Chapter 20

In Gods Words

Ng Hung found himself walking into a dark stone chamber. On the wall theres a torch which he promptly take. He saw, right next to the walls, small watery ditches. He smelled something weird, like oil. On an instinct he dipped the torch into the water and sure enuff, the fire spreaded lighting up the whole tunnel. He could see that the walls were painted with images of ppl, some talking, some fighting and some were dancing. Like telling a story.

He moved closer inspecting the sketchings especially the one which showed two warriors fighting each other. One of them were holding a sword made from iron, with its silver studded ivory handle. ' The invincible sword,' whispered Ng Hung to himself...

He tried to decipher the paintings...
the first one was the picture of a deity who came down to earth and met a young man dressed in rags. The deity handed the poor boy a small amulet which was the very same amulet that Ng Hung wore and the sword. Quite surprised by this revelation, he fingered the amulet. He looked at the next pictures. The young man grew up to be a doctor and travelled far and wide curing other ppl using the amulet during the day. During the night, however, he practised his martial art with this sword. The man became a masked crusader upholding justice in the land. No one could beat him and he was called the Invincible Swordsman. One day he saved two orphan boys who later became his disciples. Both of them grew up together as close as blood brothers and looked up to the swordsman as their own father. One was called Zhao Jung and the other Lung Xi. After years uder their master tutelage, they began to travel, leaving his master (who was old and tired of fighting) at the top of Emerald Mountain. His disciples too followed their master footsteps and helped the ppl. They got married and established their families, Zhao Jung in the east while Lung Xi headed south. Years gone by and both became greedy as they grew more powerful and wealth. Disillusioned by this, the Invincible Swordsman decided to hide his two greatest treasure, the sword and the amulet before it falls into his disciples' evil hands. He only managed to send the amulet to a loyal friend of his, a monk and the sword to his servant. Then, he died. The monk disappeared but Zhao Jung and Lung Xi caught up with the poor servant and both of them fought over the sword. They all died. A young swordsman found the sword and brought it down the mountain. He travelled far and wide until he was discovered by the Dragon family. To save himself, he hid the sword inside his family secret crypt right under Lake Destiny. The last picture was a self-portrait of the swordsman and this words...
' The man who posses the Invincible Sword
Will rule heaven and earth, all in between...
To fall to the wrong hands, i won't permit
Thus at the depths of Lake Destiny..
It remain buried...

Those who wish to seek it must have pure heart
pass heaven's winds
rage of earth
fires of hell...
follow god's words and you'll be on your way..'

He pondered at the words and became more convinced that the legend was true indeed. Ng Hung, with utmost confidence walked deeper into the tunnel.. He could feel the cold wind and then, a set of steel arrows flew towards him. He swerved and ducked.. luckily managed to missed it. " Phewww... wasn't that lucky.'
Next, was a huge crevice containing muddy solution... ' Quicksand,' he thought... there's no other way except using some of the debris floating on it as stepping stones. Just before he jumped forwards, he noticed that the debris has similarities in designs... some of them, the wooden stumps and the stones seemed to follow a sort pattern. ' Could it be a sort of riddle... he sat down and thought... but he still couldn't find the answer. Papp... he turned around and lunged his fist towards the attacker's neck.. ' It's me!!!!!!'' she screamed..

Ng HUng: Jia rEn?? (let her go)
Jia Ren: Yeah... I thought of lending you a hand not expecting this!!
Ng Hung: I'm sorry but.. I think you should turn around.. This is dangerous...
Jia Ren: Huh.. I laugh at the face of danger... What's this?? How are we getting across..
Ng Hung: I'm not sure...

Jia Ren pondered a while and then got down. Picked up a pebble and hit one of the stone debris.. Just as it hit it... The stone sank... She hit another.. the stone sank... Then another... but this time it didnt... ' Look! Try hitting every stone and we could step on the ones which didn't sink.' she quipped. ' You're brilliant, Jia Ren.' And they did just that. Trap number 2... defeated. But that was not the end...

Suddenly, Ng Hung heard a swishing and hissing sound. A foul smell erupted from nowhere... then they came... hundreds of vipers, scorpions, poisonous centipedes and tarantulas.. raining from the cracks on the roof, the floors and the walls. Ng Hung tried to fend himself and Jia Ren away but they were too many... at one point, the floor open and both of them fell into a sea of those poisonese things. As last measure he tried to lie very still.. Therer were more and more... Both of them have the creepy crawlies all over them, on their head, hest and under arms. ' Is this the end??' he thought silently.. He glanced and JIa Ren and regret that he has to dragged her down with him. He was surprised to see her looking so serene and chanting to himself in a sort of foreign language. Then, a magical thing happen... The insects crawled away... one by one untill all of them vanish out of sight.

Unknown to Ng HUng, Jia Ren had used her powers to ordered the things away from them... When she woke up from her trance, she found that Ng Hung was eyeing her sceptically. ' What happen? I think I fanted...' she lie.. Ng HUng was not convinced but he did not show it. He was utterly curious but decided that it was not wise to show it...
' I can't believe we got away that easy.. I think that we have the Gods blessings and they had protected us' 'Easy?!! What do you mean by easy?? I had to used up all my energy summoning up the powers that be to scare the away??' Jia Ren shrieked in disbelief... After all.. that's the truth.
' You mean you ordered them to go away...' he inquired. Realizing her mistake, Jia Ren began to rambled on... ' I meant... I ... I prayed... yes I prayed... after all... I have tarantulas in my hair. What do you think I was doing..' Ng Hung laughed and held out his hand. 'Come on, we have lots more spiders to squash and scorpions to crush.' he joked. Jia Ren smiled and happily followed. But Ng Hung was still worried... Jia Ren wasn't praying and she knows that and he knows that. Ng Hung had seen something that Jia Ren doesn't want him to see but he wasn't sure what... ' I'll get to the bottom of this. ' he tell him self. Sooner or later... whether she like it or not...



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