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The Picture Page

Welcome to my picture page. I guarantee that even if you don't know me or any of the other people on this page your still going to get a pretty damn good laugh out of what's on here. But first let me say do not use any of the pictures on this page without my permission first. I really don't want to see something of mine floating around on the internet as someone else's, got it? With that being said, enjoy! Oh and be sure to check back because this is always being updated! :)

The Fedora Pictures 09/08/02

Me Sinatra style


Sitting again

Finally, a blooper shot

Marilyn Pictures 10/31/01

This is my Halloween costume from a few years ago, it was one of my best costumes, even I have to admit that. It's just too bad I didn't go anywhere in it.

A full side view, my personal favorite. I look better from the side.

An up close profile shot.

A full view of me laughing. Boy am I sick of looking at myself now, how about you?

At AM Radio at the Bluebird Theatre, March 13 2003. (along with some of the guys from The Nixon Grin)

These pictures are like my only claim to fame at all, even if they do make me look like a major groupie. I go to a lot of shows with my friend Danah, and this time getting there early paid off. We ended up spending the whole night with the lead singer of Am Radio, and got to hang out on the groupie bus with the guys from The Nixon Grin. It was an awesome night, despite the fact that both bands got drunk and forgot who we were by the end of the night. Tehe

An awesome group shot of the AM boys playing.

A solo one of Kevin singing.

A solo of Bryce playing bass, I have that pick! Yay!

Me and Kevin before the show.
I think he looks a little tired of us hehe.

A shot of me and Bryce after the show.
I find Bryce very attractive, despite the fact that we look like brother and sister....

Danah and Bryce.
She hates this photo, but I put it up anyway.

The Nixon Grin groupie bus! For your information we didn't use this entrance....

Here's a picture I took on the bus.
As you can see there's a lot of writing all over, everyone is required to sign it (which we did, the dirtier the better, so they said). Skinny is on the left, and Rod, the lead singer is on the right.

A picture of Skinny on the bus (Drummer)

Skinny starts to get a little crazy.

"I don't know who the Hell that guy was!" says Skinny.

You never know what will show up after you get your picture's developed...
This is my personal favorite.

Last but not least, I get the 'skinny' on Skinny...
This is actually one of the milder times he had done this...God I hate how I look in this.

Pictures I took.

I love taking pictures, and I've recently started taking classes for it as well. The first shots are from vacations. The rest are from my classes, either for projects or just shots I liked. I love to take people, especially in outdoor settings, and I also love cemetaries. But there is a very wide variety including several dog shots and some experimental studio stuff as well. Most of the work is in black and white which is my favorite, but there is some color as well.

The Vacation Stuff

A picture of a house
This was taken in New Orleans, LA It was across the street from where we were staying, it was so awesome I had to take it. It's now been tinted as well (One of my pastimes).

Houmas House
This is a plantation outside New Orleans. I'm so happy I didn't get tourists in it.

A Garden Archway
This is an archway in the gardens of Houmas House.

The Mercer House
This is the Mercer house in Savannah, Georgia. It's a beautiful area.

A Hidden Garden
This is a garden I found hidden behind a gate in Savannah. There is all kinds of little hidden places like this there.

Beth on Stairs
Here's a picture of my sister Elisabeth on the staircase you can see in the background of the previous picture. It's lovely.

An Alley Way
Here's one of the underground walkways/alleys by the river walk in Savannah.

Various Shots

The Train Car
This was taken at the train museum in Golden CO. It's the inside of a train car. This just goes to show you that you never know what kind of shot you might find, so be prepared.

Black House
This was at the Littleton Historical museum, it' been a favorite among people I've shown it too. I'm happy with it, even though it's a little contrasty, it works perfectly here.

The Idaho Springs Cemetary Shots

Cemetary Gate
This one was submitted for my first project.

Bear with me on this one, it didn't scan in as sharp as it really is. But you still get the idea.

This one was submitted in class along with the gate one, I like it, but it's not one of my favorites. But it went over well with class.

The Portraits

Danah and Matt

Danah in Grass
This is a really good shot of my best friend Danah. I submitted it in class for portraits.

Danah in Color
This is a shot of Danah from a photo shoot we did while she was 8 months pregnant (With her now 5 month old beautiful baby boy!) :)

Matt in Color
Here's a solo picture of Danah's fiance Matt from the same photo shoot. All the pictures that follow are of them together from the same shoot. Some color, some b&w.

Danah & Matt Together

A great candid shot of the two of them.

On Swings
Another good candid. :)

This and the following shots are all in b&w.

Sitting on Stairs

Kissing The Baby



David on Mountain
This is a shot of a good friend of mine David, taken on my birthday 04'. I climbed a f**king mountain to get this picture. In converse no less. Ugh the things I do for that kid.

Tarzan David
OK, so this picture is a bit over the top, but David insisted I get some shots of him with his hair down, and there you have it, Tarzan. The hair is gone now, in case you were wondering.

David in Branches
Wasn't really sure what to call this one, it's supposed to be a blend of man and nature. It works.

Another shot similar to the one above, but this one is my favorite. I especially like that I captured the hair blowing.


This is "Tom the Polish Guy" as we call him, he moved here several years ago and currently teaches and works in an office at Metro. He graciously let me take these portraits of him, isn't he just perfectly european? ;)

James Bond
Here's the "James Bond" shot of Tom as my teacher called it. The Jacket that suits him so nicely is mine.

Just what I was looking for! Check out that profile! He was such a good sport, and gave me one of the best compliments ever after our shoot together. In his heavy Polish accent: "Zarah you made me feel special". :)

The Studio Stuff

Go to Hell Sunglasses
This is my first expierience in a studio setting, lots of fun. The subject is my photo lab buddy and helper Curt. He also did the set-up. I wear my sunglasses....

Glam Rock
Okay, so these next ones may seem a little strange to some people, but I love them. He let me spray him with water, put make-up on him AND wore leather pants. Bless his heart. lol The coloring was done later by hand, note the eyes.

Singing His Heart Out
One of my favorites, I especially like the purple hair.

Glam Scream
Ehem, this shot is f**king awesome, in my opinion, it couldn't have come out cooler. IT's precisely the last picture we took. I submitted the shots on glam shots here + 2 more for my final project.

Sabattier Prints

Some kid in my class said the guy looked like he was unzipping himself from a body bag. I have to admit it does look that way. Man sabattiers are freakin' cool, especially mine.

Playing with mesh
Both of the sabattier shots are from the studio shoot with my friend curt, I thought they would be perfect for the project and I was right. Take a close look at what the light did to his eye.

The Dog Shots

Elliot in Pictures
This is one of my Pugs Elliot who is a year old, he loves showing his teeth, and is turning into as much of a ham as his brother Quincy.

Here's a picture I took of our male bulldog forrest as a puppy, he was watching light beems.

I recently found thise picture of our Bulldog Joe, who passed away a year ago. These were some of the last shots taken. I printed it and toned it later with a brown sepia like toner.

That's all for now, but theres always more to come. I certainly hope you enjoyed them. Although, if your just dying to see more pictures of my crazy life right this minute, check out my sister's photo page. Or, if you live in the Denver, Colorado area and like what you see here, and are interested in learning more, please send me an e-mail.
Or you can either visit my Blog, or click on 'back' at the bottom to head to my main page.

Check me out!
