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by JP

You have made me want to dream again,
to imagine, to change
What is it that you posses in your soul
that makes me take in my own little world,
my own little self, so differently?

Stranger, I am different because of you.

I only have tape, not even something truly real.
But your soul seems to cry out
through the power of technology,
and I stand hearing the thoughts,
and wonder how it is that I now want change.

I don't want to be one of hundreds,
who beg for your signature on paper,
I don't want to quote you back to yourself.
I don't want to be counted as just one of the many,
who have asked the same of you
over and over.
Can you understand?
I want change,
the change you impress upon me to do.
Change who I am,
who I had become,
the cynic, the loner, the unchallenged,
the locked inside hidden being...afraid to dream.

But I am new at this,
at this person who I buried deep inside somewhere.
I don't remember her well and she frightens me,
But you seem to have taken all steps,
seemed to have found your true self.
How did you find the nerve,
the openess, the wonderment to say,
this is I.

What is it that you posses in your soul?
How have you made me want to open my mind
to dreams I pushed aside?
I stand in awe of what you have inside,
of how you make it real,
of how you stepped up to truth,
of how you opened my locked up self.
I am possessed to my own truth.

Can you understand?
The wanting of the changes,
the steps to take,
you have made me see them.
Dreaming, thank you.