Chapter 3

Conspiracies In Highest Order

When they arrived at Iron Phoenix Manor, Zi Xia could not helped but be amazed by the sheer magnificence of the gigantic structure. Surrounded by thick, red brick wall, the manor were the strongest keep in the whole land second only to the Golden Dragon Palace. The Lung forces have
repeatly tried to attack the Manor but failed. Under Zhao Bao's rule, the Zhao army came out as the bravest and the most loyal soldiers in the land. But their number still small compared to Lung's army thus Zhao Bao vowed that someday, they'll destroy the Lung family and their wretched Golden Dragon Palace.

In the Manor.

Ng Hung and Zi Xia quickly assimilated into the everyday lives of the Zhao family servants. One day, Zi Xia saw Xing Xing crying with a tray of food in her hand.

Zi Xia: Xing Xing, what's the matter?
Xing Xing: It's my father. He refused to eat for days. He won't even talk to me.
Zi Xia: What if you let me bring the food to him? Perhaps I could persuade him to eat a little...
Xing Xing: Oh, would you? Thank you, Shi Wei. I'll tell the guards to let you in. Guards!! Let Shi Wei see my father.
Guard: But Master Zhao Bao told us not to let anyone in except you and himself.
Xing Xing: Who's the master of the Manor?
Guard: Lord Zhao.
Xing Xing: As his daughter, I command you to open the door and let my friend in.
Guard: Yes, Mistress Zhao.

In the dungeon. Xing Xing opened a heavy steel door. Both of them walked into a small cell. An old fat man were sitting against the walls. He looked tired and weak with his unkept hair and ragged clothes. ' My father...' thought Zi Xia as she put the tray on a table.

Xing Xing: Father...
Lord Zhao: I've told you not to disturb me.
Xing Xing: I've brought along a friend. His name is Shi Wei and he have saved my life.
Lord Zhao: You think I'm blind? A mere boy... Out!! All of you!!

Zi Xia stepped forward and brought out her jade flute and began to play a song. The song which was on the her mother's fan. Lord Zhao were stunned when he heard the song. He snatched the flute away. His hand trembled as he scrutinised the instrument.

Lord Zhao: Where did you learn this? This flute.. where did you get it?
Zi Xia: A woman gave it to me.
Lord Zhao: Who is this woman? Do you know her?
Zi Xia: I knew her as if she was my mother.
Lord Zhao: Xing Xing, leave us alone.
Xing Xing: Father, I'll go willingly if only you eat a little.

Lord Zhao quickly grabbed a loaf of bread and gobbled it up. Xing Xing beamed and graciously thank Zi Xia. She excused herself and after she's gone, Lord Zhao motioned Zi Xia towards him.

Lord Zhao: Tell me about this woman.
Zi Xia: I don't know much of her.
Lord Zhao: But you said you know her like your mo...
Zi Xia: My mother died giving birth to me.
Lord Zhao: You liar!
Zi Xia: Yes, I never met her but my sifu always talked about her.
Lord Zhao: What did he says?

Zi Xia narrated her mother's story as Lord Zhao looked on. When she finished, Lord Zhao sighed.

Lord Zhao: Did she died hating her husband?
Zi Xia: I don't think so. She died thinking that her husband hated her for something she never did. She didn't blame him though. In fact, she loved him until her dying day.
Lord Zhao: (moaned) Yuhe... I was so wrong...
Zi Xia: My lord, what's wrong?
Lord Zhao: No.. nothing.
Zi Xia: But my lord...
Lord Zhao: (hesitated. Look at Zi Xia and patted her shoulder) Shi Wei, Have you ever wonder why
I am here?
Zi Xia: (shrugged) I thought you wanted to meditate or something.
Lord Zhao: Haha... No... I wanted to punish myself. Let me tell you the husband's story.

Lord Zhao began telling her about his marriage to Yuhe. ' She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Full of spirit and love. We were married a month after we met for the first time. We were so happy especially after Xing Xing was born. But when she got pregnant for the second time, I heard a rumour that the child was not mine. That Yuhe had an affair with Wu Lung. I refused to believe but on that fateful night, I found the letters. I got mad at her and almost hit her. She tried to explain but I refused to listen. I left her in the room crying. Then, I heard someone eavesdropping outside. He was laughing. It turned out to be Wu Lung himself. He have succeed breaking into the manor in the guise of a servant. We fought and I discovered that he's the one who started the rumours and the letters. During the fight, I used my Fire Bird Fist but missed. The fire quickly spreaded and soon, the whole
building was comsumed by flame. I managed to wound Wu Lung but he vanished in the confusion. I was the one who saved Yuhe but I was too ashamed to see her. I told my brother to lie to her about Xing Xing's death. I've lost her but I couldn't bear to lose my daughter. When she left, I realized how wrong I was. I locked myself up hoping to make up for my sins. Tell me what happen to her daughter, Zi Xia. Shi Wei... You stupid boy... Why are you crying?'

Zi Xia looked up to him. She wiped away her tears and hurriedly excused herself.

Lord Zhao: Oh well... Yes, you can go. But could you come down here often.
Zi Xia: I'll be happy to serve you, my lord.

Thus, every day onwards, Zi Xia took care of Lord Zhao. Lord Zhao became happier everyday but he suspected that Zi Xia was not telling him the whole truth. He was not the only one. Zhao Bao became increasingly suspicious of Zi Xia. But since Xing Xing was the one who let her visit Lord
Zhao, there's nothing he can do. One night, Xing Xing were waiting for Cheng En in the garden when Zi Xia came across her. She asked Xing Xing why is she sitting all alone when it's already midnight.

Xing Xing: Could you keep a secret?
Zi Xia: Of course. I won't tell a soul.
Xing Xing: Emm.. I'm waiting for Cheng En. He always meets me here at midnight but now he's already an hour late.
Zi Xia: You and Cheng En are...

Xing Xing blushed. Zi Xia understood but can't help feeling a wee bit disappointed. No wonder Cheng En like to praise her a lot. They were lovers. Zi Xia tried to comfort her and said that maybe he had something important to do. She excused herself as it was already late. Xing Xing agreed with her and retired to her room feeling agitated.

At the same time, Ng Hung were drinking with Cheng En and Zhao Jian. Cheng En looked disturbed. Ng Hung noticed it and asked what's wrong. Cheng En said he was sleepy and wanted to go to his room. Zhao Jian stopped him and said that the night still young and forced him to drink more wine. Ng Hung silently wondered why was Cheng En so eager to leave. All of a sudden, Zhao Bao came in and ordered Cheng En to see him. They walked towards the garden. Zi Xia was leaving when she saw them both. She hid behind a big marble sculpture and quietly listened to their conversation.

Zhao Bao: Have you finished investigating the two?
Cheng En: I'm sorry, master. I needed more time.

Zhao Bao smacked his fist onto the stone table. Zi Xia almost knocked the sculpture down in shock. Cheng En fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness. He explained that Ng Hung were very careful not to disclose their past while he hardly saw Shi Wei (Zi Xia) as he was with Xing Xing or Lord Zhao most of the time.

Zhao Bao: I don't like the way Shi Wei getting closer to my brother and Xing Xing. I want you to get rid of him immediately.
Cheng En: But master, young mistress cared for the boy and his death may arouse her suspicions. We needed her trust or our plan will fail and you'll never be the Lord of Iron Phoenix Manor.

Zi Xia silently thought, ' So they want to take over the title and willing to kill me for it. I won't allow
this. I must tell Lord Zhao as soon as possible.'

Zhao Bao: (deep in thought) You're right. We won't kill him yet but do keep an eye on him.
Cheng En: Yes, master.

They both left for their rooms. Zi Xia slowly came out of her hhiding place and tiptoed towards her room. On her way, she bumped into Ng Hung. She told him everything she heard. Ng Hung told her to be very careful and trust her instinct. ' Don't trust Cheng En.' he said. ' Of course, why do I want to trust someone who wanted to kill me,' Zi Xia replied nonchalantly. Ng Hung finally told her about
the night before. He was going out to pee when he saw someone dressed in black scaling the outside walls. At first, he thought it was an intruder but then he saw the intruder's face. It was Cheng En and he was talking to an outsider. Ng Hung did not recognise the outsider but it seemed that Cheng En was relaying a message to the outside.

Zi Xia: I'm not surpprised. Probably Zhao Bao sent him on a secret mission or something.
Ng Hung: Perhaps. Or maybe he was a spy for someone else.
Zi Xia: Are you sure? Should I tell my father?
Ng Hung: No. I'm trying to find out more.
Zi Xia: But I think my father has the right to know.
Ng Hung: It's not the right time.
Zi Xia: It's always not the right time to you.

The next morning, Zi Xia disobey Ng Hung's order. She told her father about Zhao Bao's evil intentions. Lord Zhao only laughed at her. Puzzled, she asked him why did he laugh. It turned out that Lord Zhao already knew about Zhao Bao's conspiracy.

Lord Zhao: You have proven yourself worthy to be my eyes and ears. You and your brother could help me regain my place as the lord. But at one condition.
Zi Xia: Anything, my lord.
Lord Zhao: Tell me your real name first.
Zi Xia: Err... I've already told you. I'm Shi Wei.
Lord Zhao: Stop lying. Do you think I'm a fool? You're hiding something and I wanted to know what.
Zi Xia: (hotly) I won't tolerate this nonsense. I'm leaving.

Just as she turned to leave, she heard Lord Zhao calling out her name. Her real name. She looked at him. Her eyes were full of tears.

Zi Xia: How did you ...?
Lord Zhao: The very first moment you came here... I noticed that you had your mother's eyes. And when you told her story, I just knew it was you.

Zi Xia ran into her father's arms. Both of them embraced in tears of joy. ' Father, I ask you to keep my true identity a secret. As it is, Zhao Bao have already schemed to kill me. If he knows the truth, it'll be harder for me to defeat his plans.'

Lord Zhao: I agree with you. I think it is time we turn the tables on my brother. This is my plan.

ogether, the father and daughter brainstormed their way to defeat Zhao Bao. Will they succeed? Stay tuned to find out.



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