Wang Yan aka Qing Er

Wang Yan as most of you know played Qing Er (Qing Ge Ge) in Huan Zhu Ge Ge II. Qing Er is not the emperor's daughter. She is the emperor's brother's daughter. Both of her parents died when she was little and the emperor's mother took Qing Er in and raised her. Qing Er likes Er Kang but when she saw that Er Kang is deeply in love with Zi Wei, she gave up her pursuit. Qing Er is a really great character; she is nice, smart, and pretty. She also has a very good personality. At first Zi Wei felt very threatened by Qing Er because of her good qualities. Zi Wei started comparing herself to Qing Er and when Zi Wei found out that Er Kang knew Qing Er, she felt even more threatened. Qing Er assured Zi Wei that she was not trying to break up Er Kang and her.



Name: Wang Yan

English Name: Rebecca

Birthday: February 11, 1974

Birthplace: Qing Dao

Current residence: Beijing

Talents: dancing

Personality: friendly, easygoing

Who she goes to for advice: her husband

The kind of person she hopes to be: someone who is respected by others.

Most unforgettable person: her grandfather

The kind of people she can't stand: unfair, unreasonable people

Proudest thing: the lighting director told her that she looks beautiful in every light

Happiest thing: traveling to foreign countries

Favorite holiday: Valentines Day

Favorite colors: white, gray, blue

Favorite city: Paris

Favorite sport: swimming

Favorite season(s): autumn in Beijing

Least favorite season(s): winter and summer


Now that you have learned about Wang Yan's life from every possible angle. Here are some pics of her as Qing Er. Click on the thumbnail to see full version!

I know there aren't many pics of Qing Er, but this is the best I can do. If any of you have a good site on Wang Yan or Qing Er please email me and let me know.

*Note* Qing Er is not included in my character's page because like I said before, my page is based only on Huan Zhu Ge Ge I. As most of you probably have notice I don't talk about Huan Zhu Ge Ge II much, not because I don't like the show but because it would be too over whelming for me to talk about both.

*Also Note* This page is a special request page. Which mean a person actually emailed me and requested that I might make a page on Qing Er. Like I said before if you have any requests fell free to email me (my email address is on every corner of my page!)

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