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by Emma Kate

There was music swirling through the air, low lights flickering across the masked dancers as they moved around the room.

The atmosphere hung heavy with the scent of candle smoke and the gentle noise of laughter. I leaned back in my chair, feeling so out of place. My friend Sarah - I recognised the outrageous dress - spun past in her boyfriend Dave's arms and gave me a wave. I made a mental note that this was the last time I was doing her a favour.

Sitting at one of the tables at the edge of the room, I drained my drink and watched the others. It hadn't seemed a bad idea, when Sarah had pleaded me to help her out. "Come on, it's only for one night, and you know my boss has been planning this for ages. Dave won't go if his brother hasn't got someone to go with too." And like an idiot, I agreed. That was it, the deal was done.

Then, an hour before we were due to leave, Dave's brother had called to say he was sick. So here I was now. Cinderella had made it to the ball, and there wasn't a prince in sight. I let my mind drift, watching the sea of beautiful dresses and suits swirl before my eyes. I don't know how long I was like that, but when I looked up, there was someone standing in front of me.

Talk about a vision. He was wearing a dark red suit and a black velvet choker cut across his pale throat. His face was half hidden by the red and black swirls of his mask. But his blue eyes glittered, even in the dim light. His lips were the colour of red wine and curled in an adorable smile. "I don't suppose..." he began, then said, "Would you like to dance?"

I made myself stop staring at him and managed to say, "Okay." He reached for my hand, held it tightly as he led me to the dance floor. He told me his name was Eddie as he slipped his arms around me. And as we moved between the others, we just started talking and I lost myself in the sound of his voice. The rest of the room seemed to disappear. And for the first time that night I forgot all about Sarah and Dave and everyone else.

How the hours had passed so quickly, I didn't know. Just when I thought I couldn't dance another step, he pulled me away from the crowd, out into the night. He stopped on the steps in front of the hall; I stood beside him in silence. The night breeze was cool against my skin. The white eye of the moon, and silver stars were watching over us, this little scene. Then the clock struck midnight. Noise and laughter echoed from the hall. And we both knew.

Time to remove the masks. I was more nervous then than I had been all night. I summoned my courage as I pulled off my sequinned mask, dropped it on the stone wall that ran alongside the steps. He reached out as I looked back at him, his perfectly painted nails brushing stray strands of hair from my forehead. His hand was shaking a little. I heard him take a deep breath then he slid his mask back, over his hair. His eyes were closed. And he looked so beautiful.

I had to take the chance. He caught his breath as I leaned forwards and kissed him. Then he wrapped his arms round me and held me close. Our first kiss of the night. But not the last...