. Zhaojian, you're the west. I'll search the rest.' After an hour, all of us return here.

Unknown to them, the rest of Dragon clan contigent were staying in the brothel. Zhaojian, luckily, noticed it and quickly hide himself and eavesdropped on their conversation.

Zhu: It's been days and still we haven't heard any news from Hu Fei.
Xu: That's reallly odd. He should be here by now.
Lu: you don't suppose anything happen. Maybe he met the Zhao forces and...
The Four Demons of Saikuk (altogether): Master Hu Fei is the best. No one could beat him.
Zhu: Feiqing, what do you thinK?
Feiqing (blow some of his pipe smoke): I have to agree. Hu Fei's skill only maatched to Lord Zhao himself, his late brother.... In the zhao forces.. no one have the knowledge to defeat him. Unless they tricked him.. but Hu fei's cunning mind would smell their ulterior motives soon enough. I'm not worried about Hu Fei.
Zhu: How about Ping? The Zhaos have killed his sifu easily. (glancing towards the corner where Ping was seated. He was very quiet. every hour he would sharpen his blade and stabbing it onto the wood stub plaaced in front of him. in his mind, the stub was the zhao family and with deep hatred, he slash the poor stub until it hurts his hand to do it)
Feiqing: There's nothing I could do.
Xu (slamming his fist onto the table): We have to aveng Ji Gong's death!!
Zhu: Keep calm brother..
Xu: How can I keep calm? They've killed one of our own and to add to the wound, we could not even find that damn portal.
Lu: The papers were sure that the portal is right here.
Feiqing: But yet we could not find it. Are you sure you have checked everyywhere.
Xu: Yes!!!!!

Dupp...! Lu turned around, ' Show yourself, bastard.' With a sharp flick of his hand, he sent a steel dart flying towards the hiding Zhaojian forcing him to came out into the open.

' So, it's Zhao Bao's bastard son,' said Brother Lu. Zhaojian knew there's no way out of this. There'll be a major confrontation and he cannot squeeze his way out. Outnumbered, he knew that to protect the others, he has to distract the Dragon clan away from the inn.

Feiqing: Where are the others?
Zhaojian: Others?? You must be kidding. I'm all alone.
Ping (burst out of his long silence): No! There's two others with him.
Xu: What are you waiting for? He's outnumbered!! Attack!!

Just before Brother Xu charged towards Zhaojian, a string of knives flashed out of no where. Brother Lu grabbed his brother to safety. Then, two dark figures leapt down from the ceiling. It was Ng hung and Xiao Dong.

Xiao Dong: If you want to fight, fight fair. Now, we all here.
Zhu: You're still outnumbered.
Ng Hung: Haha... do you think strength lie in numbers??
Zhu: You still can laugh, look around...

Watching them all, Ng Hung though knew that they were trapped. Silently hatching a new plan, he noticed the rope tied to the chandelier up above. Without hesitation, he slashed the rope causing it to let the chandelier loose. ' Grabbed the rope!!' he shoeted to Zhaojian and Xiao Dong. They followed suit. The chandeliar smashed the wooden floor leaving a gaping hole right in the centre. In the maze of confusion, the Dran clan did not notice that the trio was getting away as the room consumed by darkness.

At the Eastern Wing, Jia Ren was fumbling in the dark armed only with a small candlestick. She heard the commotion, thought she should turn back but her feet slipped and in the process knocked a vase down. Her hand caught on the table and unsteadily, helped herself up. ' Urgh... silly me. My subjects must be laughing their heads off watching me in this stupid predicament. What in the world posess me to agree to Hu Fei's plans... Hey.. (stopped)' She suddenly noticed that the small carved table was fixed to the wall. She tried in vain to move it. ' How weird.' She inspect the intricate carvings, fingered the groove until she noticed that some of it could be move.

Pap! Someone tapped her shoulder from behind. She screamed and someone clasped her mouth close. It was Ng Hung. ' We have to get away. We've been discovered.' Hastily, she explained what she have found. Ng Hng tried to moved the carvings at random. But nothing happen. ' It's must be the key into the portal.' Then, Zhaojian and Xiao Dong arrive. 'They're close behind.'
Ng hung told them to hold fort. He tried to remember what the reports say. Jia Ren let out a blood curdling scream as one of the Four Demons attacked them with a string of poisoned needles. Ng Hung grabbed hold of her and used his cape to deflect the needles away from them while Xiao Dong and Zhaojian used their swords. Zhaojian and Xiao dong fought hard to steal some time for Ng hung to solve the puzzle. Ng Hung scrambled back towards the table. In his head, he heard Lord Zhao wen explaining to him that the key was a puzzle in the form of symbols which would connect the key elements in nature. ' Let's see there's the wind, water, fire, earth.' He moved in around suddenly a series of clicks ensued. Suddenly, the floor vibrate. ' Zhaojian, Xiao Dong. We got it!'he exclaimed. Then the floor collapse and both Ng hung and Jia Ren fell into the darkness oblivion. ' Ng HUng!!!!!!' Zhaojian shouted as he watched them disappear. Neither him nor Xiao Dong make it. ' To the outside!!' Xiao Dong yelled.
They jump out through the windows and using their Ultra Lightness kungfu easily ran across the tiled roof with the Sai Kuk Demons and the three brothers on hot pursuit. Feiqing gladly left behind. He tried to pry open the floor where Ng Hung and Jia Ren slipped through. ' It's the portal all right. Argghhh... It won't budge. There must be another way.'

The seven Wudang brothers (The four demons of Sai kuk, Brother Zhu, Brother Xu and Brother Lu) lost Zhaojian and Xiao Dong in the city streets. ' Search every house!! Find them!' yelled the enraged Brother Zhu.

Behind a small textile factory walls, hiding beneath the heavy drapes was Zhaojian and Xiao Dong.

Zhaojian: What are we going to do??
Xiao Dong: We'll stay low. (sighed) Now, it's all up to Ng Hung.

Zi Xia and HU Fei were closing in towards Lake Destiny. But in the middle of the journey, Hu Fei decided that he cannot continue with Zi xia any longer. He feared they'll meet his followers sooner or later and Zi Xia will discover the truth. Hu Fei had grown so fond of Zi Xia that he could not bear having her know his true identity. If she gets to Lake Destiny, she will certainly find out. ' I have to stop her, ' he thought.

Hu Fei: Zi Xia: Why do you want to go to Lake Destiny.
Zi Xia: My brother is there. Anyway, I'm halfway there now.
Hu Fei: Your brother?
Zi Xia: Yess... my martial brother Ng Hung... he's the best!! He's off to find this magical sword which, frankly speaking, that I believed doesn't exist. Anyway, he's just following orders.. I was bored in the Manor s decided tyo come and join him.
Hu Fei: And cause trouble for him.
Zi xia: What did you say...?
HU Fei: I said thaat I think you should go home.
Zi Xia: Go home???!! NeVerr!!
HU Fei: You're a lady of high breeding. Not fit to carry on this journey...
Zi Xia: Who are you to say that to me? (stuck out her tongue, pouting)
Hu fei: Tianshan city is not a city for good innocent girls like you. It's full of robbers, conmen, marauders...
Zi Xia: Aaaa.... you're as bad as my sister. No, I'm not going home. I can take care of myself.

Stopped his horse. Hu Fei tell her that if she could really take care of herself then she doesn't need his horse to carry her all the way. 'Fine, if that's what you think. I don't need you... (get off) I don't need your horse... So long, Master Tin Lung and good riddance! ' Ignoring that sharp tinge of regret pricking his conscience, Hu Fei bow and wished her bon voyage. Zi Xia acted as if she doesn;t care but actualy, she was quite sadden to see Hu fei riding away... ' Tin Lung, you are the most unfeeling man I've ever known!! You are cruel! You are worst than the devil!!' She stomped and cursed. ' I hate you!! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!'

From afar, Hu fei heard Zi Xia shouting and cursing him. Unfeeling? He closed his eyes and picture her smiling at him. Zi Xia, you made me feel feelings that I don't even believe exist.'



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