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A Pug's Life

A page for my special friend, Quincy.

I set out to make this page awhile ago, but just kept running into problems. But finally, it's completed with pictures, and info all about my favorite pug. I'll also be putting links and books all about this special breed up. So with out further ado, here it is, "A Pug's Life" a page for one of the most interesting, funny, difficult, and all around best dogs: Quincy, my pug.

A little bit about me

I'd wanted a pug for a long time, ever since I was little, and saw the pug puppy in the movie "Milo and Otis". So when my dad said he would try and get me one, you can imagine how excited I was! But even after looking at several breeder's puppys, I couldn't seem to find the right one, until a trip to the mall led me to a pet store where I saw in the very first window the cutest fawn pug puppy. I fell in love with him at first sight, I could definitely tell he was different from the others, I loved his golden color and his playfulness, I knew he was the right one for me, so we brought him home and made him our own. It took awile for me to name him but eventually I thought of Quincy and it just seemed too stick. Pugs are a very unusual breed, not just because you don't run into them often, but because of all their different personalities and quirks. Quincy most reminds me of a cat, because of how much he uses his feet to do things, like move a toy, open a door, or just to swat at things! When he was little he liked to walk along narrow objects, like the back of the couch or a window sill, but has since grown out of that because he's about 30 lbs and as people always say "The biggest pug I've ever seen". But he's also like an alien, because of his large eyes, and also because of his way of walking around completely soundless. Quincy's a very busy dog, always carrying around a toy, or just following people around to see what their up too. But one of his favorite things is to go places, like trips to Pet's Mart, or with us on vacation in an RV, so far he's been to California and Washington DC, and all the states in between. But mostly he's here at home, enjoying day to day life sleeping on beds, playing outside (and in), and doing the many different things a Pug does.

A few of my favorite things

Birthdate: December 6, 1998

Favorite people: me (Sarah) of course! and also his Grandma and Aunty Lintymints (LOL, long story!)

Quincy's many names: Quinee, Quinabunny, Quinabuns, Quinibean, Pugglet, Puggy-Wug, Puggles, and Stinky Jenkins (Don't ask).

Favorite toys: Stuffed ones, like his unidentifiable man/alien ones that have been dubbed "Pinky", "Dotty", and "Rainbow Baby", his Crazy Taxi that makes car sounds, G. O. Rilla, and more.

Favorite things to do: Go on car rides, wrestle (with brother Joe), eat (just about anything), and play fetch.

Favorite foods: His squishy treats, Potato chips, Ritz Bits, carrots, and candy (like M&M's, Sixlets, and yes, Candy Canes, peppermint is best)

Favorite movies: A Bug's Life, Milo and Otis, Men in Black (especially likes Frank the alien), Disney's Pocahontas, and Mulan (because of his heritage ;)

Pug he's most like: Percy, from Pocahontas.

A Gallery of Me

One of his first pictures, with his tiny ball.

After his first bath.

In my shirt, he loved that shirt... :)

This is when we starting experimenting with different poses and props.

Then, we went a little farther! Here he is as a magician, and a pilot.

Now here he is in San Diego CA, at the Coronado island beach with me.

Stealing a snack from the fridge.

Rolling around and giggling, and then another pose while sitting on the stairs.

Then posing in his own white sailor hat.

Maverick, Joe, and Quincy look out the door of the RV.

Friend's Of Quincy

Here's a few pictures of Quincy's playmates.

Brutus the "special" Pug. My friend Danah, Brutus's pet is positive Brutus is retarded. Quincy doesn't like Brutus much, but one day he'll learn to love him.

19 year old Spuds. Spuds doesn't like much of anyone, but she seemed to tolerate Quincy. I'm missing a solo picture of Cody, but if you click here you can see one of him with his owner.

As always, more to come!
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