Chapter 21

Love and Let Love

In the Zhao Mansion...

It's been a week since Cheng En's return. Cheng En was in deep discussion with his beloved Xing Xing. Since now they don't have to hide their affections for each other to others, they openly joked, laughed and it was evident that they were very much in love but Xing Xing was disturbed still.

Cheng En: What's wrong? You look... so far away...
Xing Xing (gazed lovingly): Nothing...
Cheng En: Xing Xing, I could read you like a book. What is it...
Xing Xing; (gebtly sighed, took his hands and caressed it slowly) I felt so happy with you beside me.. and we will be married... But I felt my happiness is incomplete...
Cheng En (frowning):you're thinking of Zi Xia wasn't it?
Xing Xing: (nodded) Cheng En, I want my sister right here sharing my happiness... only then I'll be completely happy... But, now, I don't even know where she is... what she's doing... whether she's okay.. or??
Cheng En (touched her lightly on the lips): Don't say it... (held her and place her head on his shoulder) I think she 's allright. We all know her... for such a kid, she can take care of herself.
Xing Xing: I know... but that's not the only thing that troubles me...
Cheng En: Then, what???

Looking up to Cheng En... Xing Xing slowly pushed him away and turned her back towards him. Her head held low as if deep in thought.

Cheng En: Tell me what's bothering you... (she stood silenmtly) Xing Xing, say it...
Xing Xing: You love her... don't you??

Cheng En was thunderstruck. His face was ghastly pale. Xing Xing turned around facing him. Cheng En noticed that there were traces of tears which she quickly wiped away..

Cheng En: That's not true....
Xing Xing: Cheng En, you'ree not the only one who could read others' thoughts. (smiled weakly) I noticed the way you watched Zi Xia... Your longing shows... I've never seen you looking at me that way... I saw it, Cheng En...and she... though she tried to hide it but I think she... she has the same feelings too..When both of you left, I've thought it a lot and finally I understand everything... I've decided that we were not fated together and I'm fooling myself into missing you... loving you even... I was going to climb up the mountain to see you...and tell you my decision... but now that you return... I decided to confess it all... and end it all.

Cheng En was momentarily stunned. Xing Xing began to walk away but suddenly Cheng En grabbed her and hugged her tightly not letting her go. She struggled but then give up as she sobbed wouldly letting up all the pented up grief she had bottled up in her heart. He whispered, 'Don't go...' She said, ' It's true, isn't it...' He nodded but went on, ' But I don't know whether it's love or lust... or even brotherly affections. But one thing I know... that I love you, Xing Xing and I'll lways be... forever... The one that I wanted to marrry was not Zi Xia... it was the girl I'm with right now... Xing Xing, trust me.'

Xing Xing: I don't know what to believe...
Cheng En: Then, believe me...
Xing Xing: How about Zi Xia? She loved you too...
Cheng En (stared upfront): But I chose you... and that's final. No one could change that..

Xing Xing closed her eyes willing herself to believe. From the first moment she saw Cheng En and Zi Xia together, she could sense the attraction between them and thought she'll lose her place in Cheng En's heart. The very thought she feared most. Yet, she doesn't want Zi Xia to suffer on behalf of her happiness. She was confused... torn between the man she loved and the sister she only has.. She broke away from Cheng En grasp... stopped him... ' Please... I need to think.'
Cheng En protested. ' No... i won't let you sacrifice yourself for her.'

Xing Xing: then what do you suppose I should do??
Cheng En: Marry me... right now.
Xing Xing: (turned around shocked..) So soon...
Cheng En: I don't care... Xing Xing, I love you... whatever feelings I have for Zi Xia... that doesn't matter now... What matters was you and me... Compared to you, she was nothing... In my eyes, Xing Xing you're my shining star which lit up my life compared Zi xia's sparks which lasted only a short while... I wanted to spend my life with you... Please... (fell to his knees) don't reject me now...
Xing Xing: (running to him yanking him up,, he refused) What are you doing??
Cheng En: I won't get up until you say you'll marry me...

Xing Xing sighed... holding her tears back.. ' No... don't make me choose...' ' Marry me..' he repeated himself on and on... and Xing Xing kept saying "No!' tearfully.... before getting up and running to her room... Cheng En looked down banging his fist on the ground ... looked up to the sky... staring.. ' God, please... Hear me now, hear me wel... Today, I take this vow infront of you... I'll marry no one but Xing Xing and if she won't have me... i will have no one until the day I die...' he whispered. His heart as if being shredded to pieces with every word... every syllable... He thought of Zi Xia... Was it true that she loved me too...?? He brushed that thought aside. He still could feel the pain radiating from his heart... the moment Xing Xing said that she won't marry him, how he felt the stabbing pain as if he was going to die.... die knowing that she'll never be his.

From that moment on, Cheng En knew whom he really loved... and he's not going to let her slip away from his hands....

At Ba Jie's brothel... It was a dark nd stormy night when suddenly the door flew open... A dark imposing figure yelled for immediate attention.. The Wudang brothers almost jumped out of their seats.. armed and ready to attack... expecting it to be the Zhao forces... but relaxed their guard when they realised it was their leader, the Dragon Lord himself... Hu Fei. He looked really agitated, angered... He called for Feiqing and called her the stupid bastard for not being able to crack the codes. ' I thought you're the wise one but looked... they have gotten away that easily!!!' yelled Hu Fei hotly... Ashamed with himself, Feiqing begged for his forgiveness. ' I'm sorry my lord... but the portal was a booby trap which was designed to change its code each time someone gained access into it. I don't know how, but Ng Hung cracked those code but I could not get in even if I used the same codes... I tried every combination I could think of..'

Hu Fei: Annd..???
Feiqing (redfaced): I've failed you....
Hu FeI: (in a huff) Who owns this trashy place?

Ba JIe timidly came forward. Slyly looking at the dragon lord, he quickly offered Hu fei the comfort of his best girls and the most potent wine in the cellar. ' Everything you wish is my command... What you need, speak and I'll oblige... My lord..'

Hu Fei (smiling wickedly): I need information.
Ba JIe: What information?
Hu Fei: On my way here, I heard that your insolence was the reason they can get in. Is it true?
Ba Jie (alarmed... shivering): It was... they tricked me..
Hu Fei (scolded him in rage): I asked whether it's true or not?!! I don't want to hear excuses... only answers!! Yes or no?

Ba Jie immediately kowtowed and grabbed Hu fei's boots and kissed them. ' i beg your forgiveness, your hiugness...'

Hu fei: Answers!!!!
Ba JIe (nervously): yees...sss...
Hu Fei: Good...

like a flash of lighting, he slashed Ba Jie's throat with one strike. Ba Jie fell to the floor with a splash into a pool of dark red blood.

Hu Fei glanced across the room. He summoned Brother Xu and ordered him to narrate everything that happen. When Brother Xu finished, Hu Fei asked him whether he got a good look at the girl Ng Hung was with.

Brother Xu: SHe was very young, innoncent looking...
HU Fei: Nothing unusual?
Brother Xu: Nothing I guess... but she was very pretty... perhaps she was Lord Zhao's daughter.
Hu Fei: Positively not (indignantly he said. Brother Xu baffled)
Brother Xu: How did you know??
Hu fei: i just know... never mind... i know that girl.. she was one of us... (relieved) Sent for the girls, and wine... get the maids to clean this garbage out of my sight (poiting at Ba Jie's corpse) Boys, let's have some fun...!!

Laughing with his brothers, he retired for the night.


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