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by Emma Kate

It was a chill autumn evening. Dark streets were brought to life by the
footsteps and chatter of the people passing through them. The streetlights
glowed softly and, high above, the black sky was punctured by crystal stars
that kept the shadows in place. In the shadows, he waited. The curls of
smoke from his cigarette dissolved into the darkness.

This was the fifth night of his vigil. Perhaps it would be the last. This
had become a ritual for him, a need he couldn't control. Standing in the
shop doorway, he watched the sea of faces move past, laughing and arguing.
They held no interest for him. Then he saw her. She came out of the office
block across the road, dodged between the slow moving cars and began to walk
towards where he stood.

Hardly moving, he watched her from the corner of his eye. Closer and
closer. He caught his breath; she was so near to him now. He could just
reach out and.... She moved past him, weaving through the crowd. Dropping
his cigarette, he followed her. Walking out form the darkness, reflections
of the streetlights glinting in his eyes, outlined in black against his pale
skin. Eyes that held a coldness within.

With a calm step, he trailed her to the end of that street, round a corner,
past the empty shops with their shadowy doorways and the badly lit back
streets. Further from the town centre, out towards the park, the school and
playing fields. She walked without fear, never once looking back. And he
followed. Crossing over the road, around another corner. Until, finally,
they were alone.

She walked down the lane, her heels keeping time. He knew this would be his
only chance, the only part of her journey away from the busy streets and the
other people. He speeded up slightly, made a little more noise. She heard
him and started walking a little faster. There was a soft smile on his
lips. Surely she knew what would come next. He could sense her fear. And
courage, too, as she suddenly stopped and turned to confront him.

In a second he had her in his arms, dragged her off the lane and into the
field beyond. She fought him every step of the way, clawing at him and
trying to cry out. He clamped his hand over her mouth and refused to let
her go. Near the foot of an oak tree, he pushed her to the ground and held
her still. How beautiful she looked, lying there beneath the starlight,
helpless. She struggled again as he leaned down; his face was inches from
hers. Without a word, he loosened his grip on her. She lay there trembling
but she didn't move. Her eyes met his. Blue ice stared into her soul, but
she held his gaze. The movement was so sudden. He felt her gasp as he bit
deep into her neck, as he tasted her blood, as he drew her to him with the
only kind of love he knew. And lying there in his arms, she did not resist.