Chapter 8

The Evil Fairy Sisters

Xiao Dong, Ng Hung and Zhaojian chose to follow the route through the Haunted Cedar Woods pass the Cangon of No Return before crossing the Maiden Valley which was just a stone throw from Tianshan city. They deliberately chose the most dangerous cum shorter path in order not to alarm the Lung Family (but it's too late already... they know...).

But they faced an unknown adversary in the form of the guardian fairies that guard the domain. There were two of them, Mei Hua and Qing Hua. Both of them were very beautiful and likes to sing morose songs that would distract travellers into forgetting their destination and joining them in the Netherworld. Humans who fell into their clutches will at first thought that they have found paradise when in fact they are in eternal hell. No one knows what actually happen to them but old folks tale has it that the fairies were actually demonic apparition and would ate the poor humans for dinner. (haha..- the Writer)

These fairies were very fascinated by our three warriors esp Ng Hung and Zhaojian (figures...). So, they plot for their downfall.

Mei Hua: Alas... both of them seem to have a girl in their minds...
Qing Hua: Lucky for us... it's the same girl (giggles)
Mei Hua: (wickedly) Their ultimate weakness...
Qing Hua: Sister, let us do our stuff.

With a flick of their fingers they changed into perfect carbon copies of ... Xing Xing. So, Ng Hung was also smitten by Xing Xing. Guessed, the pretty Zi Xia was too much for him to handle. At that moment, the guys were stopping as the sky has darken. They pitched up a campfire before retiring for the night. But Ng Hung felt very uneasy. He have heard stories about the Woods... but he refused to believe it. Zhaojian dismissed it as stories crafted to scare children in the night while Xiao Dong (as usual) just grunt and mind his own business.

Just as the full moon emerged from behind the dark clouds, there was a steady wind and soft strain of echoes. Echoes of a familiar female voice. Zhaojian was the first to recognize it. ' It's Xing Xing?! She's singing but why here...' he confusedly tried to reason. Ng Hung sensed danger. Although he too have feelings for the fair Xing Xing, he knows that it was a mere admiration of beauty on the other hand Zhaojian cared for her deeply and fell for the trap hook, line and sinker. Zhaojian began to chase after the echoes and crying for her name. Ng Hung ran after him fearing for Zhaojian's safety and curiosity. Suddenly, Xing Xing materializes in front the two of them. Zhaojian rushed towards her but held back by Ng Hung who valiantly tried to fight the voice that began to penetrate the sanity of his mind. " She's not Xing Xing. Zhaojian wake up!!!' Ng Hung yelled but the whirlwind of echoes managed to deafen Zhaojian from everything except Xing Xing's tantalising voice.

Xing Xing: Come to me, Zhaojian... Come to my world..
Zhaojian: Yes, my love... I'm coming...
NG Hung: Noooo!!!!!

At that time, Mei Hua and Qing Hua (who united their bodies in the form of Xing Xing) split into two Xing Xing. The first Xing Xing grabbed Zhaojian away from Ng HUng grasp while the other one tried to seduce Ng Hung into letting go or better, join Zhaojian too...
Xiao Dong who has realized that they all in danger attacked the fairy sisters. The second Xing Xing (qing Hua) transformed into Yuanqi much to Xiao Dong's shock and began to fight him. Unable to raise a finger against the woman he love and too bewildred to find her alive again, Xiao Dong froze letting Qing Hua to strike him straight towards his chest and stomach causing him to toppled backwards writhing in pain. Ng Hung, finally seeing that the two women were the fairies he heard so much about doubled his efforts. Qing Hua began to redirect her attack back to Ng Hung but Ng Hung using the Striding Cloud Palm managed to force her back. But the fairies were immortal spirits and no kungfu has the power to defeat them. The only way was throgh sheer determnination and strong will to successfully resist them. The one who must do that is Zhaojian.
Mei Hua, noticing that her sister have been attacked, ordered Zhaojian to fight Ng Hung.

Mei Hua/Xing Xing: Zhaojian my love... Ng Hung is no friend of yours. He's trying to take me from you. Fight him and I'll be yours forever.
Zhaojian (turning towards Ng HUng, in rage): Leave him to me.

Ng Hung: I won't fight you!
Zhaojian: But I will.

Brandishing the Zhao family sword, Zhaojian tried to strike Ng Hung with a force equalled to none. Taken by surprise, Ng Hung deflect the attack jumping towards the side. He tried not to fight back yet Zhaojian was very determined. Ng Hung thought hard on how to bring Zhaojian back to his senses. But, the attacks came non stop so there's no time to think. Ng Hung decided to do the first thing that came to his mind. Reaching for one of the Golden Needles, he projected it right towards Mei Hua's eye. Crying in pain, Mei Hua retreated causing her and Qing Hua back to their original form. The magic spell was broken. Zhaojian finally sees that the woman he thought Xing Xing was just a wood fairy intent on making him her midnight snack. But the sisters was not easily admit defeat, they tried to grabbed for Zhaojian but Zhaojian flatly refused both of them. Seeing that they have failed completely, Mei HUa nad Qing Hua decided to vanish into the netherworld.

Mei Hua and Qing Hua (together): We will be back for revenge!!!
Ng Hung: And we'll be waiting...

After they disappear, it was peaceful once again.

Xiao Dong: Do you think they will return?
NG Hung: I think not any soon but they'll return...
Zhaojian: But this time we'll be prepared. Ng Hung, forgive me for attacking you.
Ng Hung: (shook his head) forget it wasn't your fault.
Xiao Dong: I'm sorry too. I was so busy sulking that I have failed to protect you both. Yuanqi's dead and nothing could change that. Brothers, you and I. We will stand together once again and this time, nothing could break this bond from us.

They all looked at each other thoughtfully fully understanding each other. More adventures much dangerous from tonight's events await them.

Back at the Golden Dragon Palace, Hu Fei was making preparation to intercept the trio in Tianshan. The Wudang Brothers set out one by one poised to be the one bring the revered sword back. All of them was so eager to go except Hu Fei who finds the crusade as trivial and wasting time. But he rather go if it means getting away from Mistress Yu's constant bugging and Ting Ting's mushy musings. ' I rather go to hell than stay listening to their rantings.'
Bu Ting Ting tried to persuade him otherwise.

Ting Ting: According to your plan you will take a different route away from others. You'll be alone...
HU Fei: A good prospect, ayy...
Ting Ting: Let me come with you...
HU Fei: You're a burden, Ting Ting. A perpetual thorn in the flesh. Stay back if you want to stay near me.

With that declaration, Ting Ting timidly obeyed.

Miles away, struggling to catch up was Zi Xia. Cold, hungry and all alone. She was cursing herself for embarking on this journey. For days she walked with no clear direction. She missed the comforts of the Manor but vowed never to go back without the Invincible Sword.

Zi Xia: O Heaven and Earth, help me.... Do anything... send storm and droughs and desert wind but please send someone to help me... I hate being alone... Lord, please don't let me be alone...



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