Chapter 4

Dawn of a Rebellion

They were on their way to the Ancestors Hall when Ng Hung confronted Zi Xia asking why were she avoiding him. She tried to change the topic but Ng Hung pursued the issue relentlessly not giving her chance to lie her way out.

Zi Xia: Okay, I give up. Maybe it is better that you know.
Ng Hung: Know what?

Zi Xia told him that her father already knew about Zhao Bao's plans and her identity. At first, Ng Hung was angry at her but realized that she was right all along. He agreed to help her but warned her to be more careful. At the Ancestors Hall, Zhao Bao grew very impatient with Cheng En dragging his feet in his investigations. The truth was Cheng En have grown so attached to Ng Hung and Zi Xia that he doesn't have the heart to turn them in. Ng Hung was the most understanding friend he ever had and Shi Wei (Zi Xia)... He didn't know why but he still can't shake that weird feeling towards the boy. It was driving him crazy. Just the other day, he saw Shi Wei in the kitchen cooking. Curious, Cheng En asked him what was he doing. ' Cooking, you stupid idiot.' snapped the highly irritated Shi Wei. The food smelled so good that he insisted on a bite.

Reluctantly, Shi Wei let him. The food were so hot that it almost burned his tongue. He screamed in pain.' Serves you right,' mocked Shi Wei as he gave Cheng En a glass of water but Cheng En knocked the glass all over him. Cheng En tried to apologize and hurriedly try to dry Shi Wei's wet clothes by dabbing it with a kitchen rag. Shi Wei screamed at him, ' Don't you dare touch me.' Then, he stormed out with the still steaming food. Cheng En swore that he saw the boy blushed flaming red. It was highly unusual for a boy to be embarrassed by such a simple incident. Yet, he couldn't help staring after him. Then, he splashed his face with cold water wiping out all memories of the incident.
Zhao Bao, on the other hand, felt that it was time to get rid of Shi Wei before he gain Lord Zhao's trust and topple Zhao Bao's rule.?Zhao Bao arranged for the tea drinking ceremony sabotaged. He have coated Shi Wei's cup with fine translucent poisonous powder.

Zhao Bao: I propose a toast for our family. May we prosper for a hundred of years and defeat the Dragon Clan. Cheers!

Zhao Bao watched Shi Wei very closely and saw that Shi Wei?happily drank from his cup. Zhao Bao were so glad to see his plan working that he proposed another toast. But without warning, Yuanqi choked and threw up blood. She convulsed in pain and let out an agonizing scream before she slumped to the floor dead. Xing Xing ran to her in tears and demanded that the murderer be found. Zi Xia who had sat beside Yuanqi called out for a doctor. At the end of the day, everybody was shocked to discover that?Yuanqi had been poisoned.

East Devil Xiao Dong, Cheng En and Zhao Jian, who had examined Yuanqi's dead body, found out that Shi Wei had switched cups with Yuanqi before the ceremony. ' Where is he?' Xiao Dong shouted indignantly. He was badly affected by Yuanqi's death as they were betrothed to one another. They discovered that Ng Hung and Shi Wei already gone outside claiming they saw the murderer running towards the woods. They caught up with Ng Hung and Shi Wei in the woods. Cheng En attacked Shi Wei while Xiao Dong and Zhao Jian surrounded Ng Hung. During the fight, Cheng En hit Shi Wei's headgear and it fell off. When Cheng En looked at him again, he exclaimed in disbelief, ' You're a girl!' When the headgear fell of, it revealed Zi Xia's waist length hair revealing her true nature. ' I demanded an explanation,' roared Xiao Dong.

Zi Xia: I'll give it to you. Let me explain.
Xiao Dong: (gruffly) I'm waiting.

Zi Xia: I am well-versed with all sorts of herbs and can easily differentiate the poisonous ones from the edible ones. When I picked up the cup, I discovered that it was coated with poison and proceed to break it. But I dropped it at the same time Yuanqi dropped hers. She picked up my cup instead. I tried to warn her but it was already too late. I panicked that if anyone found out, they'll find out my true identity and told my brother Ng Hung to flee as soon as possible.

Zhao Jian asked for her name. She told him. As she recounted her past and her relationship with Lord Zhao, Cheng En was watching her closely. Her beauty kept him spell-bounded as if he's in a trance. That explained everything ; the kitchen incident, her hostility, her blushing everytime they came too close. Cheng En brushed off the feeling as temporary lust. Xiao Dong on the other hand was deep in thought. Although he looked quite crude and barbarous, his real nature was quite the opposite. He was loving and caring person although you only know it once you get acquainted with him. His heart broke into million pieces when he saw his beloved Yuanqi died in front of his eyes but now he accepted it as fate. He have always suspected Zhao Bao's motives and immediately resolved to defeat him for his Yuanqi and the righteous Lord Zhao.

Ng Hung: Xiao Dong is with us. Zhao Jian, Cheng En. Zhao Bao is your respective father and master but he is evil. Still, we need your help.
Zi Xia: Will you help my father fight him?
Zhao Jian shook his head and declared that he thinks that Zi Xia's lying. Zi Xia showed them her golden locket and asked them whether they were familiar with its design. ' It was the same as Xing Xing's. Her father gave it to her,' cried Cheng En. Zi Xia nodded. ' My mother gave it to me as proof of my identity and my story.'
Zhao Jian: I believe you. But I don't want to rebel against my own father.

Zhao Jian refused to listen to her and fled. Cheng En did not reply at first but told them to hide for a while. ' Zhao Bao issued an order to kill you. We'll try our best to help.' Zi Xia thanked him and Xiao Dong. Xiao Dong insisted on staying with them and protect them. Cheng En went back to the manor and told Zhao Bao they failed to locate them both. Zhao Bao was enraged but soon got over it. But he must do something to secure his position now that Shi Wei and Ng Hung have escaped. He hit upon an idea.

Xing Xing could not believe Shi Wei's a murderer. To top it all, Cheng En began to avoid her. But her father ate more everyday. He became more robust and healthy. Xing Xing also noticed that Lord Zhao began practicing his skills inside his cell. She asked him if he wanted to go out. Lord Zhao answered, ' Soon... soon.' A few days later, Zhao Bao called off the search. He thought that now the two brats were afraid to come back, they won't cause any harm. During their family banquet in honor of their late cousin Yuanqi, Zhao Bao announced.

Zhao Bao: The time is right for us to rejoice once again. I've decided to marry my son, Zhao Jian to his cousin, Xing Xing in a month from now.

The Zhao household buzzed in anticipation for the incoming nuptials. Xing Xing almost fainted from shock. She started to cry before running towards her room. Zhao Jian were awfully quiet but did not object. Cheng En were at first furious with the decision but quickly concealed his anger with a mask of joy. That night, Xing Xing and Cheng En met once again in the garden. Xing Xing appeared so distraught while Cheng En tried his might to comfort her.

Xing Xing: I don't want to marry Zhao Jian. I love only you. Cheng En, take me away. I'll go where ever you'll take me.
Cheng En: It's not that simple. I haven't finish my mission yet.
Xing Xing: What mission?
Cheng En: You don't understand. I'm not the person you think I am.
Xing Xing: What are you talking about?
Cheng En: I... cannot tell you yet. We'll run away together. I promise.
Xing Xing: Promise...

Xing Xing closed her eyes in the safety of Cheng En's embrace. Cheng En, on the other hand tried to think up a plan. ' If I'm not careful, I'll jeopardize Xing Xing's safety and my own brothers. I could not let them down,' he silently thought. He thought of the first time he met Xing Xing. It was in the garden and she was playing a Chinese lute. He was fascinated by her charming, guileless smile and pure naivet? In her eyes, he could see her untainted soul giving limitless love only to him. Only him. He held her tighter. Their love were forbidden as he was an outsider and she was Lord Zhao's daughter. Moreover, he was there on a mission to destroy the family but now he, the predator, have fallen for the prey.

He thought of Zi Xia's plans. By helping her, he would gain Lord Zhao's trust and Xing Xing's hand in marriage. The fact that he was also Zhao Bao's most trusted aide could certainly help matters. In the middle of uprising, he will run away with Xing Xing back to his home. And they'll live happily ever after. A few hours later, Cheng En set off towards a small, abandoned hut at the edge of the forest. He entered the hut and saw Zi Xia, Ng Hung, Xiao Dong and Zhao Jian deep in discussion.

Cheng En: Zhao Jian, I thought you..?
Zhao Jian: I've decided to join Zi Xia.
Cheng En: But why...
Zhao Jian: Sit down and hear what I'm going to say. My father is a ruthless man. I do not deny it but to date he never includes me in his plans. Before the banquet, he told me about the wedding plans. I protested.
Cheng En: Aren't you too in love with Xing Xing?
Zhao Jian: (shook his head and sighed) Everybody assumed that but the truth was I don't want to marry Xing Xing. I only thought of her as my sister. Nothing more.

Cheng En was awfully relieved. Ng Hung then told them that that afternoon, Scholar Bei saw and injured Xiao Dong. ' He was almost killed but a masked man saved him and brought him here.

Zhao Jian: The masked man was me. Xiao Dong once saved my life, I would not let anybody harm him. When I discover that my father was the one who sent Scholar Bei to kill him, I resolve to severe all ties with my own father and join them.
Ng Hung: How about you, Cheng En?

Cheng En hesitated at first. Ng Hung placed his hand on the table followed by Zhao Jian, Xiao Dong and Zi Xia. With a grin, Cheng En placed his hand on Zi Xia's. ' I'm in.'
When Cheng En and Zhao Jian left for the Manor, Zi Xia asked Ng Hung. ' Do you trust Cheng En now?' she inquired. Ng Hung shrugged. ' Just be careful.'

Who is the real Cheng En? Can he save Xing Xing from a loveless marriage? Will Ng Hung and Zi Xia ever trust Cheng En? To be continued....



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