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by Emma Kate

Clouds shadowed the late evening sky. The sun on the horizon burned through them, guiding my way. I climbed to the top of the stone path and started down the sandy slope towards the sea, then stopped.

It was something of a surprise to see someone else sitting down there on the sand. I'd always thought I was the only one who knew about this place. The cove was off the beaten track, separated from the main beach by tall grey rocks. But there he was, plain as day. I wandered across the sand, almost following his footprints. He must have heard me; he lifted his head.

He looked tired, and surprised to see me. I paused. "I didn't mean to disturb you," and started to turn to leave. "It's okay, I don't mind," he said softly, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I walked over, dropped my shoes on the ground and sat down. He looked out at the waves, at the sunset reflected in the sea. I watched him from the corner of my eye. He was sitting with his knees bent, pushing the sand about with his toes. A loose cotton shirt covered his arms, and a long, dark, jersey skirt stretched to his ankles.

His painted toenails glinted silver against the sand. A pair of strappy sandals lay beside him. The sea breeze ruffled his spiky hair. He caught me looking and smiled. I blushed a little, glanced down at the sand. "I didn't think anyone else knew this was here," he said. I told him, "I used to come here when I was a kid. It's such a beautiful place." "Yeah," he nodded, then sighed. "I come here to get away from it all. I just couldn't face anything else today." "I can go if you want," I said, still feeling out of place. He shook his head. "No. It's nice to be able to share this with someone."

The fiery water reflected in his eyes. He stared at me just a little too long. I couldn't help smiling. We both looked away, back out at the sea. Neither of us spoke, but as the sun dissolved beneath the black waves, I felt his fingers close over mine.