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by Emma Kate

Blind (Continuing the story...)

Half eleven. Waiting by the bus stop. Lisa sighed, checked her watch. The streetlight flickered overhead. The moon slipped behind clouds which had already smothered the stars. She tapped her foot impatiently, glanced down the street, squinting into the darkness.
It began to rain a little. She shivered, suddenly nervous. She turned round; there was a man sitting on the wall behind her. Her heart skipped, but she hid her fear and turned back again. Then a dark voice behind her, "You got a light, love?" Lisa felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "Sorry, no."
"Good night out, love? Been anywhere nice?" She didn't reply. "Come on, love, I don't bite..." She could hear him moving away from the wall, starting to come towards her. She looked desperately for the bus. Where was it? God, it had to be late now of all times...
But then, in the distance, she could see a couple walking arm in arm along the path towards her. Their steps were slow and unhurried, but they were close enough to make the man stop in his tracks. She sighed deeply. Surely she was safe with other people nearby.
As they drew nearer she heard the man mutter something beneath his breath, and quickly turn away. His footsteps seemed to echo in her head. Lisa looked again towards the couple.
They made an unusual pair. She was tall, dark hair with red highlights tumbled round her face, and she was dressed in a long red dress and black coat. He was shorter, his hair twists of blonde and brown. He wore a shiny blue jacket and black jeans. They were both gazing after the man as he hurried away.
Without a word they stopped beside Lisa. She could see the man was wearing soft pink lipstick; there were traces on the cigarette he held. His eyes caught Lisa's; he gave her a friendly smile and took a drag on his cigarette.
The young woman looked at her, concerned. "Was that guy trying...?" she began, then paused. Lisa forced a smile. "Oh, it was nothing really." "You look really pale," the woman said quietly. "Do you want to sit down?" "No, I'm fine, I just..." Lisa paused, caught her breath. She could feel her heart racing.
"You sure you're all right?" The man asked, looking at her with ice blue eyes. She nodded, still shaking a little. "Yeah, that guy, he was creeping me out a bit," she admitted slowly. "I'm so glad you came along when you did."
"No problem," the tall woman smiled. She straightened her long, black leather coat. "Which bus were you waiting for?" "Number 57." "You won't have heard then," the man said, exhaling cigarette smoke. "There was a crash a couple of miles back. The buses had to be diverted. It's probably gonna be late."
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Oh, god! Why does this always happen to me?" The man dropped his cigarette on the floor, crushed it beneath the toe of his shiny boot. He glanced at his girlfriend. Then she looked at Lisa. "Where are you going?"
"Down to Mettes Avenue." Lisa said, fastening the buttons on her coat. The fine rain was bringing with it a chill breeze. "Oh, well, we're going to Park Way, I s'pose we can give you a lift if you like. My car's just round the corner," the man pointed, his nails catching the light. They were painted silver.
"Would you? Thanks ever so much." Lisa smiled with relief. The three of them turned and began to walk from the bus stop. "Oh, my name's Lisa by the way." They smiled at her. "April." "Eddie."

The rain fell harder. Their footsteps echoed in the dark street. They turned the corner.

Silence. Emma-Kate