Chapter 22

Dark Moon Rising

In the woods, already dark, a few miles from Tianshan City...

Slumped under a really big tree, she gulped down her water satchel relieving her poor parched-dry throat. Zi Xia was sitting all alone, cursing Tin Lung a.k.a Hu Fei every step of the way... muttering to herself that she was a fool to help that ungrateful guy...
Oh well, at least I do not owe him anything. Overcome by boredom, she began to reach for her sword (which the beggar gave her). Carefully taking it out of its scabbard, she began to admire the beautiful sword... swung it around... savouring the feel of it in her hands...

Following the first steps of the Lao Tian swordfight, she began to slash, stab and strike the imaginary opponent in front of her... in her mind, she envisioned that she was fighting Hu Fei... Too taken by her day dreaming... she was quite shocked when she began to move as if not by her own will. It was like the sword was controlling her movements. ' That's weird, she thought but she just let it flow ... the sword seemed to teach her steps that beyond her learning and she quickly learn it by heart. It went on for hours until Zi Xia was overcome by exhaustion... that shew just deop the sword and the sword... to her surprise ... flew as if being held by an invisible hand... ' So this is the way the beggar wanted to teach me kungfu. That weird ol man was trickier than I thought. But how come he gave me this magic sword, I mean... he doesn't know me or anything.'

Then, suddenly, the sword changed its direction towards Zi Xia. Zi Xia frantically got up and tried to defend herself bare-handed. She ran and ran...until she was trapped between that big tree and the sword. Leaving it all towards fate, she turned towards the flying sword and closed her eyes and screamned, ' Stoppp!!!'

Magically, the sword stopped midair. ' So, Tin Lung was not the only one who can make sword freeze in the air. Okay, nice sword, come to mommy... oh well, what are you anyway?' The sword, as if it understood Zi Xia's commands, began to write something on the ground. Quite taken by this weird developement (really lah... a flying sword that could understand what you say and writes... wow... that's an achievement)... she slowly read what the sword wrote on the ground, ' I am known as the Virgin sword and you are my mistress now. From this day on I will serve you loyally.'

Very pleased... she silently thanked the beggar for his precious gift. She asked the sword who is the beggar and why he gave the sword to her. ' The Beggar was your sifu's martial brother. And like your sifu, he knew that you have a very special fate which will decide the future of the hundred-years long family feud.' The sword, alas doesn't know more than that. Only, it promises that it'll serve Zi Xia until the day she die. ' Then and only then you can give it to the next virgin maiden destined to be your disciple... (laughing) Is the beggar a virgin?? Who owned you before me?? (the sword wrote more) A lady swordsman who was the beggar's lover... ohhh... so that ol man have a romantic side after all...'

She command the sword to come back to her. It obeyed. Lovingly caressing it, she silently vow that with this sword, she'll end the feud between the Zhao and the dragon family.. ' And I'll start by killing the arrogant Hu fei, the Dragon Lord himself!'

At Ba Jie's brothel...

The Wudang brothers was having the time of their lives except Ping who still mourning over his master's death.. after all she's just a boy... yet he did get drunk with the others... just to relieve the grief in his heart.

Hu Fei also did not miss on this and they partied all night until they all slumped drunked and tired in the arms of many of Ba Jie's comfort ladies. But unlike others... only Hu Fei did not get drunk... when he notice that they all were fast asleep... he ordered the girls to leave him to retire alone for the night. One of them refuse to leave... she seeemed to take quite a fancy with our youmng lord... but when she saw that Hu Fei were very serious she timidly obliged. Hu Fei closed the door and changed his clothes. Before he retire to sleep, he carefully examined his head... his wound have healed completely thanks to Zi Xia's unsurpassed skills.. He wondered whether she's okay ... he remembered her saying that she doesn't like to travel alone and how happy she was to have hoim as company.. Hu Fei wondered when will she discover the truth... that he was not what he seemed... Would she care for him then?

In the Emerald Mountain...

Liu Xia was smoking his pipe while he looked up at the stars... From his calculations... the day for the Armageddon is nearing... ' I hope that Ng Hung will make the right decision... and the princess of darkness defeated...' but there was something a miss. A dark cloud have interfered with his readings and now, the moon have turned blood red signifying the arrival of a new evil forces.... Liu Xia was very disturbed by this latest developement. Could I be wrong? But the prophecy have said...' As liu Xia continue with his research, the dark cloud moved over Ng Hung's star... eclipsing it.. A new evil...? Perhaps...



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