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                                      Gerald George


We must have hope in God because we never know what is our future. 

In several places in the Bible for example in 1 Cor.10: 14, Jesus is referred to as the ‘rock’. The apostle Paul goes on to tell us in Col.2: 7, that we are rooted and grounded in Him and become stronger in faith. If we get our roots wrapped around the rock of Jesus Christ we are in good shape. But if we get them wrapped around anyone else, we are in trouble. Don’t meditate on the disappointments that come into our life. Let God take care of it. Meditate on His promises.

  We have our hope completely in Him. Like Jesus you and I should love everyone. Not in man, not in bank accounts, not in health or wealth but in Jesus. If we don’t put our hope and faith in the rock of our salvation, we are inclined for disappointment, which leads to discouragement. 

Prov.25: 19 say, “Depending on an unreliable person in a crisis is like trying to chew with a loose tooth or walk with a crippled foot.” 

I am a boy of eleven years. As students we also face little problems. May be with our friends, may be we didn’t get all what we longed for. Nothing should disappoint us. As children we must learn to accept difficulties. Sometimes it seems as if everything is going wrong. 

I remember a story, which I read sometime ago. A girl was engaged to be married. Everything was ready. Then a short time after the engagement was announced everything changed because of the dishonest of the bridegroom. It was a real sad situation. She was hurt. The parents prayed with her. She said ‘well’ thank God I found out what kind of man he really was. She put her trust and faith in Jesus. Later on she got married to a wonderful man. 

Once when we get hold of Jesus, he begins to pump strength, energy and courage in us and some strange wonderful things happens in our life. Start the day by praying and reading the Bible. He will take care of us. 

Psalms 42:5 says, “Why am I is so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God”. 

Things may not work out according to our plan. Sooner or later we will come to know that it is for our good.