Vicki's and Alec's Story

by Cute Angel

Chapter 4

"Look Vicki,I didn't do this because of what's happened between you too,this is stricly business."

I thought Alec would be perfect for his part and the same goes for you.

So I'm sorry sweetie whatever's happened but right now we here to film a movie ok.

I'm sorry.

Qiong Yao stated and walked back to where the set was almost finished.

"Action,"the director yelled.

"Um,Amy I really had a great time tonight,"Alec acted.

"Yeah me too,well I'll see you tomorrow at work,"Vicki acted.

"Um Vicki..."Alec hesitated and then pulled Vicki towards him.

Just then when they were supposed to kiss Alec pulled away and stopped.

"Cut,"screamed the director.

This happended for the next 2 hours,whenever the kissing scene came up,one of them would pause and not kiss.

Finally the director said that'd pick up the scene early that morning since it was already 1:30am and filming would start back at 9:00am sharp.

When the shuttle bus dropped off the crew at the Peninsula Hotel,Alec and Vicki were the last to get off.

Alec grabbed his bag and headed straight for the entrance of the hotel.

Since it was so late,there weren't any fans fighting to see them.

Vicki followed right behind Alec into the hotel.

I have to talk to Alec and somehow get a peaceful relationship or else we'll be filming tonight's scene for the next 6 months and this isn't the kissing scene we have left."Alec,"hollered Vicki.


"Uh,can I talk to you?"

"What do we have to talk about,"he stated in a attitude tone.

"Look,Alec I know this isn't easy for you seeing me after what has happened,it isn't easy for me too but we need to talk things over."

We're going to be on this set for 6 months together.

"No you listen,there isn't anything to talk about there is no us being together,you got that?"

Remember there was us being together,together forever but you threw it away.

Alec said in an angered tone.

He stormed over to wait for the elevator.

Vicki ran after Alec,"Alec I know,I'm sorry I don't even know how many times I can say it but please hear me out."

I need to talk things over so the atmosphere on the set will be easier for everyone the next 6 months.

"Alec we're talking half a year here."

I'm not asking you to forgive me,I couldn't imagine you ever forgiving me,I can't even forgive myself for what I done.

Just then the elevator doors opened up and the two of them stepped onto it.

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