Chapter 19

Amor Fati a.k.a. Love Of Fate

Jia Ren and Ng Hung plunge into the darkness and splash... Jia Ren stuggled as she could not breath. She almost let go of Ng Hung but he held to her hand really tight and hugged her close to him. She tried to held her breath but only managed to choke up more water. just then, Ng hung grabbed her by the neck and kissed her effectively letting her breath for a while. She gasped in surprise, but did not object to his advances. Jia Ren just close her eyes savour the feel of him being so close to her. ' So this is what a kiss feels like...' she murmured to herself. They drift and drifted deeoper into the darkness. Soon, both of them fainted dead away (they were tired-lah... try swimming for hours against the current and stay awake... no can do lah..)

When they woke up, they were in a limestone cave with A translucent wall and roof with water all around them. Ng Hung was the first to wake up with Jia Ren sprawled on him. He smiled as he gazed over Jia Ren's innoncent face. So pure... For the first time, he noticed that Jia Ren was actually very pretty.. how come he never realise it... he thought of her wide-eyed childish character... so endearing... and mysterious... ng Hung wandered how come she hardly tell him about her past... where does she live and who are her parents... he thought that she was still in mourning of her father's untimely demise.

Then, she stirred in her sleep. Still in slumber, she started to chanted in some foreign togue. She seemed disturbed and even scared. ' No.... Don't leave... I... Ng HUng!!!!!!!!!!!' she screamed as she woke up startled right into Ng Hung's warm embrace. She was perspirating heavily, shivering and shaking her head.

Ng Hung: Jia Ren, we're safe... It's just a nightmare...
Jia Ren (eyes wide...): Where... where are we???
Ng Hung: I don't know...
Jia ren huddled closer to him.
Ng Hung: You're scared... (she nodded) What did you dream?
Jia Ren: I... You... Nothing... (wildly shaking her head)
Ng Hung: You screamed my name...
Jia rEn: I did... (shrugged indifferently) it's nothing... nothing to worry...

Ng Hung helped her to stand up as they look around.... She gasped as Jia Ren had never seen anything as beautiful as the cave... The walls and roof seemed to make from crystal.. and water was splashing, flowing from above then and fell cascading from above like water fall. Sunlight filtered through it giving out a colourful prism-like rainbow. ' It's so beautiful!!'

Ng Hung sighed. He could not think of a way out. Jia ren told him that its absurd to ever think of a way out of here.. She thought it would be wonderful to live here forever. But our practical Ng Hung pointed out that if they don't go out soon... they'll die out of starvation... Jia Ren pouted. ' The water is fresh and there's fishes. There... see... seaweeds.. (took a bite) and edible too...'

Ng Hung stared at heer in disbelief but the same thought struck him. Yes, it'll be wonderful to live here... together with JIa Ren... they could leave the violent and cruel world behind. He chuckled at the thought od spending the rest of his life with Jia rEn.

Jia Ren: You laughed!!
Ng Hung: What?
Jia ren: You're laughing at me! Look mister... you don't ever laugh at me...
Ng Hung: I wasn't laughing at you...
Jia ren: Oh... okay... sorry... (began prancing around just like a kid... twirling and dancing)

Ng Hung watched her close... He thought of his friends back home... his responsibilities to Zi Xia... his mission to retrieve the sword. No... I cannot dismissed all of it just like that. No, we must find the sword and leave...

Ng Hung: Jia Ren, let's go...
Jia Ren: go where???
Ng Hung (pointed deeper into the darkness of deeper parts of the cave): We must find the sword...
JIa Ren: To hell with the sword... I'm not going in there. It's too dark...
Ng Hung: Well then, stay here if you want to but I'm going in there... alone...

Jia Ren startled by his remarks acted as if she doesn't care... Ng Hung went on his way leaving her alone. just after Ng Hung left, Jia REn heard a weird sound from the inside cave.. She thought of Ng HUng and how dangerous it was for him alone. ' But then again, I wanted him to fail this mission.' She sighed... No, she doesn't want anything to happen to him. No... not to her Ng Hung.

' Wait... why am I caring whether he's alive or dead... dear father of darkness... am I the mistress of the Netherworld falling for this mere mortal... No... it's this disguise.. of course, in this form, I'm susceptible to mortal dangers as well as feelings... I mean, just now I almost die... I never thought I could ended up drowning but if it was not for him... No, I must go after him...'

With that, she rushed inside the cave....

Back in the Zhao Manor...

Xing Xing was playing her lute as usual... thinking Cheng En's homecoming although it has been long, deep down she kniows that he'll return... ' He'll return to me..'

Suddenly, she heard some commotion. ' Loo Ling, what is it?'
' Oh, nothing mistress play on...' the servant giggled. Xing Xing shrugged... sometimes the servants could be incomprehensible.... She kept on playing. Suddenly, she heard a deep, familiar voice whispering her name from behind. Her heart beated wildly. She slowly turn around and sure enough there he was smiling. She blinked her teary eyes thinking that this was a dream but no he was real... he's here...

Cheng En open his arms wide and Xing Xing run to his. They embraced in what seemed years of longing and waiting...

Cheng En: Xing Xing, why are you crying?
Xing Xing: Because i'm happy...
Cheng En shooked his head... ' Wipe your tears away my love and smile...' She smiled and tearfully hugged him close...

From afar, lord Zhao looked on... A solitary tear trickle down his cheek as he witness the lovers' reunion.



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