Vicki's and Alec's Story

by Cute Angel

Chapter 5

"Fine,since your room is next to mine so come over in half and hour and we'll talk."

"Thank you Alec."


Knock Knock,came two soft pounds on Alec's door.

The minute he heard it,he knew it was Vicki.

He remember the code knock him and Vicki use to have when everyone on the movie set were sleeping and they would sneak into each other's room just to see each other.

Alec walked over to the door and unlocked it and there stood Vicki.

God,she still as gorgeous as before.

Alec snap out of it,you're with Kelly now and after what Vicki had done to you,you should even talk to her.

"Uh hi Vicki,come in."


"So what do you want to talk about because I'm tired and just want to get this over with."

Alec said in a grumpy tone.

"Listen Alec,I just want to talk about an agreement here with us."

I hope we can work something where we'll be fine with each other on a movie set and during filming.

I'm just trying to make this easier for everyone.

"Is that all,because I'm tired?"

"Alec,why aren't you even trying to work this out."

This isn't going to work if you don't help out especially during the kissing scenes.

"I can't even kiss you because I know you don't want anything to do with me or even touch me."

"Well it's sorta hard touching someone and being passionate with someone after what they've done to you."

Vicki,think about what you did,everything for the damn wedding was all already,EVERYTHING.

Both of our families were happy and I had to be the happiest person for god sakes I was marrying Vicki Zhao,the girl I waited for 3 years to be with her.

Every minute I thought about you.

Vicki,I loved you to death and when you told me that you couldn't marry me a week before the ceremony,I thought I going to die.

That wasn't the worst Vicki,the reason why you couldn't get married was because you were with Nicky,my best friend.

"Gosh Vicki."

Vicki started to sob very hard and screamed,"I'm sorry Alec,I'm so sorry."

I hate myself so much for what I did to you.

I love you so much even to this day.

I felt so guilty after what I did that I had to dump Nicky and I haven't been with anyone ever since.

I don't know why I did it.

Alec,I was still young being committed for so long scared me,it wasn't because I didn't love you.

I love you and I'm so sorry.

Vicki tried to pull Alec closer because he wasn't in the mood to listen to her.

"Get out,get away from me."

I can't look at you right now.

I promise you that I'll film this stupid movie with you without causing any problems ok.

Now bye.


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