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by JP

Down in mind and heart,
you know how us mere mortals be,
I watched as his mind worked,
opened, expanded,
created and shared.
I watched his movements crossed the boards.
I heard the laughter he invoked, awoke, within.

Within me he awoke a girl I had forgotten,
a girl I had all but lost.
A girl who had put her pretty paints away and left
just the blank canvas, her face.

He opens doors, but will never know,
in my heart and
more so, in my soul.
I watch in awe that he may not know
the power at his command.
Mere fan folly, no.
Mere fan adoration, no.
I know not the words. Can it even be put into words
what comes through time and space, as I sit and watch him,
as I sit and smile from my soul, as I sit and wonder
where those pretty paints of mine are.

No my sweet pretty, you will never really know and I
can never fully explain how you have touched my life,
how you have begun to make me once again think.
How you have opened the cobwebs in my mind.
How you have so elated me with that talent,
magic you hold within-- and have shared with a mere mortal, like me.