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                                                 Reshmy Grace Rajan Moozhikkal,

All of us are born into this world and we die. Well, in this journey of ours, some reach the peak of fame and leave a trail behind them, while some die without a trace!

But have we ever wondered, what actually we are wanted to do, during this short journey? The answer lies in Mark. 16:15, which says, “Go into the world and proclaim the Good News to everyone.”

A true Christian is a herald of Jesus Christ. He lives for Christ, dies for Christ, and every action of his, reflects a shade of Christ in him. Many of us who read this might wonder says, “Hey, I’m no saint!” Its true. Not all of us can go to that extreme level of spirituality like Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul The 2nd, etc. It’s very rarely that we find such generous hearts in this huge and dangerous world.

But we, as children of God, have certain responsibilities of our own. Every small contribution from our side helps. As it is said, small drops make an ocean. Even if not on a wide footing, we too can preach the Gospel of God to our near and dear ones. Even a small prayer for our loved ones, is a contribution from our side. Every kind deed and action of ours, proves our love for Christ, and brings us closer to him, closer to our Mission.

Mother Teresa, in an interview, once quoted from the Book of Mathew 25: 35-36, which tells, “I was hungry & you gave me food…, I was a stranger & you welcomed me, I was naked & you gave me clothing, I was sick & you took care of me…” and said “Our work is based on these words of Jesus.” She was a perfect example of a strong, faithful and dedicated child of God, who never stumbled in her path, while carrying out the duty entrusted to her, by her father. Like her, we must also be strong enough to hold on to our faith, and complete the small missions entrusted to us. If we believe in the Lord Almighty, and hold on to his hands tightly, then we will easily be able to smile away all the obstacles, which comes in the path of our mission.

As I conclude my small message, I would like to share with you, a small incident that I once happened to read.

A little girl was taken by her father to see the Statue of Liberty. She was awed by the sight and size of it, and looked with wonder at the great arm holding up the torch. That night she was restless, and couldn’t sleep. Her mother went to her and asked, “What’s the matter, Josephine?” “I keep thinking of the lady with the lamp. Don’t you think somebody ought to help her hold it up?” Yes, we must all help to hold the Gospel’s Light up.