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About Hayley Vaughn Santos

In 1991 Hayley first appeared on All My Children. She had run away from her alocoholic mother, Arlene, and moved in with her uncle, Trevor. (She used to have black hair and look like a punk rocker! Hard to imagine now, huh?)

Hayley has always dealt with alocoholism, since she was brought up by a mother who solved her problems by a drink. At the moment Hayley has it under control by the help of Mateo, family, friends, and AA meetings.

She was married twice before finding her true love, Mateo. She was wed to Will Cortlandt and Alec McIntyre.

She married Mateo in 1997 only to find out in 1998 that he was married before and had a child! Mateo thought that the marriage was annouled but actually he was still married to his first wife. So, Hayley and Mateo's marriage was not legal. This caused a huge strain on their relationship, so they separated. Hayley had even ended up dating Ryan and Mateo got so mad at one time that he had poured her a glass of Vodka!

They found their way back to each other and had a beautiful wedding in front of friends and family in 2000.

In 2001 Hayley was convinced that she had killed her mother, Arlene. She had saw her trying to seduce Mateo. So Hayley had strangled her to ''death'' and left her on the side of the boat, well, Adam came over and decided to throw the body overboard. Hayley was overcome with guilt and then started to assume her mother's personality. Turns out Arlene was alive and after making peace with Hayley, Arlene left town for good.

Hayley found out that she was pregnant on her show (WAVE). A phsychic told her she was pregnant. She went to the doctor's to see if it was true and it is! Hayley and Mateo can't wait, although Hayley has to take it very easy since she got in a car wreck driven by her drug induced brother, JR. The baby is not hurt, but she does have to be very careful not to put a lot of stress on her body.

The child finally arrived in September of 2001. Lorenzo Hector is a wonderful edition to the Santos family, but does Arlene have a plan to sabotage Mateo and Hayley's hapiness? Keep watching to see what it is that Arlene is up to this time.

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