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Why Did I Make This Webpage?

"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."

You may be wondering why I, someone who was born a little over three years after John Lennon's death, would be making a webpage totally devoted to him. Well, here's why. I, like many other people, first heard of John as one of the lead singers in the Beatles. Afterall, I grew up with my parents listening to the local oldies station, how could I help but to be a Beatles fan? ((I suppose the fact that my mom loved them growing up could have been a factor, also)) Everyone I suppose has a "favorite" Beatle. Mine happened to be John. And as I grew older, my, as you can say, infatuation, with the Beatles, John in particular, grew also. I read a little more into his life, and found out what a truly extraordinary person he was. His childhood and teen years weren't the greatest, with his family troubles and the trials and tribulations he went through. I found that I could relate to some of that, and the fact that he made it through, and became an internationally known icon, showed how strong he really was. I was also amazed how he always spoke his mind, never caring what others would think, not giving into society like so many of us have done. He stood up for what he believed in, and never changed his views on any particular issue. To me, he is an idol. A spiritual idol more than an I-Wanna-Be-Famous-Like-Him idol, if you know what I mean. If I could accomplish in my life, half of what he had done in his ((making an impact in the conquest for worldwide peace, helping so many people, and changing the lives of so many more)), I would consider myself blessed. Thank you, and goodnight.