Welcome to the Jack Bruce SuperShow 2000 website! Here, you will find information regarding the latest in our labors of desire, broadcasting Jack's music around the world. Included are plans for the netcast show, how to link up via RealPlayer audio playback software, and what our ideas are for a playlist of Jack's music. Primary organizer behind the SuperShow concept is Dave Black, General Manager of WSUM. His associates in presenting the show are two other JB fan(atics) from Madison, Wisconsin.
The show will be pre-recorded on March 14th, and netcast from WSUM in Madison, Wisconsin on March 16th from 10:00 to 12:00 CDT (17:00 to 19:00 GMT) and 18:00 to 20:00 CST (01:00 to 03:00 GMT on March 17).
If anyone has a light-hearted JB quip, meeting or antecdote that might be shared, kindly contact Dave Black before March 13th at Colts58@hotmail.com. Sorry, dear Brucers, there will be minimal playlist requests this time. We do believe that you will find that
the music chosen is diverse, somewhat unique, and very enjoyable to experience.
We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are to listen to some of Jack's musical efforts over the world-wide-web. Let's get it together, have some fun, and celebrate the genius of our favorite musician!!!!
This will be a labor of love and respect. We hope Jack will be listening and enjoying the music along with us - Some of which is hard to find and perhaps he has not heard it in a while. Please tune in and tell your friends!
Announcing the Jack Bruce SuperShow 2000 NetCast
Date - March 16, 2000
NetCast #1 Time - 10:00 to 12:00 CDT (17:00 to 19:00 GMT, Thursday)
NetCast #2 Time - 18:00 to 20:00 CDT (01:00 to 03:00 GMT, Friday)
Place - WSUM NetCast site, Madison, Wisconsin USA
How to connect to WSUM (via internet audio software)