Chapter 6

Oath of Eternal Love

It was early morning. Ng Hung was getting ready for his long journey but Zhaojian was nowhere to be found. This is not good. Ng Hung already had his hands full with Xiao Dong's mood swings which worsens eversince Yuanqi's death. Now, not Zhaojian too. He asked Zi Xia to go search for him which she dutifully obeyed. Moreover, she wanted to see Zhaojian herself. Ever since the wedding, she did not have the chance to do so. She looked everywhere but there's no sign of him. ' Maybe..'

Zhaojian was sitting by himself perched on the rooftop. He looked very distraught when Zi Xia climbed up to the roof where he was sitting. Since she have a very bad sense of balance, she almost slip and slide down the roof straight into the fish pond if it wasn't for Zhaojian's quick reflexes.
Zi Xia: Thanks.
Zhaojian: (shrugged) Don't mention it.
Zi Xia: (looked up to him quizzically. annoyed to see him look so sad. start making faces but Zhaojian did not respond) Hey, cheer up. You're not fit to go on the Invincible Sword wild adventure like this.
Zhaojian: (glared at her) You know, you can be really annoying at times. Just leave me alone... (looked away)
Zi Xia: (started to feel uneasy) All right. I'll go after you answered my question.
Zhaojian: Okay. Shoot.
Zi Xia: (took a really deep breath before saying) You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Zhaojian: Who are you talking about..
Zi Xia: Hey... there's only two females left around here. Do you think I'm talking about me?
Zhaojian: (sighed) I've told you I don't have any feelings for her.
Zi Xia: Ooh... You really can fool me. Zhaojian, honestly, it was obvious that you're in love with her.
Zhaojian: Okay, if it's true, so what? She loved only Cheng En. And that was really obvious. I don't want to be the thorn between them. I respected Cheng En as my martial brother (Cheng En and Zhaojian was under Zhao Bao's tutelage). I don't have the right to take away the only person he loved.
Zi Xia: But at least tell Xing Xing, she has to know. Zhaojian, when you left that day, I could see although you genuinely mourned the death of your father, I could see it was somebody else who have made you miserable. And when you asked my father to join Ng Hung on his mission to retrieve that stupid sword. I realized you did that to avoid seeing Xing Xing.
Zhaojian: I asked to go on this mission to wipe away my father's sins. It has nothing to do with Xing Xing.
Zi Xia: Yeah, right..
Zhaojian: (thought for a second and teasingly said) Well, I don't see you professing your everlasting love for the bold and dashing Cheng En.
Zi Xia: (blushed. taken aback. Began to feel restless) Who says I like him?
Zhaojian: Oh really, Zi Xia. I could read you like a book.
Zi Xia: You don't even know me for long.
Zhaojian: (chuckled. gave her a sly look) But Ng Hung does.
Zi Xia: (obviously annoyed. feeling betrayed and embarrassed) You've been talking behind my back, I see. But I'm not like you.. Xing Xing is my sister and I ...
Zhaojian: Talk whatever you want but it won't change a thing.
Zi Xia: (stood up in a huff) Oh, well. Go on and sulk. What do I care?
Zhaojian: Wait, you wanted to see me for what.. Just to interrogate me in this scandalous fashion.
Zi Xia: (indignantly replied) Ng Hung wanted to see you now in his room for travelling matters and plans and stuff...
Zhaojian: Tell him I'll be there in a short while.

Zi Xia leapt down with a single bound. Zhaojian stared hard after her. Zi Xia maybe rash and impulsive. Downright immature. Totally unlike her sister. But he admired her free-spirited ways and far-sighted intelligence. Her sister on the other hand lack these qualities but posses the much revered qualities of a lady like gentle disposition and sweet character. Both of them were very beautiful yet he cannot ditch his love for one of them and marry the other. He still could hear Zhao Wen's voice saying that he like to marry both of his daughters of. Zi Xia to Zhaojian while Xing Xing will marry Cheng En. This was his real reason for leaving.

In the ancestral hall. Zhao Wen were having a discussion with his future son-in-law, Cheng En. Cheng En was troubled by the proposal. This will certainly complicate matters. But he was greatly relieved that Zhao Wen haven't discovered his true identity yet.
Lord Zhao: Why are you hesitating, young lad? I know you must be shocked to hear my proposal. You are after all an outsider and whoever marries Xing Xing will be the future family lord. The title have been passed for generations through male bloodlines and the most obvious choice is Zhaojian.
Cheng En: Then, why didn't you choose him? Or Ng Hung?
Lord Zhao: (thoughtfully) I've decided to promote Ng Hung to be my advisor and in the future, yours. His skills and intelligence will help you achieve great heights. Zhaojian...? He although the male heir to the Zhao family but he still young and lack leadership qualities. But, you, on the other hand, was born with it. And I could see that the two of you were... mmm... in love, I may add.
Cheng En: (bewildered. dropped to his knees and kowtowed ) Forgive me, my lord. I never meant to disgrace you but..
Lord Zhao: But love happens. That's why I chose you. I could see that you'll make a wonderful husband for Xing Xing. I wanted to make her happy. But before I could proclaim you and this marriage of yours in public, I wished you take this (gave him a set of books) This is the Zhao family kungfu manual and I like you to learn it well. Go to the top of Emerald Mountain to learn it and after you finish, we will declare your engagement with Xing Xing.
Cheng En: My lord, you have been very gracious.
Lord Zhao: But don't tell Ng Hung, Xing Xing or Zi Xia. Besides Zhaojian, you and me, no one should know of these plans. I tell everyone that I sent you to Emerald Mountain to bring back some herbs and won't be back for long. This is to be top secret and you can forget all those midnight soirees for once.
Cheng En: (stunned) My lord!!
Lord Zhao: Young Cheng En, I know everything that's going on around my Manor. You cannot escape my eyes. But I trust that you'll make a wise choice. Tell me do you love these people you left behind?
Cheng En : (pondered for a minute) I'm loyal to them as they were like my own blood brothers.
Lord Zhao: You cannot be loyal to the one you don't love yet you cannot betray the one you love. Do you understand, Cheng En?
Cheng En: (head hanging low. he thought of his brothers and wished that they would in time forgive him for this)Yes, my lord.

Cheng En, Ng Hung and Zhaojian left the Manor on the same day. The manor seemed very quite without them except for the spirited cries of young trainees on the courtyard and the marching troops of soldiers outside the Manor walls. Xing Xing hid her loneliness by pouring out her anguished feeling through songs on her qin. She always urged Zi Xia to play her flute along with her but Zi Xia, although can play very well, doesn't like to do so. She preferred practicing her swordplay at the garden much to Xing Xing's disgust. Xing Xing openly remarked that kung fu was a bloody sport for man and doesn't suit the pretty Zi Xia one bit. But the tomboyish Zi Xia paid no heed. During the day, she would accompany her father to train the young disciples. At night, the two girls will engage on their usual heart-to heart talk like any young girl their age. After a while, the boredom got to her and she began to dream of wild adventure in the great big world outside those walls. Xing Xing tried to persuade her out of it but our Zi Xia was determined to see the world.

Zi Xia: Maybe I'll try to catch up with Ng Hung and Zhaojian.
Xing Xing: (very worried) But Ng Hung told you not to leave the Manor in any situation. It is dangerous outside. And for a young lady like you travelling alone. There's robbers, thieves and marauders. Conmen who would be delighted to have you as their victims.
Zi Xia: I'm going and that's final. Anyway, I'm not going out as a young lady. I'll be the boy, Shi Wei again.
Xing Xing: (threw her hands in desperation.) But I'll be alone...
Zi Xia: No, you won't. Father will be here.
Xing Xing: It won't be the same. Cheng En's gone and now you...
Zi Xia: Let's take an oath. We will hold onto this oath for as long we both shall live so you and don't have to worry about each other.
Xing Xing: Okay...
Zi Xia: First, you have to cut a lock of your hair and mine.
Xing Xing: Here's the scissors. (Zi Xia carefully snapped a bit of her hair and did the same with Xing Xing's)
Zi Xia: Now, we put it inside our lockets. Then, follow me after I recite the oath. I, Zhao Zi Xia, promised to love my sister for as long as time shall be. Our heart, mind and soul will be joined forever from this moment on. If death shall tore us apart, I'll avenge her cause for love and honor. We will hold onto this oath for as long as we may live.
Xing Xing: I, Zhao Xing Xing, promised to love my sister for as long as time shall be. Our heart, mind and soul will be joined forever from this moment on. If death shall tore us apart, I'll.... Wait, I don't know any kung fu and I don't want to kill anyone... how will I avenge you...
Zi Xia: (thought for a while) Mmm... you can always have father to kill him for you. And there's Cheng En (grinning teasingly)... Or you could trick him into falling in love with you and then ripped his heart into shreds.. That was worst than a thousand deaths.
Xing Xing: (giggled...) I don't know if I'll ever take you seriously, Zi Xia. Oh well here goes. I, Zhao Xing Xing, promised to love my sister for as long as time shall be. Our heart, mind and soul will be joined forever from this moment on. If death shall tore us apart, I'll avenge her cause for love and honor. We will hold onto this oath for as long as we may live.

Both girls locked in embrace and wept for the coming separation. Zi Xia silently thought,' My beloved sister, I will sacrifice everything for your happiness. Even if I have to suffer at the end...'



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