Vicki's and Alec's Story

by Cute Angel

Chapter 1

Ring Ring ran Vicki's cell phone.

Vicki was on the location on a moive set,having makeup put on her when the phone rang.

She picked it up and it was her favorite person in the world,Auntie Qiong Yao.

"Hello hunny,"Qiong Yao greeted Vicki.

"Hi Auntie,I missed you.How are you doing?"Vicki replied happily.

"Oh I doing alright,but hunny sorry I'm quite busy so I'll just make this fairly fast.

Lets see,I've written a new scrip and I'll planning on a movie shoot in the next 3 months so I was wondering if you could act in another 1 of my movies?

I understand that you're currently in a movie right now but if we start 3 months from now,will that be alright?

"Uh let see...who else will be starring in this movie?"Vicki asked.

",well I'm not really sure yet,I was planning on maybe Ruby in ti too because you 2 are just the best."

Qiong Yao was lying to Vicki because she had already cast Alec but she didn't dare to say that to Vicki or else Vicki wouldn't do the movie for her.

It wasn't that Qiong Yao cared about her movie,she was just so heart broken to see her favorite couple not be together anymore.

She knew she had to do something so this was her plan

"Well,I'll love to do it then Auntie."

"Alright,that's fantastic,I'll call you later about the detail and then you can stop by in thw next month with your agent and we'll sign the papers."

Alec is at a promotion shoot for his recent commercial.

His cell phone goes off so he pick it up.


"Hi Alec,it's Auntie Qiong Yao,how's my Alec doing?"

"I'm fine Auntie."

"Listen Alec,everything's fine on the upcoming movie,everyone cast so all I need is for you to drop by sometime and sign the papers."

"Ok Auntie,I'll be coming by in the next week and I'll give you a call then.

"Alright,I'll see you then."

In the meantime,Alec and Vicki don't know that they'll be acting in a movie together as lover again.

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