Chapter 7

The Morning After

As his daughters took the oath of eternal love, their father was in the dungeon with the traitor called Scholar Bei.

Lord Zhao: How dare you worked for Zhao Bao... helping him with his devious plans... and helped him try to kill my daughter?! I should not allow you live for these reasons alone.
Scholar Bei: I didn't mean to, my lord. I'll be loyal to you until the end of time if you let me live.
Lord Zhao: No! You're a two tongued lizard who doesn't even deserve to live. But I have plans for you. When the time comes, you could prove to be useful to me...

Scholar Bei scrambled to his feet begging forgiveness. But Lord Zhao was a strict men with strong principles. Though compassionate, he detested leeches such as Scholar Bei who have no sense of honour and live upon the misfotune of others. Scholar Bei was family and that was why Zhao wen put up with him until now when his betrayal exceeds everything.

In the Golden dragon Palace, Hu Fei could not sleep. Ting Ting tried very hard to please him but managed only to worsen it.

Ting Ting: My lord, I'll be glad to sacrifice my love, my soul... my heart in order for you to be happy.
Hu fei: I don't need your love, soul or heart. I've already have you anyway.
Ting Ting: Yes... (sadly. Sat beside his foot looking up to him. her eyes shining with unrequited love which all could easily sees except Hu Fei himself. Heartless Hu Fei who doesn't return the same feelings.) My lord, what will make you happy?
Hu fei: I've never been happy so I don't even know what makes me happy.
Ting Ting; Then, let me try.
Hu fei: No one can... not even you. But maybe she can...
Ting Ting: (puzzled) who?
Hu Fei: My father... Wulung... He once told me about my mother. My real mother. My mother was Wulung's childhood sweetheart but married another. She was beautiful and spirited. Impulsive, headstrong. She was never weak even when she have to marry the man she did not love. But her husband... my real father beated her and forced her into submission. She became a frail, cowardly woman who killed herself when I was only five. Wulung came searching for her but found me instead. My father sold me to Wulung and he dopted me. Raised me as his own child... He never stopped loving her but his love make him cold and heartless. The man you see now. He could not bear loving me as i was her remaining memories... So, I was alone always alone... waiting for my mother who wasn't there.
Ting Ting: Mistress Yu?
Hu Fei: Hah... she's a cold woman... always have her own interest but she tried to love me.. i respected her for that. But I would not repeat the same mistake wulung did. I won't allow myself to love or loved. For all that is to know, love is the mother of all weaknesses. Ting Ting, by now, you should already know...
Ting Ting: What?
Hu Fei: I'm never weak.

The nest morning and the Iron phoenix Manor.
Loo Ling, Zi Xia's personal servant as always woke up real early to feth her mistress's bath. She was quite fond of Mistress Zi xia who to her opinion have a great rapport with the servants and never put on airs even though she's a Zhao heiress. But she thought Zi Xia was quite weird.

Loo Ling: Mistress, wake up (knocked on the door slowly... then real hard when Zi Xia did not answer) Mistress are you ill... ?

That's odd. Zi xia always wake up real early for her morning training sessions. Loo Ling grew anxious and called for the guards. The guards smashed the door down and they were all sjocked to find Zi Xia missing from her bed. ' She's gone!!' cried the hysterical Loo Ling. From the other Xing Xing's chamber, there was screaming and shouting. ' Mistress Xing Xing has vanished. Sound the alarm. The LorD!!! The lord must know!!!!!' shouted the servants.

Zhao wen woke up in a rage over the incident. He commanded all of his men to search every corners of the manor. ' They must be found. If they were hurt, you won't live for long!' he roared. His eyes shining with anger. Where could his precious daughters be? Did the Dragon clan kidnapped them?

Lord Zhao: Fetch my horse. I'll find them and if the Lung family is responsible, I'll ride the whole way to the Golden Dragon Palace.

The whole regime of Lord Zhao's best personal guards came like the wind before the storm but they all came to sudden halt at the gates where Xing Xing... Her blood shot eyes and tearstained cheeks was evident... standing clutching her locket as if never letting it go...

Lord Zhao: Xing Xing, where's Zi xia? Where is she?
Xing Xing: Father... forgive me 9dropped to her knees)
Lord Zhao: (widen his eyes) what happen?
Xing Xing: She has left... zi Xia has left the manor.

Lord Zhao was speechless. Xing Xing raced to his arms sobbing. For the first time, the Great Zhao Wen shed a tear for his precious dauther, Zi xia.

Zi Xia: She left you a letter.

Zhao Wen slowly opened the letter and read it word by word.

Dear Father...

I did not mean to disobey but this is my true calluing. I need to go see the world and find out what's in store for me. You always followed your heart and now I'm following mine. I will return safely I promise you that. I Love You and that's all matters. No mountains or rivers will separate us for I'll come running home whenever you needed me.

Always your daugher,

Zi Xia

Zhao Wen slipped the letter into his shirt pocket close to his heart. ' Zi Xia, I need you now.'



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