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Mr. Krabs

Hello and welcome to the home of my pet Crab's! I have a strange obsession with all things crabby, so I decided to make a site dedicated to mine. Here you can view some pictures of my crabs in their crab world, and a few links vaious crab pages as well where you can learn a bit about them. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the world of Mr. Krabs & friends!

Here's Mr. Krabs relaxing underwater, sometimes he likes to sit and blow bubbles, or do some construction on his burrow.

Here Mr. Krabs can be seen on top of his rock house where he does most of his waving. He dug all the gravel out from under it to make a house, although recently he's been hanging out in another burrow he made under some new rocks I gave him on the beach.

Here's one of him sitting on his 'beach'. Fiddler Crab's gills work both in and out of water, so they like to switch between the two.

Sitting in a little crevis in a his rock. You can see some plants near him in this picture, he doesn't think much of them I guess because sometimes I see him hacking away at them with him claws.

Waving his claw for all to see, especially by the fiery red-head, Pearl. (aka Mrs. Krabs)

Here's some pictures of the couple sitting side by side. Unfortunately, there are the only pictures I have with Mrs's Krabs in them. I never got a solo picture of her because she was a bit more afraid of the camera than he was.

Here's some great close up shots of Mr. Krab's just hanging out. He was quite a handsome crab don't you think?

Unfortunately, my Fiddler Crab's got sick and passed away not long after making my site. Taking down this page didn't seem right though, so I decided to leave their pictures up as a dedication. If you continue to scroll down though, you'll find pictures of our other crabs, the Hermit Crabs.

Here's a picture of my hermit, the largest one, Graham. Some of these are kinda blurry, but you try taking a good picture of a crab the size of a quarter! :)

This is my Mom's crab Cocoa, named for her color.

Last but not least here's Gary, my sister's. You might notice his shell is a bit different from the other two that's because he's an Equadorian, which is a little less common.

Cocoa and Gary scuttle along.

Two pictures of the three of them together.

Have some interesting information or a story about your Fiddler or Hermit Crabs? E-mail me and tell me all about it!