Chapter 2

The Journey

In the Golden Dragon Palace. A family of peasants have been arrested for hunting deer in the Palace grounds. They were brought into the palace court chained. On the throne, a young man dressed in white and gold fineries coldly watched the peasants fell to their knees. His face was hard and expressionless. Although he was young, it was obvious that he had power. As the son of the Great Dragon Lord, he was responsible for court sentences in the southern province under his father's reign A responsibility that he unwillingly obliged. Hu Fei, like any other young man, preferred to spend his time in the company of young women, hunting with his friends or practicing his martial arts. He has been perfecting his Dragon Claw technique, a vicious stance that could rip out the opponent's limbs into shreds. But his godmother, Mistress Yu have repeatedly asked him to look into court matters. Thus, he was standing there in the palace court listening to his advisor about the peasants' crimes.

Advisor: These peasants have been caught spending the night in palace grounds near the cedar
woods. We've find a deer carcass and strongly believes that these peasants' are responsible to the
disappearance of our deers.
Hu Fei: We have deers??
Advisor: Young master, Mistress Yu has commissioned a large section of our lands as private hunting grounds. In other words, no one outside of the Lung family has the rights to hunt there. At the same time, she built a deer sanctuary as she hated the way you and your friends hunt it mercilessly.
Hu Fei: (chuckled) Oh really.

One of the the peasants kowtow to Hu Fei before timidly asked him to forgive them.

Peasant1: We did not know about the rules. I assure you, young master, that we meant no harm. We've just arrive from the north and too poor to buy food. My son is sick and the rest of the family were hungry. When we saw the deers, we thought no one owned them.

Hu Fei did not reply. He wasn't even listening. He was looking at one of the peasant's daughter. A very pretty girl but quite unrefined. ' After a bath and some pretty clothes, she'll be a good addition to my collection of palace decorations,' he silently thought.

Hu Fei: You know that no one is permitted to hunt in my domain
Peasant: Master Hu Fei, We beg your forgiveness.
Hu Fei: Too late. Throw them into the dungeon.
Peasant's wife: No!!!!!! (clutching her son tight.) Let us go, young master. Please!!!!!! We'll do
Hu Fei: Anything??
Peasant's wife: (implored) Yes...

Hu Fei smiled wickedly. He walked down the throne towards the girl. The girl was so terrified that she almost fainted when Hu Fei ordered, ' Take the girl and send her to the Eastern Chambers.' The peasant's wife realizing what's going on grabbed hold of Hu Fei and repeatedly pleaded for her daughter's freedom. Hu Fei kicked the peasant's wife away and angrily roared, ' How dare you touch me, you filthy stupid vermin.' The peasant's wife collapsed to the floor. Her body went limp. Her poor husband. unable to bear seeing his wife cruelly treated and his daughter taken away, charged towards Hu Fei with bare hands. ' I'll kill you!!' With one blow, Hu Fei defeated the peasant and sent
him crashing to the floor. Blood oozed out of his open wounds.

Hu Fei: You're the one who said you'll do anything. Your daughter for the rest of your family. A good
bargain I may add. Now, go away. I don't want to see any of you again.

The guards carried the wailing peasant wife, his wounded husband and the sick child out of the court.
Hu Fei asked the advisor if there's any other cases he have to deal with. The advisor, appalled by Hu Fei's barbarous behavior, hesitated before telling him there were no other cases. Hu Fei immediately announced that he's going to retire to Easter Chambers for the evening and told the advisor not to disturb him unless it was very important. .

The Eastern Chambers was Hu Fei's and the Wudang Brothers quarters. It was a place for them to unwind in the company of beautiful girls and wine. It was also a place for them to practice their skills away from prying eyes. The place was heavily guarded and no one (except Hu Fei and the Brothers of course) could enter or leave without permission from Hu Fei. This was also where Hu Fei conduct his meetings and plan his ruthless schemes. His subjects live in fear of him yet they loved him. It was surprising but one farmer easily summed it up. ' Master Hu Fei in many ways are cruel and often his cold-blooded actions caused many of his loyal supporters' death. Yet, he can be gracious and kind. He abolished slavery, stopped imposing land taxes and kept the borders safe from robbers and marauders. For this, his subjects are thankful.'

But public opinion have been very unkind to him, rumors has it that he have poisoned his own father
and chained him at the Waterfall Cave after he got hold the Sacred Water scrolls. The scrolls were
his father's prized possession and contained a very powerful kung fu manual. Still, there's more than
what meets the eye as Master Hu Fei was not like any ordinary young man. He never explained his
actions to anyone. Even Mistress Yu Feng could not fully comprehend him. Although Hu Fei loved
her deeply, he never showed it. Once, she asked him why. He answered, ' I am indebted to you.
You assumed that I have to love you in return. Since you've already believe it so, there's no need for
me to prove it.' Yet, no matter what he said. Mistress Yu knew that Hu Fei do have feelings like any
other man. He just doesn't know how to express it.

The peasant girl was to join the Chambers Ladies, a group of courtesan who would entertain Hu Fei's and the Brothers' every whims. The most beautiful of them all was Ting Ting. Some says that she's the daughter of a beautiful goddess who came down from the heavens. The truth was the opposite. Born out of wedlock and from a poor background, Ting Ting was doomed to spend her life as a courtesan in cheap brothels. Hu Fei was the one who took her out from the streets and she was grateful for him. She's Hu Fei's favorite yet she wanted more. Unknowingly, she fell for Hu Fei and dreamt of marrying him. But she knew that he cared nothing for her.

Somewhere in the eastern mountains. Ng Hung was leaning against a tree while he waited for Zi Xia change her clothes. A few minutes later, she came out in boys clothes with a surly look in her eyes. She angrily pouted as she uncomfortably adjusts the clothes. Ng Hung tried very hard not to laugh.

Zi Xia: Ng Hung, this is ridiculous. Why must I wear boys clothes?
Ng Hung: Because you are no longer a girl. You're a boy and your name is Shi Wei.
Zi Xia: You and your silly ideas..
Ng Hung: What silly ideas? Last time we went to the out side world, I had my hands full trying to fight all those men who have err... unhonourable intentions towards you.
Zi Xia: Humph... I can defeat them with my bare hands. Stop worrying about me.
Ng Hung: I don't care. Just wear those clothes if you still think of me as your brother.
Zi Xia: Okay.. whatever you say.. but I still think it's not a good idea.
Ng Hung: But Zi Xia, listen. Do you think you can barge into the Iron Phoenix Manor and proclaim
yourself as the Lord's long lost daughter? I think it is better if the two of us enter the Manor without
disclosing our true identities and when the time is right, we'll tell. Now, do you agree?

Zi Xia did not reply. In her heart, she knew that Ng Hung was right. She did want to prove her mother's innocence and from what she gathered from Yi Lam's story, it would be real difficult. Undaunted with the task ahead, she decided to follow Ng Hung's plans. At that moment, Ng Hung
pulled her right into a bush.

Zi Xia: Ouch!! What are you doing?!
Ng Hung: Quiet! Somebody's coming.

Just then, they heard the sound of galloping hooves and saw right in front of them a small entourage of warriors and swordsmen. There were four men and a girl riding bareback thoroughbred horses.

One young swordsman and the girl rode upfront. The young swordsman were extraordinarily handsome and rode his horse with an aura of a nobleman. His sharp eyes scanned the forest for strangers still he did not spot either Zi Xia or Ng Hung. Both other crouched behind the thick bushes watched the group cautiously. It was obvious that the mustached man in the center of the group were their leader. The man was quite old with a stern look etched on his wrinkled face. His dressing clearly denoted that he came from a powerful family where he ranked among the highest standing. Ng Hung also noticed the striking difference between the two warriors who rode behind their leader. One were immaculately dressed (a scholar from the looks of it) while the other were a barbaric man who wore a bear hide and carried a heavy bronze saber on his back. The scholarly one were serene while the barbarian seemed heavily distraught.

Ng Hung: (whispered) Let's get out of here.
Zi Xia: Wait. We have to follow them.
Ng Hung: Why?
Zi Xia: Because I said so.

Zi Xia swiftly followed the group on foot using Ultra Lightness kungfu that permitted her to leap and run as fast as the wind and as stealthily as a ghost. A single image of the jade locket on the girl's neck set Zi Xia's heart racing. It was an exact match of her own gold locket. Could she be her sister, Xing Xing? But, Yi Lam did say that her sister died in the fire. But how this girl got hold of the locket? Soon enough, Ng Hung caught up with Zi Xia.

Ng Hung: What are you doing?
Zi Xia: I think that girl has something to do with my sister. (She pointed to the girl's jade locket and
showed Ng Hung her own golden one.)
Ng Hung: Mmm... Why didn't you say so? Come on or we'll miss them.

They've lost the entourage. Zi Xia just started to curse herself when they heard sounds of sword
clashing and angry voices. ' Somebody's fighting up ahead.' said Ng Hung. ' Could it be them?'
thought Zi Xia. Not losing any time, they quickly searched the source of the noise. Sure enough, they
saw the group being ambushed by dozens of masked fighters. ' They were surrounded and needed
help.' said Zi Xia brandishing her sword. ' Wait. You help the girl and I'll help the old man.'

In the fight ensued, the masked fighters attacked the leader and the girl. Zi Xia came in the nick of time to successfully deflect an arrow which almost hit the girl's chest much to the girl's surprise. ' Who are you?' she asked. Zi Xia replied, ' A friend. The young swordsman skill far surpassed Zi Xia's but at the same level as Ng Hung's. He was also surprised by the pair's sudden arrival yet paid no heed to it. ' Save Master Zhao Bao. Save family honor,' he cried out as he slashed another enemy fighter to shreds. The girl screamed in fright as she's not used to violence and gore. Zi Xia, although were also not used to blood and carnage, were unperturbed as she concentrated on defeating the masked fighters. Ng Hung worked hand in hand with the scholar and the barbarian but one masked fighter managed to squeeze through them and launched an attack right at the old man. Without warning, a huge outburst of energy stunned the masked man in the air as the old man unleashed a whirlwind of aura that knocked the life out of the masked warrior. Soon, they managed to scare the rest away. Zi Xia's face lit up at seeing her first battle won. They introduced themselves to the entourage.

Ng Hung: My name is Ng Hung and this is Shi Wei. We are brothers.
Zi Xia: We live further up east. Who are you and who are those masked man?

The old man greeted them. ' My name is Zhao Bao of the Iron Phoenix Manor. This is my disciple, Cheng En and my niece, Xing Xing.' Zi Xia were thunderstruck when she heard him. She almost could not believe it. Her sister was standing right in front of her. She could feel the lump in her throat as she stifled the urge to hug her sister. The scholar cheerfully greeted Zi Xia, ' I'm Scholar Bei and this is Master Xiao Dong. We have no idea who's exactly are those masked men. By the way, what is your business here, Master Ng Hung and Young Shi Wei?'

Ng Hung: We are travelers without a care in this world. My brother and I were orphans at the mercy
of others.
Zhao Bao: Your skills were quite profound. Who are your teachers and where are your origins?
Zi Xia: Our sifu is a humble man and forbid us from mentioning his name to anyone. Please don't ask
of our origins. It was a very long story and we preferred to leave the past bygones.
Xing Xing: Still, you have saved me and my uncle's life. I welcome you for a stay at Iron Phoenix Manor. Better still, you can come with us.
Cheng En: (to Xing Xing) Miss, is not wise to do so as they're strangers and we know nothing of them.
Zi Xia: (angrily) Who do you think you are huh? You don't even know us.
Cheng En: You're right, we don't even know you. So, we have the right to be careful.
Ng Hung: (interrupted them) Shi Wei, watch your mouth. Cheng En is right. Me and my brother are
better off on our way.
Xing Xing: (in sympathy) But you have nowhere to go and we are not ungrateful people. Uncle Zhao
Bao, please let them come with us to Emerald Mountain.

Zhao Bao did not reply at first. Like Cheng En, he too have his own suspicions on the pair's real intentions. Yet he obliged his niece's request. At the same time, he told Cheng En to investigate the duo. They continue with their journey. Zi Xia persisted on being hostile to Cheng En. But Ng Hung on the other hand quickly became friends with the scholar, barbarian and Change En himself. Zhao Bao, who did not take part in the conversation casually observed that the brothers were well brought up. The younger one was quite impulsive while the elder have favorable composure. ' harmless little pawns that could be useful to me.' he silently thought. When it started to turn dark, Zhao Bao ordered them to break camp. ' Cheng En, you and Shi Wei go and fetch water while I go find some firewood with Scholar Bei.' Zi Xia protested. Cheng En took no notice and proceed towards the river nearby. Exasperated, Zi Xia followed him.

At the river, she saw Cheng En bending over backwards scooping the water into the narrow necked leather water bags with his bare hands. The water trickled into the opening but only a bit managed to find it's way inside. While he try to make so, He tried dunking it into the river but the water refuse to go in. ' That stupid man will take forever just to fill one bag.' She snatched the bags away from Cheng En. ' Hey, give me the bags.' She did not answer back but proceed towards the edge of the river and sat upon its banks. She tied the bags with a thin rope and skillfully threw the bag into halfway down the river (somehow like fishing) and slowly pulled it back to shore. When it returned, it was full. Amused by the display, Cheng En could not help noticing how pretty Zi Xia's eyes is. ' What a pity that he's a boy. If he is a she...' But he shut the feeling aside. A boy... pretty? How absurd... After all, he was in love with Xing Xing. He could not possibly attracted to other woman let alone this arrogant boy.

Zi Xia's proceed filling up the bags her way. When she finished, she happily tossed a few to Cheng En and slung the rest over her shoulders. As she did that, she lost her footing and almost fell into the water. Cheng caught her arm and pulled her into safety. For a split second, Zi Xia fell into his arms. Her head collided with his shoulder. A sudden warmth permeated her whole body like the waves of the ocean. She had never been in close contact with a man before. Zi Xia blushed but quickly pushed Cheng En aside. She mumbled her thanks and walked away without hesitating. Cheng En confused by her actions, dismissed it as her usual hostility. On their way back, Zi Xia hastily tried to make
casual conversation.

Zi Xia: Errr... Miss Xing Xing is very beautiful. And kind too. Why do all of you men submit to her wishes?
Cheng En: She's the daughter of our leader, Lord Zhao. Although she is young, she is poised to be the future lady of the Iron Phoenix Manor.
Zi Xia: Strange. I heard that Lord Zhao's skills are one of the best in the land. Why does his only
daughter seemed so weak?

Cheng En laughed much to Zi Xia's surprise. 'Oh... He can laugh,' she thought.

Cheng En: Gentle, yes. Weak, I don't think so. She's a true lady. Never utters a harsh word and have
a very ladylike composure. Master Zhao Bao and Aunt Yuanqi never let her learn martial art. Her
innocence are priceless.
Zi Xia: But how could she protect herself. Look at her just now. If it wasn't for me, she would
already be dead.
Cheng En: You're really arrogant for someone so young.
Zi Xia: Why ... you?? I take that as an insult.
Cheng En: As you wish.

The night came peacefully enough as Zi Xia avoided Cheng En but no matter what she did, he seemed to be always near her. But she managed to talk to Xing Xing and quickly became friends. After everyone fell asleep, Zi Xia went out of the camp and took out her gold locket.. The locket glistened in the pale moonlight. She looked up to the sky and thank Heaven and Earth for her sister. Silently, she said. ' Mother, I won't fail you. This is a promise.'

At the same time, a hundred miles away, a young man were standing alone facing the east waiting for the sun to rise. He looked up to the stars and gazed at it wondering if somebody were doing the same right now. 'Someone who were meant for me...'



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