Chapter 5

The Wedding

The wedding day. Xing Xing paced nervously in her room wearing her bridal fineries. Cheng En told her that they'll come to save her but she was still scared. What if they fail? In his chamber, Zhao Bao reveled in the prospect of realizing his highest ambition. After Zhao Jian marries Xing Xing, Zhao Jian will be proclaimed as the new Lord Zhao. ' Zhao Jian will be the puppet and I'll be the puppeteer,' he laughed sadistically. As the ceremony progressed, there were no sign of the rebels. Soon, Zhao Bao started to relax. Xing Xing's tear-stained face turned ghostly white as the hour waned. Where is Cheng En?

Just then, a monk asked Zhao Bao to bless the couple. Zhao Bao, suspecting nothing, obliged. The monk was holding a long staff with a brass ornament on top. He gently tapped the staff on Xing Xing's head. Xing Xing caught a glimpse of his hands and saw his father's ring. ' Father?' she said as she looked up to the monk. The monk smiled and suddenly, a huge cloud enveloped her and she fainted dead away. A group of fighters appeared and attacked Zhao Bao's men. One of them broke away and carried Xing Xing out while Zhao Jian?joined in the fight with the rebels in favor.?Zhao Bao recognized some of them as his own soldiers.

' How dare you revolt against me?' He used his Iron Phoenix Rebirth stance (a stance which was used earlier that could stunned the opponent before absorbing their strength completely leaving them powerless and weaker ones dead). But the monk using his staff skillfully attacked Zhao Bao who was temporarily defenseless while using?his stance. Zhao Bao lurched backward as the monk used the same stance and attacked him in return. Zhao Bao was rendered helpless and spewed blood. He cried out,' Who are you?'
Zhao Wen revealed himself. Zhao Bao stared in horror. ' I've come to reclaim my place, brother,' said Zhao Wen. Zhao Bao moaned in pain but cannot do anything as he was paralyzed from waist down. Just then, Zi Xia (in her real guise), Ng Hung and Xiao Dong joined them.

Zhao Bao: (screamed in rage) All of you... traitors.. Ng Hung... Xiao Dong.. and who are you?!
Zhao Wen: Zhao Bao, I wanted you to meet my youngest daughter, Zi Xia. She used to disguise herself as a boy.
Zhao Bao: You... I remember you.. I wanted to kill you but you got away...argh...

Zhao Bao struggled against the horrible pain. Suddenly, Zhao Jian appeared and he ran towards his father. ' Father, forgive me,' he said tearfully. Zhao Bao shoved him aside and exclaimed that he had no son like him. ' I cursed the day your mother brought you to this world.'

Zhao Wen interrupted their father and son exchange, ' Zhao Bao, you're the one who doesn't deserves a son like Zhao Jian.' Zhao Bao screamed his anguished last breath before collapsed to the floor dead. Zi Xia walked towards Zhao Jian who were trying to hold back his tears. She sat next to him and put her hands around him and drew him closer. ' It's not your fault,' she whispered. Zhao Jian glanced at her and slowly replied, ' He never loved me as a son. I'm just another piece in his plans.' With that, he stood up and left.

In Xing Xing's room. She began to regain consciousness. The first thing she said was, ' Cheng En.' When she open her eyes, she saw her father hovering over her and a girl in light blue dress comforting him.

Xing Xing: Father, where am I?
Zhao Wen: Oh, you're awake now. Drink this my daughter.
Xing Xing: Who is this?

Zi Xia smiled as she sat beside her sister's bed. She asked Zhao Wen to leave the room. Reluctantly, he agreed and kissed her on her cheek. Xing Xing gazed at them in wonder. Zi Xia carefully undid her necklace and put her golden locket beside her jade one.

Xing Xing: It's the same. Father gave it to me. It's an ancestral locket given to Zhao female descendents as dowry.
Zi Xia: (nodded) I inherit mine after my mother died giving birth to me.
Xing Xing: Who's your mother?
Zi Xia: Zhao Yuhe.

Xing Xing gasped in disbelief uncertain whether to believe it or not. Zi Xia took Xing Xing's hand and held it against her own wet, tear-stained cheeks. ' I've always wanted a sister,' she cried. ' I was so happy to find you that I almost revealed my true identity. How I wished I could wipe those tears when I saw you crying when father didn't want to eat. I wanted to bash up Cheng En for leaving you all alone...' Xing Xing giggled. ' He didn't leave me.. Wait, you were Shi Wei. No wonder you can cook. Better than myself too.' Both of them laughed heartily. They talked to each other all night long catching up all those lost years.

Zhao Wen stood outside the bedroom listening in her daughters' mirth and laughter sharing a moment otherwise lost in those years in exile. He looked up to the sky and lovingly whispered,' Yuhe, I knew you're watching them and protected them all those years. Thank you for giving me a chance to love them.' Alone, he retired towards his chamber. Unexpectedly, he stopped on his tracks and turned around. He could have sworn he heard somebody said, ' You're welcome, my love.'

At the Golden Dragon Palace. The palace were busy preparing for Hu Fei's 25th birthday. In Hu Fei's study, however, the situation was grim. Mistress Yu Feng were troubled by the recent news of Lord Zhao's uprising. ' This is not good for our clan, Hu Fei. You must do something.' Hu Fei, who was busy reading at the time, comforted his distraught aunt. 'If he is anything like his brother, then we could relax. The Zhao family is nothing compared to our clan. We have more power and our army second to none.'

Yu Feng: The power struggle in Zhao family which benefit us all these years were the result of your father past schemes. Zhao Bao were incapable to lead the Zhao forces but Zhao Wen, the real Lord Zhao, is an intelligent man and his kung fu surpassed even your father. Moreover, our spies have informed me that he has found his long-lost daughter.'
Hu Fei: A mere girl won't harm me.
Yu Feng: Don't be so sure. It was her plans that defeat Zhao Bao and restore her father back to his rank. She's nothing like her sister.
Hu Fei: Mmm... I guess she's ugly and very rude?

Enraged by his lack of respect, Yu Feng sent a glass cup flying towards Hu Fei's head with a flick of her wrist. Hu Fei, who luckily can read her actions, caught the cup and crushed it with his bare hands. ' Hu Fei, I wish you act more like the leader your father was.' Yu Feng looked away from him in disgust. Hu Fei brushed off the remaining specks of glass on his regal attire.

Hu Fei: So, what do you want me to do?
Yu Feng: Find the lost Invincible Sword.
Hu Fei: It was a only a myth. A legend.
Yu Feng: No, we have sources who have verified its whereabouts. It turned out that Zhao Bao have done thorough search over this matter and pin-point the probable location as the Lake of Destiny near the Black Sand Forest.
Hu Fei: That was near the Tinshan capital city next to the border separating Zhao's lands and ours. The land used to be part of our kingdom but one of our ancestors lost it in gambling game.
Yu Feng: The winner built the existing city which is now a bustling trade outpost for travelling merchants, small-time traders from neighboring districts and outcasts. The lake on the other hand is a red-zone district. I gathered you of all people would be delighted to know this.
Hu Fei: Aunt Yu Feng, you have generally low opinion of myself. Remember, you're the one who have raised me and it was you who should be responsible for the my inconspicuous behavior.

In a huff, Mistress Yu Feng left the study. Hu Fei, amused by her reaction, were quick to note that Mistress Yu were troubled, not because of the recent happenings in Emerald Mountain, but for other reasons. But then, the whole palace knew that Mistress Yu Feng does not approve Hu Fei's womanizing behavior. She doesn't know that it was just a front concocted by Hu Fei to misled his opponents into thinking he was weaker than them. Hu Fei sighed. He already knew about the Zhao family matters. ' She's not the only one with reputable sources,' he silently thought as he read his the 12th Brother Xu report on the matter. ' Lord Zhao have found Zhao Bao's papers regarding the Invincible Sword and have dispatched his daughter's martial brother Ng Hung, Zhaojian and the East Devil Xiao Dong to find it and I suggest that we send all of our best men to intercept them and seize the sword before they get to it.'

Hu Fei already agreed on Brother Xu's scheme but he was more worried about the second highest ranking Wudang Brother, Cheng En. His latest report have greatly alarmed him. Hu Fei could read between the lines. Cheng En began to show symptoms of betrayal. To begin with, he has let himself to fall for Lord Zhao's elder daughter, Xing Xing. Hu Fei at first dismissed it as a passing infatuation but recent developments showed otherwise. But he trusted Cheng En. If he doesn't, he would not have let Cheng En remain at Emerald Mountain as his undercover agent. By agreeing to Brother Xu's plans, they were jeopardizing Cheng En's true identity. The only way to avoid this to happen was to be there himself and keep matters in control. ' I'll think of something...' Hu Fei said to himself.


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